Đặt câu với từ "supra-"

1. Passionate Years, supra at 35.

2. Start studying Echo; Apicals, Sub, Supra

3. Branners replied to Radio 's topic in Supra Chat

4. This is a “must-do” modification for every MKV Supra! The AMS MKV Supra Anti-Wind Buffeting Kit is engineered to eliminate the extreme wind Buffeting condition that plagues every MKV Supra while traveling at speeds from 50-60 mph with the windows down.

5. aneurysm of the thoracic or supra-renal abdominal aorta before surgery;

6. Advisory Opinions 4.8 and 4.13 respectively and supra note 23.

7. The Latin for as mentioned above is de quibus supra

8. This is a “must-do” modification for every MKV Supra! The AMS MKV Supra Anti-Wind Buffeting Kit is engineered to eliminate the extreme wind Buffeting condition that plagues every MKV Supra while traveling at speeds from 50-60 mph with the windows down.

9. (ii) aneurysm of the thoracic or supra-renal abdominal aorta after surgery;

10. The legal maxim nemo est supra leges is the accepted principle.

11. This is a “must-do” modification for every MKV Supra! The AMS MKV Supra Anti-Wind Buffeting Kit is engineered to eliminate the extreme wind Buffeting condition that plagues every MKV Supra while traveling at speeds from 50-60 mph with the windows down.

12. aneurysm of the thoracic or supra-renal abdominal aorta after surgery;

13. (i) aneurysm of the thoracic or supra-renal abdominal aorta, before surgery;

14. Now they involve governments, supra-governmental organisations, quasi-governmental and non-governmental organisations.)

15. (i) aneurysm of the thoracic or supra-renal abdominal aorta, before or after surgery;

16. Sub-ethnic and supra-ethnic loyalties were more important to people than ethnicity.

17. aneurysm of the thoracic or supra-renal abdominal aorta, before or after surgery;

18. And Council accepted the report" (Supra Page 749 Lines 21 to Page 750 Line 1).

19. Eight other families were placed incertae sedis in various supra-ordinal groups within the angiosperms.

20. Warmer climate accelerates complete permafrost thaw and enhances seasonal flow within the supra-permafrost layer.

21. The Male Batterer: An Overview, in The Male Barterer, supra note 13, at 51-52

22. Extensor reconstruction (supra-/infrapatellar) is an essential part of tumor resection and tumor arthroplasty around the knee.

23. I do not accept the department's argument that the Carty (supra) decision should not be employed retroactively.

24. The Commission cannot accept amendment 41, nor the last part (b) of amendment 18 (see supra, 2.1.2)

25. For these reasons even a supra-competitive price for commodity alumina hydrate would not cause diversion of SGA production.

26. However, construction performed for supra-municipal authorities are usually regulated directly by the owning authority, which becomes the AHJ.

27. How it Bedecks, deflowers, beflowers a supra-militarized past by dragging it into a dingy military relic! galleon trade edition

28. These wind deflectors were designed to stop the Buffeting that plagues the Supra at speed when the windows are down

29. A mini Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is limited to supra-pubic skin removal (skin above the pubic area) and fat removal using liposuction

30. [4] anchora ut supra diximus, in Graeco Aspirationem non habet, nam ἄγκυρα dicitur: unde et apud maiores sine aspiratione proferebatur

31. Caldwell, supra. Consequently, the Appeal Board may accept and base its decision on any evidence it finds credible and relevant.

32. The SR has the word "Sport Runner" written in a font set similar to the one used for the Supra.

33. It was well prepared and I believe it was received by Council, and accepted by Council" (Supra Page 744 Lines 4-6).

34. Milonem subito post horam quartam, senatu misso, cum servis amplius CCC armatis obviam ei contendisse et supra Bovillas inoponantem in itinere Aggressum.

