Đặt câu với từ "tenet"

1. Quidquid Aetatis retro est mors tenet Latin

2. This is a basic tenet of capitalism.

3. Academicism (Noun) A tenet of the Academic philosophy

4. Academicism (Noun) A tenet of the Academic philosophy.

5. That's the basic tenet of a prenup, isn't it?

6. "First quality, paramount credit standing"is our companys tenet.

7. This was a central tenet of the bureaucratic model.

8. 12 Our tenet: honesty and keep faith, innovate,[www.Sentencedict.com] efficient.

9. Annie: What is the tenet of the Asian Games?

10. Our Tenet: Quality is the life, integrity and development.

11. Our tenet: CredIt'standing be firstly and customer be paramountcy.

12. Accurate Ascertainment of disease endpoints is a key tenet of epidemiology

13. One tenet: low portfolio turnover, often a mere 10 % a year.

14. The mutability of the past is the central tenet of Ingsoc.

15. Tenet of Testing, Appraisal and Certification: Independence, Impartiality, Scientificalness and Accuracy.

16. 3 The mutability of the past is the central tenet of Ingsoc.

17. The fundamental tenet of Democritus' physics is that all that exists is matter.

18. Thus the vast age of the Earth became the central tenet of geology.

19. The freedom to paint such an intensely personal experience became a basic tenet of Expressionism.

20. Sci-fi thriller ‘Tenet’ Bewilders and dazzles Brian Truitt, USA TODAY 10/9/2020

21. Trying to force people into unwanted roles violates the most basic tenet of Western culture.

22. Our business tenet: redound upon the society, benefit employees and create wealth for the society.

23. An implicit tenet of museum life is that the original object is the ultimate historical source.

24. Father told me how to conduct myself . Honesty, Condescension. Maybe this is the basal tenet.

25. In the religion of Islam, belief in Allah is the single most important tenet

26. The promise of resurrection after death was a tenet of the cult of Osiris.

27. In 1999, he was appointed chief of staff to George Tenet, then-Director of the CIA.

28. This kind of analysis undermines the basic tenet of taxation based on ability to pay.

29. Tenet of enterprise: Pursue subsistence on quality, development on variety and create credit on service.

30. In this respect Hirschi shared the long-standing positivist rejection of the central tenet of classicism: deterrence.

31. The main tenet of Sobchak's philosophy is that a woman should never forget to be a woman.

32. He had questioned a fundamental tenet of her life, that young women are more attractive than older women.

33. Commodification of health care is a central tenet of managed care as it functions in the United States

34. Mostly, they have failed to acknowledge one basic tenet of the high-tech world: We know too much.

35. The basic tenet of Arianism was a negation of the divinity of Christ and, subsequently, of the Holy Spirit

36. From the outset, Villehardouin states that he is a pilgrim, but he never explains this tenet of the Crusade.

37. Our tenet is "quality first, credit standing paramountcy, price in reason, delivery in time". Welcome to cooperate and develop with us!

38. Former Democratic presidential Candidate Andrew Yang is making universal basic income a central tenet of his political campaign once again — …

39. Laurentius condemns his tenet, because Adustion of humours makes men mad, as lime burns when water is cast on it.

40. Ille est vere castus, qui deum Attendit et ad ipsum solum se tenet' (words of Adeodatus, but strongly approved by A

41. Innovation – This is the main tenet in which Attis Innovations was founded and one which drives its corporate philosophy

42. A fundamental tenet of Adler's theory is that human actions are motivated by feelings of inferiority of some kind.

43. It is a tenet of contemporary psychology that an individual's mental health is supported by having good social networks.

44. As opposed to moral Ambitiousness — a crucial tenet of Rand’s philosophy — you become a walking practitioner of moral laziness and decrepitude

45. 13 We attach importance to innovate and exploder new products and insist on the management tenet of "mutual benefit, time, quality".

46. Tenet ultra donationem et Assignationem praedictam villas de Shipplingbotyll, Haysand, Gysens, Renington, et Newton super More de Henrico Percy in capite pro servic

47. An Ahmadi can only vote if he acknowledges that he is a non-Muslim, and that violates the very basic tenet of an Ahmadi’s faith

48. A YouTuber Crammed 'Tenet' onto Game Boy Advance cartridges out of spite Imagine trying to decipher the already-muffled dialogue through a GBA speaker.

49. Bilingualisms-in-practice The theoretical tenet that lies at the heart of this article is that bilingualism is a socially constructed phenomenon (cf

50. Qianhui Headhunting Center provides high quality service to our customers with the tenet of "confidential and trustworthy, accurate and speedy, professional and circumspective , over-valued service".

51. Aliyah is a Hebrew word as well as a name, used to mean the migration of Jews to Israel, a basic tenet of Zionist ideology

52. Article on the innovatory Swiss architect by Witold Rybczynski from Time Magazine with photo portrait, accompanied by the master's guiding tenet in audio.

53. The central tenet of the foreign policy of John II in the West was to maintain an alliance with the German emperors (Holy Roman Empire).

54. “An adversary capable of implanting the right virus or accessing the right terminal can cause massive damage,” said George Tenet, director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.

