Đặt câu với từ "taxon"

1. This Cladogram example suggests that Taxon 2and Taxon 3more recently shared a common ancestor than either does with Taxon 1.

2. The taxon is widely recognised.

3. Cephalopoda - Taxon details on CephBase

4. Taxon names authored (List may be incomplete) 7 taxon names authored by Hans Burgeff; Publications (List may be incomplete) 1926 []

5. Annelida – Taxon details on Encyclopedia of Life (EOL)

6. Caecum – Taxon details on World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS).

7. The Acanthocephala represent an entirely parasitic taxon of pseudocoelomate worms

8. Mnemonic i-Taxon identifier i: 378751: Scientific name i: Achaea: Taxonomy navigation › Catocalinae

9. Acari are a taxon of arachnids, which contains ticks and mites

10. Unranked taxon (below Anura and above the family-group), containing solely Rhinophrynidae

11. This discovery confirmed that the dental formula of this taxon is

12. The other perennial, Z. diploperennis, is the sister taxon of Z. perennis.

13. The genus Bacterium was a taxon described in 1828 by Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg

14. The abbreviation spp. is used to denote all species of a higher taxon

15. Apicomplexa is one of the biggest and most well-known taxon of parasitic protists

16. A holotype is not necessarily "typical" of that taxon, although ideally it should be.

17. Sometimes placed in a subclass Anapsida, though this taxon is now often not recognized

18. The abbreviation ‘spp.’ is used to denote all species of a higher taxon.

19. Bactra (Bactra) Stephens, 1834 subgenus Bactra (Chiloides) Butler, 1881 View list of all occurrence records for this taxon ([counting] records) View map of all occurrence records for this taxon ([counting] records) Charts showing breakdown of occurrence records

20. The bee was carrying pollen of a previously unknown orchid taxon, Meliorchis caribea, on its wings.

21. Sometimes placed in a subclass Anapsida, though this taxon is now often not recognized

22. The taxon includes tongue-shaped sporophylls with a blunt to mucronate apex and an adaxial sporangium.

23. Mnemonic i-Taxon identifier i: 184750: Scientific name i: Yucca Bacilliform virus: Taxonomy navigation › unclassified Badnavirus

24. For long, this genus was included in the "wastebin taxon" Mabuya; it contains the Asian mabuyas.

25. They represent a "grab-bag" taxon for any Archosaur that wasn't a crocodilian, a pterosaur, or a dinosaur

26. ‘The order Cetacea comprises two extant sub-orders and one extinct sub-order.’ ‘They found that the hypothesis that a monophyletic Mesonychia is the sister taxon of Cetacea, and a monophyletic Artiodactyla is the extant sister taxon of Cetacea was significantly …

27. ‘The order Cetacea comprises two extant sub-orders and one extinct sub-order.’ ‘They found that the hypothesis that a monophyletic Mesonychia is the sister taxon of Cetacea, and a monophyletic Artiodactyla is the extant sister taxon of Cetacea was significantly …

28. Anagenesis is an evolutionary change of a single lineage where one taxon is replaced by another without branching

29. Direct children (4) [sort alpha..] Section EuBrachyura Section Podotremata Genus Zoea Bosc, 1801 (taxon inquirendum) Section Dromiacea accepted

30. Acari and Acarina have both been used for a taxon composed of the arachnid subgroups Opilioacariformes, Parasitiformes, and Acariformes

31. Pages in category "Taxon Authorities" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 57,118 total

32. However, their sister taxon is the extinct family Protostegidae that included other species that did not have a hard carapace.

33. The chelicerate hemocyanin subunits are basal, consistent with the assumption that the Chelicerata is a rather distinct Arthropod taxon.

34. Acari and Acarina have both been used for a taxon composed of the arachnid subgroups OpilioAcariformes, Parasitiformes, and Acariformes

35. Additionally, the ICZN placed the taxon Canis lupus as a conserved name on the official list under this opinion.

36. The American Alligator is classified by the US Fish and Wildlife Service as similarity of appearance to a threatened taxon

37. The Bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus scriptus) is the nominate taxon of the Bushbuck.It is a small to medium-sized antelope widespread in Africa

38. This species is placed in the order Anseriformes, having the characteristic bill structure, but is considered to be distinct from the other species in this taxon.

