Đặt câu với từ "squarely"

1. I tackled the Blighter squarely.

2. We must meet the challenge squarely .

3. He wheeled and faced his opponent squarely.

4. She stood squarely, with her feet apart.

5. He faced me squarely across the table.

6. I laid the matter squarely before him.

7. He wheeled about and faced his opponent squarely.

8. The blame rests squarely on Jim's shoulders.

9. 8 This case falls squarely within the committee's jurisdiction.

10. She planted a kiss squarely on his cheek.

11. They placed the blame squarely on the doctor.

12. Surely the blame rests squarely with Sir Ralph?

13. Annunzio wanted all fingers pointed squarely at O'Brien.

14. She looked at me squarely in the eye.

15. The blame was placed squarely on the doctor. Sentencedict.com

16. 9 I laid the matter squarely before him.

17. He planted himself squarely in front of us.

18. This case falls squarely within the committee's jurisdiction.

19. Her hat was set squarely on her head.

20. I kept the gun aimed squarely at his eyes.

21. Dr Soames jammed his hat squarely on his head.

22. The bullet hit him squarely between the shoulder blades.

23. This case falls squarely into the category of abuse.

24. As Silver followed Bigwig, it recovered itself and faced him squarely.

25. The president put the blame squarely on his opponent.

26. The party puts its support squarely behind the minister.

27. Gerald is squarely facing the prospect of his imminent death.

28. He stood squarely in front of them, blocking the entrance.

29. The show is aimed squarely at people under the age of

30. He hit the nail squarely on the head with the hammer.

31. She refused to come down squarely on either side of the argument.

32. She swung the ax, hitting the log squarely in the middle.

33. 4 He stood squarely in front of them, blocking the entrance.

34. And the total alteration in underlying circumstances has not been squarely faced.

35. None touched or saw Simon , although he stood squarely in their midst.

36. I accept that the responsibility for this lies squarely at my door.

37. This recent tragedy has put the manufacturersof the drug squarely in the dock.

38. The gaping round mouth of the gun, centred squarely on his left eye.

39. To be successful, the World Bank Group must also squarely face its own internal challenges.

40. I looked squarely at him, certain I had his attention, and then I wiggled my ears.

41. 29 This recent tragedy has put the manufacturersof the drug squarely in the dock.

42. The March 1, 1935, issue of The Watchtower squarely addressed a growing problem among God’s people.

43. Be sure that your statement is based squarely on God’s Word and not on personal opinion.

44. They aim their advice squarely at nubile girls who have falsely equated romantic love with happiness.

45. And they squarely faced the question of a gradual abolition plan for the state of Virginia in 1831 and'32.

46. We can confidently leave the avenging of wrong squarely in the hands of God, who hates all injustice.

47. The history of Additive manufacturing began with rapid prototyping applications — but the future is squarely in end-use manufacturing

48. It is squarely in the scientific tradition and is a conscious attempt to apply scientific method to international relations.

49. Where Walcott is rustic and galloping, the Everton-era Rooney was squarely in English football's urban foundling tradition.

50. Athens is always squarely at the center of Aristophanes’ comedies, with current events and political goings-on directly referenced.

51. Having thus cleverly disarmed his remarks, he effectively placed the onus for taking them to heart squarely on Robby.

52. The Chow Chow is an Arctic-type dog, powerful, squarely built, and sturdy with heavy bone and strong muscular development

53. Next morning the sun rose to see a variety of signs hanging, not always squarely, on the battered quarry gate.

54. Next morning the sun rose to see a variety of signs hanging, not always squarely[http://Sentencedict.com], on the battered quarry gate.

55. So let’s put the blame squarely where it belongs, on Ben and Jerry, for the Bigoted, antisemitic singling out of Israel

56. Those Admonitions will likely be squarely aimed at President-elect Donald Trump, and may include calls to celebrate America’s diversity, to be …

57. (Revelation 12:9, 12) Thus, the major part of the blame for wickedness has to be placed squarely on Satan the Devil.

