Đặt câu với từ "subsurface"

1. Might be some subsurface aftershocks...

2. Attenuation structure through the Earth's subsurface

3. • easements, access road, subsurface and mineral rights;

4. In the subsurface, it consists mostly of Anhydrite.

5. Digital imaging services and electronic graphic representation of advanced subsurface images

6. Indigo also supports subsurface scattering and has its own image format (.igi).

7. Key words: heavy metals, subsurface contamination, complex permittivity, artificial neural networks, contaminant detection.

8. An open subsurface space adjacent to a means of Explanation of Areaways

9. Installations and apparatus for subsurface aeration of sports fields and golf courses

10. Sandbag Cofferdams are placed on the streambed and therefore do not block subsurface flow

11. A feature of the subsurface investigations was the unusually extensive use of exploratory adits.

12. Installation and maintenance of apparatus for subsurface aeration of sports fields and golf courses

13. However, if subsurface microbial life had evolved by this point, it would have survived the bombardment.

14. Subsurface drainage systems provide good control of the water table and drain an area uniformly.

15. Mr. Vanderberg, I'll need a complete subsurface chart of all the drifts, galleries, tunnels.

16. Migration of metal contaminants must also be considered whenever modifying subsurface oxidation-reduction potential.

17. This is definitely a must have for those with a career in Contaminant subsurface hydrology

18. This test gives a simple method to determine the adhesion of coatings to the subsurface.

19. A method and apparatus for estimating a porosity and a saturation in a subsurface formation.

20. Aridisols are calcium carbonate-containing soils of arid regions that exhibit at least some subsurface horizon development

21. A new computer code for acoustical inversion technique opens new possibilities for subsurface sediment identification.

22. The team also developed geophysical tools for measuring subsurface properties of glaciers and moraine dams.

23. Aridisols contain subsurface horizons in which clays, calcium carbonate, silica, salts, and/or gypsum have accumulated.

24. These properties include subsurface oxidation, surface roughness, surface residual stress, surface orientation and surface structure, etc.

25. Aquifer thermal energy storage (Ates) is the storage and recovery of thermal energy in the subsurface

26. Subsurface investigations of several glacial successions related to engineering construction Retention of solutes by Clayey coastal plain soils.

27. The granite Batholiths were emplaced more than 10 km subsurface into the overlying gneiss and sedimentary rocks

28. The Afloat Directorate provides expertise and guidance across the spectrum of surface and subsurface operational specialties, as well as diving

29. Method for transforming geologic data relating to a subsurface region between a geophysical depth domain and a geologic age domain.

30. Identifying the type and location of subsurface features is a necessary step prior to cutting, Coring, and breaking

31. Samples from four surface and one subsurface horizons of clay-rich soils from Quebec were air-dried and critical point dried.

32. Hydrogen Blistering refers to the physical description of a metal with subsurface cavities that were created by accumulated hydrogen gas

33. The current equilibrium storage temperature of the hydrocarbon species in the subsurface accumulation prior to escape to the surface is determined.

34. Abnormal Operation The extremely unlikely occurrence of a surface or subsurface blowout of a production well represents the greatest potential emission of GHG.

35. Our Triton (floating) & Sub-Triton (submerged) Aspirators are an ideal solution for subsurface aeration in shallow bodies of water

36. Power-operated downhole tools and multilateral subsurface completion equipment used in the drilling of oil, gas, water and geothermal wells

37. In this study, the subsurface resistivity distribution was mapped and compared with the data obtained from boreholes and aerial photographs.

38. Promote sustainable water management and efficient irrigation, water conservation and utilization of alternative water sources, including flood water and subsurface flows;

39. Petroleum geologists study the locations of the subsurface of the Earth that can contain extractable hydrocarbons, especially petroleum and natural gas.

40. Albeluvisol definitions A soil with a thin, dark surface horizon on a bleached subsurface horizon that tongues into a clay illuviation horizon.

41. An assembly for subsurface wells namely sleeves, sliding sleeves, jetting assembly, packers, activation devices, darts, latching mechanism, balls, collets, and coiled tubing driven tools

42. v) Promote sustainable water management and efficient irrigation, water conservation and utilization of alternative water sources, including flood water and subsurface flows

43. The borrow investigation included airphoto interpretation to identify and locate potential sources and a subsequent detailed subsurface investigation along several sections of the alignement.

44. The main aim of Cementing a wellbore is to hold the casing in place and ensure there is no fluid leakage between the subsurface formations.

45. A continuous piezoelectric film (18) is positioned within a cable (10) for detecting marine acoustic source energy reflected and refracted from subsurface geologic formations.

46. In the paper, the geological mapping utilizing SPOT image is presented, and lineament pattern and its relationship with subsurface gas-bearing structure is discussed.

47. Albeluvisol (plural Albeluvisols) (soil science) A soil with a thin, dark surface horizon on a bleached subsurface horizon that tongues into a clay illuviation horizon.

48. Areaway - An open subsurface space adjacent to a building used to admit light or air or as a means of access to a basement.