39. Black-and-crimson Oriole ( Oriolus Consanguineus) Taxonomic status: Species status: subspecies group (sometimes a species) This taxon is a subspecies of Oriolus cruentus

40. Burrfishes Sn Totals (to lowest taxon) 63 33 Table 3.--Benthic invertebrates and marine plants of Navassa Island (1998 and 1977)

41. Brayi (Ledeb.) A.K.Skvortsov is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of an infraspecific taxon* of the species Salix berberifolia Pall

42. An alternative biota taxon, or another matrix, may be monitored instead, as long as the EQS applied provides an equivalent level of protection.

43. (1998) New combinations for some taxa of Navicula and Stauroneis, and Avowed substitute for a taxon of Eunotia Diatom 14: 69-71.

44. Definition of Anagenesis : evolutionary change producing a single lineage in which one taxon replaces another without branching — compare cladogenesis Examples of Anagenesis in a …

45. A small sample size one to a mere handful of specimens per taxon as is often used in molecular studies further Acerbates the problem

46. The generic name refers to the location where the first one was collected; Crinoids of this taxon are found in Tennessee, Kentucky, Iowa, and Indiana

47. Cnidaria, therefore, is a well circumscribed taxon; it is considered by many to be a sister group of all metazoans other than sponges

48. The Creodonts were originally thought of as the sister taxon to the carnivorans, perhaps even ancestral to, based on the presence of the carnassial teeth

49. Though by no means as diverse as the Timaliidae (Old World babblers) (another "wastebin taxon" containing more thrush-like forms), the frontiers between the former "pan-Muscicapidae" were much blurred.

50. Species included in these Appendices are referred to: a) by the name of the species; or b) as being all of the species included in a higher taxon or designated part thereof

51. Remember, internal nodes can be rotated and Cladograms can be drawn in different styles with different branch lengths without altering the cladogram hypothesis of sister taxon relationships

52. Together with Echiura and Sipuncula, they were once placed in the taxon Gephyrea, but consistent morphological and molecular evidence supports their belonging to Ecdysozoa, which also includes arthropods and nematodes.

53. Number of matches: 1 Query: SELECT * FROM img WHERE ready=1 and genre = "Plant" and match(namesoup) against('"Purple Bogwort"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY taxon Click

54. Costa, 1841) is a widely distributed Architectonicid snail species, originally described from the Gulf of Taranto, Italy, and a variety of forms is attributed to this taxon (BIELER 1993)

55. Due to its markedly bicuspid claws, amelanotic parietal peritoneum and Acalyculate bag-like hemipenes with dual apical horns, this taxon can be placed within the sub-genus Rhampholeon (Rhinodigitum) Matthee et al

56. NOT AT RISK CATEGORY (153) continued Taxon/ Assessment Details Scientific Name Buteo lagopus Accipiter striatus Range of Occurrence YT NT NU BC MB ON QC NL Assessment Date Apr 1995

57. The skeletal morphology and phylogenetic affinities of Palaeotis are therefore reanalyzed, and the taxon is subjected to a phylogenetic analysis based on one of the most comprehensive published data sets for palaeognathous birds.

58. Species included in these Appendices are referred to: a) by the name of the species; or b) as being all of the species included in a higher taxon or designated part thereof

59. Bendee WildNet taxon ID 15785 Nature Conservation Act 1992 (NCA) status Least concern Conservation significant No Confidential No Endemicity Native Pest status Nil Other resources The Australasian Virtual Herbarium (AVH) Atlas of Living Australia

60. Polypterus Bichir" is not really an accepted taxon anymore, and should be replaced with "Polypterus endlicheri congicus", the maximum length of which is 40" as opposed to the 28" you have listed

61. Les Amniotes forment un taxon de vertébrés regroupant les espèces chez lesquelles l’embryon puis le fœtus sont protégés par un sac amniotique, appelé amnios

62. “Acarine” refers to two things, the first being the the taxon Acari, a subclass of Arachnida found all over the world containing mites and ticks, and the second (which is referred to in the song)

63. ‘Maximum parsimony analysis of this latter data set also recovered monophyly of living amphibians and favored a frog + salamander (Batrachia) relationship.’ ‘For example, Batrachia and Gymnophiona are sister taxa within the ancestral taxon, Amphibia (or ‘Lissamphibia’ in many systems).’