58. We can maintain school efficiency but let the school executives play the game squarely and do their part in Basiating in this equitable tax system." , ,

59. Blame lies squarely at the feet of hotel industry executives that have time and time again allowed OTCs to control the room pricing dialogue with consumers.

60. The upper organ with such broad Alations as to leave in the middle behind, a broad, deep, notch, the bottom of which is squarely cut " 2

61. The thirst for action and the yearning for progress has put you squarely in front of the task so that you can grow beyond your limit."

62. Bob Knorpp, host of The BeanCast and The 2 Minute Rundown with Peter Shankman, said Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram was shrewd sleight of hand aimed squarely at Bolsterings …

63. Now that you know the natural and store-bought solutions you can use, you can deal with those mounds squarely and enjoy a new Anthill-free life

64. 2 British, informal : a person who is extremely enthusiastic about and interested in something that other people find boring Bale's book is scholarly, immensely detailed and aimed squarely at political Anoraks. …

65. AEGIS TECHNOLOGIES - 038390301030, 90301030, Easy to weld, the Whizweld Branchlets beveled design allows it to sit squarely on the header for uncomplicated, one-pass welds with automatic welding equipment

66. Instead, most people opt for the more Commercialized meaning, and focus squarely on spending hundreds (thousands) of dollars buying useless presents and paying attention to “getting” rather than the spirit of giving.

67. "Cursed" (now streaming, ★★½ out of four) falls squarely into the mediocre-to-average zone of many Netflix series these days, particularly its teen programming.

68. AEGIS TECHNOLOGIES - 038390300525, 90300525, Easy to weld, the Whizweld Branchlets beveled design allows it to sit squarely on the header for uncomplicated, one-pass welds with automatic welding equipment

69. Value of decode hold the newsreaders nose squarely waiter or friendly milk will Countermand my trousers in Gematria is 7102, Online Gematria Calculator with same phrases values search and words

70. Global markets barely moved following the release of the Chinese data, with the focus still squarely on Greece's fiscal woes and the looming battle over the debt ceiling in the US.

71. It is also imperative that the UN and its Funds and Programmes not advance particular ideological objectives linked to preferences of donors but align themselves squarely behind national priorities of developing countries.

72. It is important because it approaches the study of Advaita Vedanta from a historico-philosophical perspective, that is, it situates Advaita Vedanta squarely within the context and influence of Mahayana Buddhism

73. Aimed squarely at tourists, Royal Mile Armouries is unusual in that it's the only store in town i know of that sells suits of armour, broadswords and other middle-ages era battle peripherals.

74. Crookedly, to one side, awry, obliquely, off-centre, aslant Some of the doors hung Askew. crookedly evenly, right, level, true, straight, squarely, in line, aligned Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition

75. This allows room for the windpipe to be within the jaw, allowing the skull to sit squarely on a fully erect spine as in modern humans, rather than roughly in front of it, as in the other great apes.

76. What Unitarians Know (and Sam Harris Doesn't) In a rare moment when Lepore Adduces a cause of the Tea Party movement, she points squarely to the decline of the newspaper: In 2009, while the Tea Party was forming, the newspaper was dying, all over

77. With the release of American Made, a film loosely based on Barry Seal’s life, the spotlight has fallen squarely on the life and times of the man who lived his life on the edge.Here are a few details from Barry Seal’s wiki.

78. Judge Jurden’s opinion– though the first in Delaware to squarely address Champerty and maintenance in the context of modern litigation finance arrangements – is consistent with the trend in Delaware (and elsewhere) towards protecting litigants who utilize litigation finance from any disadvantage as a result.

79. (Ephesians 5:3) Recently, when this issue was placed squarely before one large group of full-time servants of Jehovah, several trash cans full of albums were turned in and destroyed simply because of their immoral content, demonic tendency or advocacy of this world’s degraded life-style.

80. Industry Bemoans lack of aviation support in UK Chancellor’s budget By Luke Barras-hill Wednesday, 3 March 2021 15:57 UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak today (3 March) unveiled an additional £65 billion/$90 billion tranche of funding in a budget centred squarely on supporting the country as it emerges from lockdown.