35. E l Bioma del desierto está definido por tres criterios: aridez, cubierta vegetal y rasgos ecorregionales (véase el mapa supra)

36. Furthermore, counsel argues that even accepting the State party's reasons for the Ombudsman's decision not to initiate a criminal investigation (see supra, para

37. Reading: ‘Et unde si cum dominus servitium Attornare voluerit tenens noluerit attornari, oportet quod sibi caute prospiciat, [ipse cui attornatus fuerit]’; supra 238, nn

38. In the area of health, India will meet the shortfall in funds to establish the SAARC Regional Supra Reference Laboratory for TB and HIV.

39. Milonem subito post horam quartam, senatu misso, cum servis amplius CCC armatis obviam ei contendisse et supra Bovillas inoponantem in itinere Aggressum

40. Deep endometriosis had been diagnosed through careful clinical examination and imaging techniques (supra-pubic endovaginal abdomino- pelvic ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging [MRI]).

41. There were seven different sponsors in the race (Nil-Supra, Alcyon, Biguet-Dunlop, Le Globe, Atala, Legnano and Felsina), with three to six cyclists.

42. Ganglia and cysts of the supra- and infraspinous muscles can be imaged reliably with MRI, whereas sonography misses those with a purely infra-acromial location.

43. Conceptually, market power is the power to raise price above the competitive level and, at least in the short term, to obtain supra-normal profits.

44. [2] See 50 USC s. 1801(i), “United States person” includes US citizens, lawful permanent residents, and some associations and corporations; Executive Order 12333, supra n.

45. But most countries and areas' penal code has no specific provision on this, only researches it as supra-law ground for elimination of misfeasance in theory.

46. Glen Newman said that Ms. Rivers had difficulty adjusting to the Squamish cultural norm (Supra Page 736 Line 1 to Page 738 Line 6).

47. The emergence of the European Union as a supra-national political association- a unique federal institution- provided a powerful impetus to similar aspirations elsewhere.

48. The department's representative referred to the decision in McKinnon (supra) and to the definition of Level B accepted by the Court, which states as follows:

49. The former NSA contractor Edward Snowden described the FVEY as a "supra-national intelligence organisation that doesn't answer to the laws of its own countries".

50. Subsection 9(2) of the Regulations, supra in paragraph 49, sets out the acceptable language qualifications for Selection Board members who are assessing candidates’ qualifications.

51. Created in 1988 by founding members from the University of Cologne, HEC Paris, ESADE and the Università Bocconi, the CEMS MIM was the first supra-national MSc.

52. Conceptually, market power is the power to raise price above the competitive level and, at least in the short term, to obtain supra-normal profits

53. (78.) "Nullus dicitur Accessorius post feloniame, fed ille qui novit principalem felonium secisse, et ilium receptavit et comfortavit." COKE, supra note 74, at 138.

54. - The biggest or most important nodes, such as MS capitals, other cities or agglomerations of supra-regional importance in administration, economy, social and cultural life and transport;

55. The development of celiac adenopathies during the course of a sub or supra diaphragmatic malignancy has negative prognostic value, and surgical resection is generally contraindicated in these cases.

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57. As stated supra the time limit for Availing of input tax credit under Section 16(4) hinges upon the due date of furnishing of the return under section 39

58. The 2021 Toyota Supra: We didn’t think they made them like this Anymore The 3.0 is the one to pick, especially after its 14 percent power bump for 2021

59. In short then I find myself in agreement with the following statement of McIntyre J. in the Reference re Public Service Employee Relations Act (Alb.), supra, at page 412:

60. Transcatheter self-expandable valves showed optimal clinical and echocardiographic results in patients with small aortic Annuli, although supra-annular functioning transcatheter heart valves seemed to slightly outperform intra-annular functioning ones

61. For the reasons stated in paragraphs 482 to 486, supra, and applying the approach set out in paragraphs 103 to 110 of the Summary, the Panel rejects ABB Lummus’ arguments.

62. Here, we report on two cases of acute aortic dissection Stanford type A that occurred during supra-aortic debranching and endovascular stenting of the aortic arch and the descending aorta.