64. ‘Traditionally, the taxonomic groups in Acanthocephala have been identified based on morphological features and host characteristics.’ ‘An earlier study using morphological evidence hypothesized that Acanthocephala is the sister taxon of the rotifer class Bdelloidea, making Rotifera paraphyletic.’

65. Cladistics (reading and making of Cladograms) Definitions Systematics – The branch of biological sciences concerned with classifying organisms Taxon (pl: taxa) – Any unit of biological diversity (eg.Animalia, Reptilia, Gorilla gorilla) Taxonomy – The practice of naming organisms Phylogenetic systematics – Classification of organisms based on their evolutionary relationships.

66. Although some authors in older literature have applied the generic name Plectania to the taxon following Karl Fuckel's 1870 name change (e.g. Seaver, 1928; Kanouse, 1948; Nannfeldt, 1949; Le Gal, 1953), that name is now used for a fungus with brownish-black fruit bodies.

67. Angularia: genus: belongs to Neotaenioglossa: second hand: Sepkoski, 2002: Angularia: genus: belongs to Purpurinidae: stated with evidence: Nützel and Erwin, 2004: Status (PBDB) extinct: Taxon Size (PBDB) 5: First Recorded Appearance: 235 - 232 Ma Late Triassic: Last Recorded Appearance: 212 - 206 Ma Late Triassic:

68. Definition of Cladistics : a system of biological taxonomy that defines taxa uniquely by shared characteristics not found in ancestral groups and uses inferred evolutionary relationships to arrange taxa in a branching hierarchy such that all members of a given taxon have the same ancestors

69. A new family of thrips, Moundthripidae, is described on the basis of a new genus and species, Moundthrips Beatificus, from Early Cretaceous Lebanese amber.This taxon has plesiomorphic prognathous mouthparts, a unique type of wing venation and the main apomorphies of the Thysanoptera of the legs and mouthpart structures, suggesting that they were acquired very early during the …

70. ‘The taxon is unique among Brachyurans due to its distinctive dorsal carapace ornamentation.’ ‘Based upon the morphology of the chela and appendages and the orientation of the appendages with respect to the carapace, the new material is not referable to any macruran groups and must be a Brachyuran.’

71. My feeling is that sometimes changes in taxonomy includig splits of species are not reasonable at all and they are only result of competition between scientists who want very much to create someting new, to be in focus, and generate something Curiosal sometimes Like merging reptiles and birds into one taxon

72. Blefuscuiana Aptiana Aptiana Taxonomic discussion: This taxon shows a rather wide morphological variability mainly regarding the number of chambers in the final whorl, usually ranging from 5 to 5.5 (even if rare 4.5-chambered juveniles as well as few 6-chambered morphotypes have been also observed) and the course of the peripheral outline which

73. The Amniotes are a taxon of tetrapod vertebrates that include the Synapsida and Sauropsida (reptiles and dinosaurs, including birds).They are defined by embryonic development that includes the formation of several extensive membranes, the amnion, chorion, and allantois.Amniotes develop directly into a (typically) terrestrial form with limbs and a thick stratified epithelium, rather than first

74. Pianka In its broadest sense, Coevolution refers to the joint evolution of two (or more) taxa that have close ecological relationships but do not exchange genes, and in which reciprocal selective pressures operate to make the evolution of either taxon partially dependent on the evolution of the other (Ehrlich and Raven 1964).

75. Given our current understanding of craniate phylogeny, the observation of programmed genome reorganization in both lamprey and hagfish could be considered evidence that chromatin diminution was characteristic of the common ancestor of all Craniates, or of a basal taxon with a genome biology that was otherwise very similar to the craniate ancestor.

76. New Latin Acanthocephala, taxon that includes the spiny-headed worms (from Greek ákantha "thorn, prickle, spine" + New Latin -o- -o- + -cephala, neuter plural of -cephalus "having a head of a given sort," borrowed from Greek -kephalos, derivative of kephalḗ "head") + -an entry 1 — more at acanthus, cephalic Learn More about Acanthocephalan

77. Apicomplexa (do latim apex, ponta ou topo + complex, trançado + a, sufixo) é um grande grupo taxonómico de protozoários, com cerca de 5000 espécies, caracterizados pela presença de um tipo de plastídeo, o apicoplasto, e um complexo apical nos estágios esporozoíto e merozoíto de seu ciclo de vida