Đặt câu với từ "theory of relativity"

1. Einstein's theory of relativity is very Abstruse

2. Electromagnetic theory does not conform to Galilean relativity.

3. So this is general relativity, this is quantum theory.

4. April – Albert Einstein works on the special theory of relativity, as well as the theory of Brownian motion.

5. Albert Einstein was a physicist who developed the general theory of relativity

6. Nevertheless, he managed to write three outstanding papers, two on the theory of relativity and one on quantum theory.

7. In 1916 Einstein published his general theory of relativity. This theory linked gravitation, acceleration and the four dimensional space-time.

8. The consequences of the theory of relativity, for instance, are confirmed daily by modern acceleration experiments.

9. General relativity is a theory of gravitation developed by Einstein in the years 1907–1915.

10. Steinhardt's scenario makes use of string theory another attempt to reconcile General Relativity with quantum physics.

11. He also studied differential geometry, and wrote a book of lectures on Einstein's general relativity theory.

12. According to Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, space around gravitational fields deviates from Euclidean space.

13. Was relativity theory another big leap in the history of ideas no one else could even conceive?

14. Several physicists, including Einstein, searched for a theory that would reconcile Newton's law of gravity and special relativity.

15. Einstein described quantum entanglement as "spooky action at a distance." So, before Einstein's own Theory of General Relativity, might Newton's theory of gravitation have been described.

16. 15 One therefore has to find a new theory that combines general relativity with the uncertainty principle.

17. The reconciliation of variety and unity are addressed in reference to the space-time continuum and the unified field of relativity theory.

18. 10 The theory of general relativity predicts an infinite curvature, but whether such a physical singularity can really occur is not known.

19. 21 Einstein's general relativity is what is called a classical theory; that is, it does not incorporate the uncertainty principle.

20. In 1905 these transformations became the basic equations of Einstein's special theory of relativity which proposed the same results without reference to an aether.

21. These difficulties inspired Albert Einstein to formulate the theory of special relativity; in the process Einstein dispensed with the requirement of a stationary luminiferous aether.

22. Anaxagoras’philosophy, associating the theoretical elevation with the scientific pragmatism is an important precursor to modern scientific theories, including the theory of relativity and the

23. The problem was addressed in 1905 in Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity, which showed that distance (length), time, and mass are not absolutes.

24. In Einstein's theory of general relativity, the presence of matter curves space time, and as a result the path of a light ray is deflected.

25. This paper proves from the tangle of theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, that there does exist thermal radiation and nonthermal radiation in the black hole.

26. It was clearly superior to Newtonian gravity, being consistent with special relativity and accounting for several effects unexplained by the Newtonian theory.

27. In 1905, Einstein used these laws in motivating his theory of special relativity, requiring that the laws held true in all inertial reference frames.

28. Ruzuzu commented on the word Capillarity "Eötvös' law of Capillarity (weak equivalence principle) served as a basis for Einstein's theory of relativity

29. Brane, an object extended in one or more spatial dimensions, which arises in string theory and other proposed unified theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity

30. 20 This paper studies electromagnetic's basic law through the special theory of relativity. It has inferred Biot-Savart Law by Coulomb Law and Lorent z Transformation.

31. Other important theoretical developments included the inception of alternative theories to general relativity, in particular, scalar-tensor theories such as the Brans–Dicke theory; the parameterized post-Newtonian formalism in which deviations from general relativity can be quantified; and the framework of the equivalence principle.

32. The actual theoretical physics on the base of relativity theory studies space, time and body mass in movement in physical inertness systems, without accelerate movement.

33. The acceleration of particles at high energy slows down all physical processes, because, according to Einstein’s theory of relativity, time runs more slowly for fast-moving objects.

34. - Whether can relativity cause an Absoluteness

35. Einstein (1908) tried – as a preliminary in the framework of special relativity – also to include accelerated frames within the relativity principle.

36. This theory contains gauge fields coupled to fermionic matter and a number of scalar fields, in addition to general relativity extended by a series of high-order curvature corrections.

37. 12 Aimed at the relativity, multiple targets and multiple solutions, according to the theory of the divisibility in system, the analysis model of system level gray correlation is established.

38. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, energy equals mass, so those high-energy collisions can blast into fleeting existence massive subatomic particles not seen in the everyday world.