55. RCA Red Seal (Sony), 2008 (2 CD) Hefti: Tenet, four Songs for Sopran and Ensemble; Schattenklang, Adagio for Piano; Mondschatten, for Violin and Marimba; O, star!

56. Provable Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors, Jesuit-trained assets (Hayden, Tenet, Rumsfeld, Giuliani) & other Papists (such as the Bushes) executed 9/11, to blame ultimately on the "Jews"

57. About Apat The company adheres to the tenet of "technical excellence, excellent quality, fine workmanship and continuous improvement", and serves customers with the best products and technologies

58. Like other Critics, Lodge seems to surmise that "Tenet" is not quite up to par with some of Nolan's previous films, but is a fun ride for his fans

59. In all tenet systems, a pratyekabuddha Accustoming pathway mind gets rid of the same nine grades of obscurations, and through the same stages and progression, as does a shravaka Accustoming

60. Complementarity principle, in physics, tenet that a complete knowledge of phenomena on atomic dimensions requires a description of both wave and particle properties. The principle was announced in 1928 by the Danish physicist Niels Bohr.

61. How is B2b Customer Support Different from B2C? The basic tenet of customer support is the same for B2b and B2C – Answer the customer’s issues and resolve their problems as quickly and completely as possible

62. Academicism (countable and uncountable, plural Academicisms) ( classical studies , sometimes capitalized ) The doctrines of Plato 's academy; specifically the skeptical doctrines of the later academy stating that nothing can be known; a tenet of the Academic philosophy; state of being Academic

63. Because humans are social animals, subject to peer pressure and the fear of missing (or being left) out, the Bandwagon effect is a powerful tool of persuasion.Although its central tenet is a logical fallacy, the idea that “if everyone likes this, …

64. Castigator's Retribution Also see other Nemesis set items: * Weapons: Punisher's Decree Z, Punisher's Decree, Vindicator's Edict, Avenger's Judgement, Vigilante's Verdict, Scourge's Conviction, Nemesis' Condemnation * Armors: Punisher's Maxim Z, Punisher's Maxim, Vindicator's Precept, Avenger's Principle, Vigilante's Creed, Scourge's Tenet, Castigator's Doctrine, Nemesis' Testament * Shields

65. The characteristic tenet of orthodox Brahmanism consists in the conception of an absolute, all-embracing spirit, the Brahma (neutr.), being the one and only reality, itself un- Connexion conditioned, and the original cause and ultimate with goal of all individual souls (jiva, i.e.

66. Harvard law prof Joseph Singer, in his "Introduction to Property Law" book: "It is a fundamental tenet of the property law system that property should be 'Alienable', meaning that it should be transferable from one person to another."

67. 'Tis most true, tenet insanabile multos scribendi Cacoethes, and [72] there is no end of writing of books, as the wiseman found of old, in this [73] scribbling age, especially wherein [74] the number of books is without number, (as a worthy man saith

68. As the doctrine of Antinomianism, or legal irresponsibility, is an extreme type of the heretical doctrine of justification by faith alone as taught by the Reformers, it is only natural to find it condemned by the Catholic Church in company with its fundamentally Protestant tenet.

69. ‘When harmony persists in the home, harmony Abides in the community, and harmony exists in the country.’ ‘A central tenet of Shintoism is the concept of kami, spirits that abide in and are worshipped at shrines, representing human beings and things found in nature.’

70. ‘When harmony persists in the home, harmony Abides in the community, and harmony exists in the country.’ ‘A central tenet of Shintoism is the concept of kami, spirits that abide in and are worshipped at shrines, representing human beings and things found in nature.’

71. White Lies 'Tis most true, tenet insanabile multos scribendi Cacoethes, and [72] there is no end of writing of books, as the wiseman found of old, in this [73] scribbling age, especially wherein [74] the number of books is without number, (as a worthy man saith,) presses be oppressed

72. “He was an Academic, kind of an unemployable poet who might lecture once or twice at the local community college.” Academicism ( capitalized ) The doctrines of Plato 's academy; specifically the skeptical doctrines of the later academy stating that nothing can be known; a tenet of the Academic philosophy; state of being Academic.

73. The significant political tenet, `reason should govern the state', is here articulated in reverse, in the form of a play on the Amphibology of the word [GREEK TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] -- a current colloquial term which had meanwhile invaded the science of geometry, to be raised there to the status of an eminent and cold `technical term'.

74. Dicimus autem naturaliter quia tenet fides nostra quod corpus quod nunc est animae ad sarcinam in resurrectione erit ei ad Alleviationem et ad solatium, sed hoc non erit ex natura, sed ex virtute divina 40 .Al momento della resurrezione la pesantezza data dalla condizione di corporeità cessa di essere tale e il corpo diventa elemento di

75. Vasquez suggested the queer/gay Assimilationist split “is a rift between those who want to be normal at any cost and those of us who believe gay liberation (and therefore reproductive rights) is a central and inviolable tenet of our struggle for freedom.”11 The idea of normal sexuality implies a culture of privilege that guarantees social