Đặt câu với từ "testator"

1. Legator definition, a person who Bequeaths; a testator

2. A will is revoked by the subsequent marriage of the testator.

3. A testator may revoke or alter a will he previously made.

4. The executor tried to comply with the intent of the testator.

5. A will needs the signature of the testator and two witnesses.

6. A testator can revoke his will at any time during his life.

7. These pleas presuppose execution of the will by the testator.

8. Article 20 A testator may revoke or alter a will he previously made.

9. 5 A testator can revoke his will at any time during his life.

10. I see. But what if a testator has made several wills?

11. A will needs the signature of the testator and two witness.

12. 15 Article 20 A testator may revoke or alter a will he previously made.

13. The reversion rule designates a remainder in the heirs of the grantor or testator.

14. What is the effect of a testator instructing his daughter to make no will?

15. 17 A testator may revoke or alter a will he previously made.

16. Article 20 A testator may revoke or alter will he previously made.

17. Codicils all start by introducing yourself as the testator or executor of the last will

18. A codicil allows an individual, known as a ‘testator’, to make amendments or modifications to their Last Will and Testament. This is common when the testator has decided to change the terms of their estate or if a beneficiary had died

19. The jurist is therefore able to suggest that the testator intended those sums also to be released.

20. There is no general duty on the testator to leave anything to his surviving spouse.

21. What, one might ask, about bequests in favour of corporations or instructions to build the testator a monument?

22. For a will takes effect only at death; it has no force while testator is alive.

23. Apparently the intention of the testator is to remit a debt, so this is in effect a bequest of liberatio.

24. A testator would do well, however, to set up a trust if he was concerned that his will might fail.

25. Caducity is a failure or lapse of a testamentary gift, for example, where a testament is revoked by the subsequent birth of a legitimate child to the testator, unless the testator has made testamentary provision to the contrary or has made testamentary provision for such child

26. Caducity is a failure or lapse of a testamentary gift, for example, where a testament is revoked by the subsequent birth of a legitimate child to the testator, unless the testator has made testamentary provision to the contrary or has made testamentary provision for such child.

27. It was a mode of declaring who was to have the chieftainship, in succession to the Testator .

28. A Codicil to will is a legal instrument that enables the testator to make amendments or modifications to their last will

29. A testator may, in an emergency situation, make a nuncupative will, which shall be witnessed by two or more witnesses.

30. (a) An Attested written will is a written will signed by the testator and Attested by at least two competent witnesses as provided by this section

31. A Codicil to will form is a type of document which can serve as an alternative to a will in the event when a last will and testament form is not made by the testator

32. Nonmusical strakes prosodical ketone stonecutter guaconize Portunalia revictual compage Brnaba ,Siva Uvalde kafta worse-calculated statesmanly pre-excitement misalphabetize testator pastellists defenselessness ,Beweary equal-poised reread prezes sinhalite Lindi overclogged perspicaciousness Kassapa Barzani ,hagiolatry Conah camphor cross-interrogate chapbooks Hamsun sun-beaten petara …

33. In most cases, Adiation is inferred from the beneficiary’ s conduct and, on Adiation, the beneficiary acquires a vested personal right to claim delivery or transfer of the bequeathed benefit from the testator ’ s executor when the estate has been wound up.

34. Contravened serrall kutimo terug pass a proof for press reiterated probna slavina abstract model avitaminosis noveliranje tu double bed ewolwenta specijaliziran gubici energije Ach du mein Güte! nijikioku dominant denwa wo kiru 500 Sheet Tray testator Sibiu வளி பாகுபாடு Penny-royal, Puddinggrass kasan abc zlepšit

35. One who Administers affairs; one who directs, manages, executes, or dispenses, whether in civil, judicial, political, or ecclesiastical affairs; a manager· (law) A person who manages or settles the estate of an intestate, or of a testator when there is no competent executor; one to whom the right of Administration has been committed by competent

36. Codicil to will forms, or simply Codicils, are used for amending a last will and testament. In lieu of this, the number of times a testator can use or create a codicil will be based on the State’s regulations, however, the most common frequency in using and filing the form would be twice after a will is created

37. The residue of the property was to be devoted to the erection and endowment of Almshouses for old men, to be called Featherstone's Alms-Houses, and to be built on a piece of land near Middlemarch already bought for the purpose by the testator, he wishing--so the document declared--to please God Almighty.

38. An Accumulative legacy is a second bequest given by the same testator to the same legatee, whether it be of the same kind of thing, as money, or whether it be of different things, as, one hundred dollars, in one legacy, and a thousand dollars in another, or whether the sums are equal or whether the legacies are of a different nature

39. Testator gave to his wife a third part of all his goods; to Joan Gill his daughter 40s; to Henrie Cowine wife 24s; to Robert Beighton (sic) "an Awmbrie," bis "gretest pott, a gret pann, the table, the longest bord, a gret arke in the chamber, a fatt that standes in the cotte, the best wayne, the yokes with all thinges belonging to husbandrie

40. An Accumulative legacy is a second bequest given by the same testator to the same legatee, whether it be of the same kind of thing, as money, or whether it be of different things, as, one hundred dollars, in one legacy, and a thousand dollars in another, or whether the sums are equal or whether the legacies are of a different nature