39. Also in that decade, Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity was found to admit no static cosmological solutions, given the basic assumptions of cosmology described in the Big Bang's theoretical underpinnings.

40. Tne equations of electromagnetism weathered the revolution of relativity unchanged.

41. 11 In this paper, the relativity of 3D finite element meshes is discussed and an efficient hidden surface removal algorithm based on the relativity is presented.

42. Such experimental results are now seen, consistent with special relativity, to reflect the validity of the principle of relativity and the absence of any absolute rest frame (or aether).

43. According to the dictates of Einsteinian relativity and the baffling laws of quantum theory, equal numbers of particles and their opposites, Antiparticles, should have been created in the Big Bang that set the cosmos in motion.

44. So far, general relativity has passed all observational tests.

45. Relativity links mass with energy, and energy with momentum.

46. Albert Einstein arrived on the Caltech campus for the first time in 1931 to polish up his Theory of General Relativity, and he returned to Caltech subsequently as a visiting professor in 1932 and 1933.

47. Mathematics of general relativity Solutions of Einstein's field equations Warm inflation Friedman, A (1922).

48. This computer simulation is due to a relativity group at NASA Goddard.

49. NEI theory and the theory of Channel Tropism.

50. The notation was developed around 1890 by Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro under the title absolute differential geometry . The tensor calculus achieved broader acceptance with the introduction of Einstein 's theory of general relativity , around 1915, which is formulated completely in the language of tensors.

51. The theory of electromagnetism swallowed up the theory of light.

52. In order to include gravity, Einstein formulated general relativity in 1915.

53. These are the technological routes that adopted. Traditional motivational theories include demand level theory, dual factors theory, theory of expecting, aggrandizement theory and setback theory.

54. There are three deferent theories in the theory of criminal law: the theory of criminality , the theory of unrestricted irregularity and the theory of limitary irregularity.

55. It comes up with characteristics of the neutrality of science: historicity, contextuality, relativity, integrativity and duplicity.

56. So there is this direct line between feminine handicraft, Euclid and general relativity.

57. In this paper, a possible Correction of non-Riemannian geometric relativity is made for Newton's Law of Gravitation.

58. While in France, he adapted methods of scheme theory and category theory to the theory of modular forms.

59. Number theory, field theory, algebraic geometry, algebra, group theory

60. John Lighton Synge made progress in different fields of science, including mechanics and geometrical methods in general relativity.

61. The heat equation is, technically, in violation of special relativity, because its solutions involve instantaneous propagation of a disturbance.

62. Constructionism is a constructivist learning theory and theory of instruction

63. An Assertional default theory is composed of an Assertional theory (a set of Assertional formulae) called the background theory

64. In addition, PLT makes use of many other branches of mathematics, including computability theory, category theory, and set theory.

65. Speech act theory, conversational implicative theory and relevant theory all function in the interpretation of implicit coherence.

66. The new theory is a refinement of Corbin's theory of personality development.

67. Objective To comprehend relativity and clinical value of diagnosis index on electrocardiogram(ECG)and vectorcardiogram(VCG).

68. 3 synonyms for Atomism: atomist theory, atomistic theory, atomic theory

69. 3 synonyms for atomism: Atomist theory, Atomistic theory, atomic theory

70. Albert Einstein, German-born physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity, pioneering many key developments

71. Accelerations in special relativity (SR) follow, as in Newtonian Mechanics, by differentiation of velocity with respect to time.

72. Special relativity introduced a new framework for all of physics by proposing new concepts of space and time.

73. Theory of economic development strategy is the main component of socialist economy theory.

74. " Magic bullet theory ", or called " Bullet theory " or " Hypodermic needle theory "

75. The sources of extrapolation theory, like those of evolutionary theory generally, are numerous.

76. In general relativity (GR), the acceleration is usually explained in terms of dark energy, but there are other possibilities.

77. 22 Objective: Probe into relativity to psychological intervention and fiberoptic bronchoscopy TBLB complication.

78. Consolidation theory involved in consolidated statement has following contents: proprietorship theory, entity theory and parent company theory.

79. Psychology Definition of Contiguity LEARNING THEORY: a theory by Edwin R

80. Marczewski's main fields of interest were measure theory, descriptive set theory, general topology, probability theory and universal algebra.