49. The horizontal structure of each lens is influenced by variations in the type and porosity of the subsurface deposits, which on Diego Garcia are minor.

50. It has also been used in environmental applications to propagate a low Eh front in the subsurface in order to reduce components such as chromium.

51. Catenas are an important feature of savannah ecosystems, where local surface and subsurface redistribution of water results in characteristic soil and vegetation gradients (Venter et al., 2003)

52. Types of Aquifers In more detail, there are three main classifications of Aquifers, defined by their geometry and relationship to topography and the subsurface geology (Figures 6-9)

53. However, in an underground oil reservoir the proportions of gas, liquid, and solid depend on subsurface conditions and on the phase diagram of the petroleum mixture.

54. Pulse thermography could detect subsurface damage not apparent to visual inspection, and acoustic emission could, under some circumstances, give information of damage initiation prior to catastrophic failure.

55. Classification of these is a function of water table location within the subsurface, its structure and hydraulic conductivities into two namely; Confined Aquifers and Unconfined Aquifers and then …

56. Water in the subsurface below the water table. Groundwater is held in the pores of rocks, and can be connate, from meteoric sources, or associated with igneous intrusions.

57. Albeluvisols with bleached tongues extending into a clay-enriched subsurface soil are common in clayey glacial till and fine-textured materials of fluvioglacial or glaciolacustrine origin but also in loess

58. An Albeluvisol in the FAO World Reference Base for Soil Resources is a soil with a thin, dark surface horizon on a bleached subsurface horizon (an albic horizon) that tongues into a …

59. The Boreholes and at other locations along the edges of the existing runway Conducting a geotechnical laboratory testing program Performing geotechnical engineering analyses and evaluating data derived from the subsurface investigation and laboratory testing programs

60. The present invention relates to a method for locating magnetic bodies within the earth and in particular to a method for determining the subsurface location, geometry and depth of these bodies from aeromagnetic data.

61. Central are hereby the reactive gases O2, O3, CH4, NH3, PH3, H2, CO2, SOx and NOx acting as electron or as proton acceptors or donars, respectively, and as structural elements of cell synthesis in the subsurface.

62. In earth's atmosphere, Ar-39 is made by cosmic ray activity, primarily with Ar-40. In the subsurface environment, it is also produced through neutron-capture by K-39 or alpha emission by calcium .

63. Subsurface microbial communities supported by geologically and Abiologically derived hydrogen and carbon dioxide from the Earth's interior are of great interest, not only with regard to the nature of primitive life on Earth, but as potential analogs for extraterrestrial life

64. Laboratory studies investigating subsurface microbial processes, such as metal leaching in deep ore deposits (Biomining), share common and challenging obstacles, including the special environmental conditions that need to be replicated, e.g., high pressure and in some cases acidic solutions

65. Albit – device which will amaze you… New generation ! Albit was designed as an easy-to-use and practical ultrasound device both for general diagnostic applications such as Gynecological-Obstetric, Abdominal, Urology, Pediatric, Small subsurface organs examination and …

66. Other articles where Butterwort is discussed: Lamiales: Carnivorous families: Pinguicula (Butterwort) has flat leaves that are sticky on the adaxial surface, and Genlisea (corkscrew plant) has tubular leaves and forked subsurface traps with the opening spiraling along the branches of the fork

67. Aeromagnetic Survey An Aeromagnetic survey is a kind of geophysical prospecting, which makes use of airborne geophysical surveying gauges installed in an aircraft at a certain flight height range to acquire magnetic field strength from the subsurface. From:Volcanic Reservoirs in Petroleum Exploration, 2013

68. The geology of the buried Precambrian basement under Manitoulin Island in northern Lake Huron, Ontario, has been re-evaluated on the basis of aeromagnetic data, well cuttings, core samples, and rubidium–strontium and uranium–lead geochronologic data on some of the subsurface samples.

69. Albeluvisol, one of the 30 soil groups in the classification system of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Albeluvisols are characterized by a subsurface layer of brownish clay into which "tongues" of bleached material project from an overlying layer extensively leached of clay and iron oxides.

70. CrunchFlow is a user-friendly, Computationally efficient package for reactive transport that allows users ranging from beginner to expert to explore a broad range of problems in the earth and environmental sciences, including contaminant migration, soil processes, carbon and nutrient cycling, subsurface C02 storage, the chemical consequences of hydraulic fracturing and chemical and …

71. "The Boreholes will be drilled to industry best practice, with steel casing installed to isolate the borehole from the shallow ground, ensuring that any existing surface contamination will not migrate to the groundwater and contaminate the water table." Elton Parish Council raised fears over the marking of fluids with chemicals or radioactive nuclides to enable tracking through the subsurface.

72. The Atmospheric nitrogen cycle is highly complex and there is a wide range of factors that can affect the nitrate level in polar ice.: On many days wood fires are banned, as they add to the big brown cloud held in by Atmospheric inversions.: In this phase, using higher frequency radio waves, the instrument will continue shallow probing of the subsurface and start Atmospheric sounding.