Đặt câu với từ "target economic growth rate"

1. Coen’s economic forecast Assumes a 3.5% growth rate

2. The our city's affirmatory this year economic growth target is 12 %.

3. The FOMC uses the federal funds target rate as one of its principal tools for managing inflation and the pace of economic growth .

4. Consistent with compatible avec → the fastest rate of growth Consistent with economic stability

5. The growth rate is comparable to the overall increase in economic activity as measured by world GDP growth.

6. Increases in population could then spur economic growth at some geometric rate, more rapid than the growth in human fertility.

7. He estimated that the rate of economic growth in ASEAN would be about 5 percent.

8. Glasgow's annual economic growth rate of 4.4% is now second only to that of London.

9. They play a key role in raising productivity and accelerating the rate of economic growth.

10. It was still, however, below the target growth rate for the internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs

11. Economic growth matters.

12. The Chinese government would do well to target electricity demand to an 8 percent growth rate per annum, though.

13. Economic growth is slow.

14. → assuming → See Verb table Examples from the Corpus assume • Coen's economic forecast Assumes a 3.5 percent growth rate

15. Burma’s economic growth rate recovered from a low growth under 6% in 2011 but has been volatile between 6% and 8% between 2014 and 2018

16. The annual growth rate was 1.86%, much lower than the national growth rate of 2.36%.

17. Economic growth improves lives unobtrusively.

18. Economic growth and social inclusion

19. The military buildup spurred economic growth.

20. Economic growth has slowed a little.

21. Economic growth is also in evidence.

22. With economic growth has come centralization.

23. Economic growth is expected to slow.

24. The total growth rate of Argumenta …

25. Women’s increased rate of economic activity;

26. Target has increased angle and rate of descent.

27. Higher interest rates could hinder economic growth.

28. How do financial intermediaries improve economic growth?

29. Economic Cooperation: Partners for growth and development

30. This period also observed tremendous economic growth.

31. Economic growth matters powerfully for the individual.

32. Economic growth slowed after 2002, with GDP growth of 1.5% in 2008.

33. Measure of economic growth and tax revenue indicators remain bleak economic outlook.

34. Price controls are inimical to economic growth.

35. Our country should accelerate the economic growth.

36. Our future prosperity depends on economic growth.

37. Easier credit would help buoy economic growth.

38. High interest rates have stunted economic growth.

39. Economic growth A country must experience economic growth if it is to produce a greater output of goods and services.

40. The quarterly growth of 1.2% means an annual growth rate of 4.8%.

41. The annual population growth rate was 1.79%.

42. Bumble slowed from a 70% growth rate in 2019 to 25% growth rate for the first three months of 2020

43. The government's target of 5% annual growth seems easily attainable.

44. 19 In Latin America, population growth is already threatening to outpace economic growth.

45. For example, economic growth under capitalism is unreliable.

46. Malnutrition cannot be solved by economic growth alone.

47. In this vein, we can increase economic growth.

48. Slow economic growth stunted corporate profits last quarter.

49. The pace of economic growth is picking up.

50. Trade liberalization is the engine of economic growth.

51. Lack of demand will slow our economic growth.

52. An absenteeism rate of no more than the target rate per indeterminate employee per year.

53. Forecasts of economic growth are being revised downwards.

54. Investment is a necessary condition of economic growth.

55. Recent economic reforms have ushered in rapid growth.

56. Will QE3 jump-start America’s anemic economic growth?

57. Just how important are infrastructures for economic growth?

58. Telephones, infrastructures do not guarantee you economic growth.

59. The biosphere is being destroyed by economic growth!

60. In addition, “Africa has the highest population growth rate [and] urban growth rate in the world,” says South Africa’s Getaway magazine.

61. Economic IRR: a rate of return calculated taking into account external economic factors

62. A drop in commodity prices, steeper-than-anticipated global interest rate increases, and inadequate efforts to ameliorate debt dynamics could set back economic growth.

63. • An absenteeism rate of no more than the target rate per indeterminate employee per year.

64. Sometimes it is called Growth Rate of Return.

65. In addition, the anaemic economic growth experienced by the EU since # does not enable it to make up for this economic growth deficit

66. Mellon argued that lower rates would spur economic growth.

67. Thailand's dramatic economic growth has caused numerous environmental issues.

68. The country is experiencing slow but steady economic growth.

69. High house prices are one drawback to economic growth.

70. This laid the foundations for later modern economic growth.

71. Estimated impact of aggregated budgetary measures on economic growth.

72. (Laughter) Telephones, infrastructures do not guarantee you economic growth.

73. This has promoted rapid economic growth and poverty reduction.

74. Even so, recent economic reports suggest growth is flagging.

75. 5 Slow economic growth stunted corporate profits last quarter.

76. Lower taxes would spur investment and help economic growth.

77. In the 1980s economic growth went into reverse. Sentencedict.com

78. Economic growth is expected to average 2% next year.

79. There has been a sharp slowdown in economic growth.

80. 2 Modern technology catalyzed tremendous economic growth in China.