Đặt câu với từ "social insurance"

1. Social insurance contributions are immediately used for covering social insurance benefit costs instead of accumulating them by capitalization.

2. Social insurance contributions are immediately used for covering social insurance benefit costs instead of accumulating them by capitalization

3. Assist for social insurance management work.

4. (a) old-age pension — social insurance pillar:

5. * An expanded and reformed social insurance system.

6. This is the principle of universal social insurance.

7. China's social insurance has also achieved outstanding results since 19

8. The legislation of social insurance is more urgent and arduous.

9. Social insurance covering illness and accidents is covered by two schemes.

10. Compared with 19 the social insurance fund has increased severrral times.

11. The labor security and social insurance systems have been further strengthened.

12. Myth No. Individual accounts will erode political support for social insurance.

13. Social Insurance Act for the Self-employed in Agricultural Sector No. 2926;

14. More than half of these records included social insurance and account numbers.

15. The unit inside any legal limits and laborer must attend social insurance.

16. Customer objects to Social Insurance Number on address label of telephone bill

17. No organization or individual shall be allowed to misappropriate social insurance funds.

18. Labour Costs would include travel time, holiday pay, training Costs, working clothes, social insurance,

19. There are other processes which are undermining women's access to the social insurance system.

20. In addition, full social insurance coverage was guaranteed for all workers and their dependants

21. Sociálna poisťovňa (Social Insurance Agency), Bratislava; for benefits in kind: competent health insurance company.

22. Other federal taxes include the corporate profit tax and social insurance ( Social Security ) taxes.

23. Social insurance fully developed may provide income security: it is an attack upon Want.

24. Enter your social insurance number, TELEFILE access code, and tax information using your telephone keypad.

25. In addition, the Court requested the Ombudsman to reimburse the Social Insurance Agency for court fees.

26. Income-related sickness compensation and income-related activity compensation (Chapter 34 of the Social Insurance Code)

27. Social insurance includes age insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, work related injury insurance and maternity insurance.

28. Also, the social insurance scheme would cost more if there was a high level of unemployment.

29. Information on applying for Social Insurance Numbers and systems supporting administration of the SIN program. Topics:

30. The United States social insurance system is funded by a tax similar to an income tax.

31. Do not provide valid critical information like: date of birth, full name, Social Insurance Number or address.

32. Under the Social Insurance Act, all employees of the State and its economic sectors must be insured.

33. Access will not be permitted without adequate proof of identification including Social Insurance Number, and/or authority.

34. There did not exist any kind of social insurance against sickness , old age , unemployment , accident or sudden death .

35. • identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned to an individual (i.e. Social Insurance Numbers, bank account numbers etc.)

36. Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel —(Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels),

37. Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel —(Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels);

38. Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel —(Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels)

39. Cuts in personal and business taxation and social insurance levies are a top priority, to revive weak investment.

40. Office de sécurité sociale d'outre-mer, Bruxelles —Dienst voor overzeese sociale zekerheid, Brussel —(Overseas Social Insurance Office, Brussels).

41. Those who participate to the accumulation system receive a proportionally reduced amount of the state social insurance pension.

42. The Swedish social security is mainly handled by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and encompasses many separate benefits.

43. Duties - Receives applications for social insurance numbers from coders, and sorts them by alphanumeric code into a sorting machine.

44. Well-targeted advertising measures and an improvement of social insurance and pension benefits succeeded in winning additional foster parents

45. In fact, the auditor general reported recently about the alarming number of social insurance numbers that are floating around

46. Well-targeted advertising measures and an improvement of social insurance and pension benefits succeeded in winning additional foster parents.

47. Statistical data accumulated by treasury and social insurance institutions offer no guidance on the gender structure of allowance beneficiaries.

48. The second pillar -- providing greater economic security -- includes bolstering social assistance systems, expanding social insurance, and increasing resilience to shocks.

49. However, the social insurance system of justice still needs benignity to provide value guidance and humanistic environment for its operation.

50. The very principle of social insurance lies not merely threatened but broken by 12 years of abuse by the Government.

51. The superannuation fund is the essential part of pension fund, which is very important for the performance of social insurance system.

52. Control may also be achieved through resource management, such as social insurance schemes or payment of retainers or fees for service.

53. Therefore, when deciding the basic social insurance contributions for different enterprises, the wage level and profit should be taken into account.

54. Mr Kuckelkorn' s initial report considered the retirement pension primarily as social insurance against certain life risks, rather than a process of accumulating capital.

55. Article 19 The unemployed who receive medical treatment during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation, may apply for medical subvention from social insurance agencies.

56. The term social legislation appeared firstly in Germany, its origin can be traced back to the British Poor Law, labor legislation and the German social insurance legislation.

57. According to the peasant workers'socialization, it is necessary to confirm their social insurance range, set up the hospitalization insurance and adopt the flexible methods to protect their legal ...

58. The Bismarckian regime (e.g., Belgium, France, and Germany) is grounded in large and fragmented social insurance systems, whose main goal is income and status maintenance rather than citizenship

59. Thus, Bismarckian social insurance can be used to compensate for brute luck events, whereas progressive taxation and/or basic income can be used to create redistribution beyond risk pooling

60. So long as the head of household contributes to a social insurance scheme, his dependent children benefit from his social security coverage if they reside in Monaco or the French department of Alpes-Maritimes (medical or educational benefits excluded).

61. Accidents in the workplace and other health and safety risks are first and foremost a human and social problem, but they also involve economic costs for the firm in terms of absenteeism, social insurance contributions, and losses in output, know-how, etc.

62. • a completed form T1-ADJ T1 Adjustment Request, or a signed letter providing the details of your request (including the years of the returns you want us to change), your social insurance number, your address, and a telephone number where we can reach you during the day; and

63. As a result the efficiency of the Slovak tax system appears to have improved in 2013, especially for VAT, although the need to consolidate efforts and strengthen the analytical and audit capacity of the tax administration remains and the unification of the collection of taxes, customs duties and social insurance contributions is behind schedule.