63. With reference to the horrors of the Nazi years, Arnold Weber observed that it was as if “certain forces sprang out of the ground . . . a collective supra-personal force.”

64. Nevertheless, with the guidance of ultimate goal of law, it shall be proved to be necessary and possible for the existence of Supra-law ground for elimination of misfeasance.

65. Post haec, si reconciliatus sit is qui praecipuus et notabilis fautor schismatis exsistit, genuflexus, ut supra, facit publice professionem, et Adjurationem, Pontifice cum mitra in faldistorio ante altare sedente, dicens:

66. In 1996, the Government of Quebec created a supra-municipal agency, the Agence métropolitaine de transport (AMT), whose mandate is to coordinate the development of transport throughout the Greater Montreal area.

67. Post haec, si reconciliatus sit is qui praecipuus et notabilis fautor schismatis exsistit, genuflexus, ut supra, facit publice professionem, et Adjurationem, Pontifice cum mitra in faldistorio ante altare sedente, dicens:

68. I will mention a few - the SAARC Annual Disaster Management Exercise (SADMEX), the SAARC Regional Supra-Reference Laboratory for TB and HIV, the Satellite for SAARC, and the SAARC Knowledge Network.

69. In this respect the Dalma basalts appear to have a modified MORB composition and the closest chemical analogy may be basalts from back-arc basins, i. e. a supra-subduction zone environment.

70. (104.) See, e.g., ANDERSSON, supra note 102, at 31 ("Anisogamy and greater female than male parental effort is [sic] the likely reason for stronger male than female competition over mates.")

71. As nonstate actors, supra-national and sub-national, begin to shape the formulation and implementation of soft law and policy, citizen’s protest against these involve judicial contestation within state courts and international bodies.

72. The factors that appear critical to patient survival are: level of venous injury (thoracic, supra-, infrarenal), presence or absence of profound shock on admission, and the speed with which diagnosis is made and treatment carried out.

73. Supra Condyle Pad is applied on the medial hinge of functional knee braces with a nodule on top of the pad to hook the patient's medial Condyle to assist in suspension of the knee brace and prevent migration

74. Hat Gott konnen eine animam, deren Natur uns unbegreiflich ist, erschaffen, HO hat er auch konnen eine Attractionem universalem materiae imprimiren, wenn gleich solche attractio supra captum ist, da hingegen die Principia Cartesiana allzeit contra captum etwas involviren.

75. For example, the creation of regional operational centres (ROCs) in the [recast Electricity Regulation as proposed by COM(2016) 861/2] calls for supra-national monitoring which needs to be performed by ACER, as the ROCs cover several Member States.

76. An affinity between the amphibians and the teleost fish is the multi-folded structure of the teeth and the paired supra-occipital bones at the back of the head, neither of these features being found elsewhere in the animal kingdom.

77. 3 Balkin, Digital Speech and Democratic Culture, supra note 2, at 25 (“One of the most important developments of the past quarter century is the emergence of the First Amendment and the free speech principle as anti-regulatory tools for corporate counsel.”); id

78. Ad tertium dicendum quod, quia sacramenta operantur secundum similitudinem per quam significant, ideo per quandam Assimilationem dicitur quod in hoc sacramento corpus offertur pro salute corporis, et sanguis pro salute animae, quamvis utrumque ad salutem utriusque operetur, cum sub utroque totus sit Christus, ut supra dictum est

79. This study demonstrated that through a modified Smith-Peterson approach and with execution of the osteotomies from the inside of the pelvis the acetabular fragment remains vascularized by the supra-acetabular and acetabular branches of the superior gluteal artery, the obturator artery and the inferior gluteal artery.

80. The isotopic compositions, ophiolite tectonostratigraphy, and correlation of the 40Ar/39Ar cooling (plagiogranite) and deformation (amphibolite) ages suggest emplacement of the Neyriz ophiolite either into an accretionary prism, through offscraping and subduction erosion, and (or) formation in a supra-subduction zone environment, around 82–96 Ma.