Đặt câu với từ "tax-free investment"

1. Track 7-6- Standards, Investment Tax Credit, Production Tax Credit.

2. Successive governments have exploited our weakness for anything tax-free with a series of investment schemes.

3. In the event of death, benefits, accumulated savings, interest and investment income are payable to beneficiaries tax-free.

4. Tax-free.

5. Foreign direct investment is unaffected by the tax.

6. Return on Investment After Tax Grant's calculations indicate that when calculating investors' after-tax return, the investment would yield $2,842,000, a 36.5% return.

7. Examples of such benefits are income tax holidays, investment tax credits, accelerated depreciation allowances and reduced income tax rates;

8. Examples of such benefits are income tax holidays, investment tax credits, accelerated depreciation allowances and reduced income tax rates

9. For expatriates with offshore accounts, this represents a decent tax-free return on an investment that carries no risk to capital.

10. Tax-Advantaged Accounts: An investment account that provides a tax benefit either upon deposit or withdrawal

11. Adhesion Wealth does not provide personalized investment or tax advice

12. Over time it will be very significant not only for young people accumulating tax-free dividends, accumulating tax-free capital gains, accumulating tax-free interest.

13. Investment income tax at 15% applied to investment income accruing to fund insurance liabilities of life insurance companies.

14. Non-investment life policies do not normally attract either income tax or capital gains tax on a claim.

15. Stocks, securities, tax-free municipals.

16. Investment tax credits (ITCs) are deducted from the firm's tax bill when particular physical capital assets are purchased.

17. • Stimulation for the small business sector by lowering income tax rates and providing access to investment tax credits;

18. -Income Tax Relief on new capital investment in the form of Additional Investment Allowance and Higher Additional Depreciation for investment in backward areas of Bihar.

19. Another tax-Advantaged-appropriate investment may be an actively managed mutual fund

20. 25 It has contributed to the decline in direct portfolio investment as opposed to indirect investment through tax exempt institutions.

21. The impact of the tax was softened by large tax-free allowances.

22. Nor should business tax breaks (Sentencedict.com), except when closely linked with additional investment.

23. Bolling AFB, Washington, (With tax-free priviledges).

24. Basis is generally the amount of your capital investment in property for tax purposes

25. Transamerica's variable Annuities can provide tax-deferred investment growth, legacy protection, and retirement income

26. In material terms, the corporation tax payable on a standard investment is an advance payment on the investor's income or corporation tax.

27. Abusive Tax Shelter: An investment scheme that claims to reduce income tax without changing the value of the user's income or assets

28. Aside from actual tax returns, a tax Advisor can also steer individuals and businesses to tax-advantaged money moves in key areas like retirement, estate planning, investment management, and …

29. 23 The effective laws and regulations on foreign investment in the host country (region), such as investment law, company law and tax law.

30. an # tax speeded up the investment in abatement equipment, since the polluters could pay a reduced tax of # instead of # euro per kg

31. We can invest your money tax - free abroad.

32. Tax which is a kind of ineluctable expenditure becomes the rigid stipulation of investment decision.

33. The savings accumulate in a tax-free account, which maximizes the return Return: Amount of interest or dividends received from an investment in a given period of time.

34. Such FDI policies include investment subsidies, tax abatements, and exemptions from domestic regulation and laws.

35. Tax benefits like accelerated depreciation, and investment allowance have created an artificial bias against labour.

36. And half have never used free tax preparation.

37. President Obama proposed the American Jobs Act in 2011, which included infrastructure investment and tax breaks offset by tax increases on high income earners.

38. Please note that the tax information collection interface and any tax-related information provided by Google is not intended as and should not be construed as legal, tax, or investment advice.

39. Please note that the tax information collection interface and any tax-related information provided by Google is not intended as and should not be construed as legal, tax or investment advice.

40. (10) deferred tax provisions (reserves, free or accelerated depreciation);

41. Without it tax receipts implode, investment is turned away, and meeting future debt payments is harder.

42. The effects of interest rates and the tax rate on investment incentives have been extensively studied.

43. In addition, following this reform, investment companies were also subject to payment of a coupon tax.

44. Using tax Advantaged investment accounts gives you the option to use timing strategies to decrease the total amount of tax you pay over your lifetime

45. From the capital cost of depreciable property, subtract any investment tax credit allocated to the individual partners.

46. The exceptional increase in Irish investment has been accompanied by a substantial increase in after-tax profitability.

47. He was paid a tax-free cash sum as compensation.

48. Anyone with income below the income tax threshold of £385 is entitled to interest on savings tax-free.

49. Consider: Contributions (up to $6,000 or $7,000 if you’re 50 or older) are made with after-tax dollars; your money grows tax-free; and withdrawals may be made tax-free after a required holding

50. We could have gone home with $ 800,000 each, tax-free.

51. The school’s course programs are free of VAT and tax.

52. Beginning in 2013, an additional tax of 3.8% applies to net investment income in excess of certain thresholds.

53. It would be understandable if the Clintons treated their Whitewater investment largely as a much needed tax shelter.

54. Accelerated depreciation (and/or investment allowances) can yield substantially the same aggregate tax benefits as replacement cost depreciation.

55. 17 He was paid a tax-free cash sum as compensation.

56. Subject: Air travel departure tax in Malta/free movement of capital

57. Businesses supplying such goods can do so tax- and duty-free.

58. Salaries in the tax-free zone are above the Malagasy average.

59. Many basic foodstuffs, such as bread and milk, are tax-free.

60. 7 He was paid a tax-free cash sum as compensation.

61. Additional taxes on investment income meant the top tax rate before Thatcher came to power was initially above 95%.

62. For income-tax purposes, the investor/landlord can take an expense deduction for an investment in a depreciable property to allow for the recovery of the cost of the investment.

63. Real estate mortgage investment Conduits (REMICs) were first authorized by the enactment of the Tax Reform Act of 1986

64. Some 93% of the investment will be available as tax reliefs: 78% in 1992/93 and 15% in 1993/

65. ATA Carnet allows temporary entry of goods, duty-free and tax-free, whether shipped or hand-carried.

66. He was making, on average a week, $150,000 -- tax free of course.

67. Preferably on a beach, in a tax- free country far, far away

68. To encourage investment, a free trade zone has been declared in the area.

69. Resident taxpayers have a right to a tax-free allowance for capital assets and to various deductions for income tax purposes.

70. This time the impact of the tax was softened by large tax-free allowances for personal savers and exemptions for foreigners.

71. The 1980s saw further investment in check-in, catering and duty-free shops.

72. Goods sold to passengers on board ships or aircraft are tax free.

73. An area of the city has been designated an enterprise zone, with tax relief and simplified planning to lure investment.

74. 27 October: Dubai announces $1.2 billion investment in innovation through free zone operator TECOM.

75. The free trade zone failed in various incarnations, and investment has been only sporadic.

76. Property left to a surviving spouse remains, as before, free of inheritance tax.

77. At present, the first £000 of any estate is free of inheritance tax.

78. The additional cost is calculated on the tax-free price of the products.

79. The price includes buffet breakfast, air conditioning, free Internet access, tax and service.

80. Because the organization is a charitable enterprise it is free from tax worldwide.