Đặt câu với từ "smells"

1. Something smells

2. This smells delicious.

3. Something smells fishy.

4. Damn. Smells like shit.

5. It smells awful.

6. Smells like perfume.

7. He smells your perfume.

8. Well, dat smells stinkowiff.

9. That meat smells rotten.

10. This pan smells of fish.

11. It smells of warm garbage.

12. Their blood smells like tar.

13. Smells like piss in here.

14. This smells really nice!

15. The food smells great.

16. She smells of shit.

17. Gumbo smells good, Tiana.

18. This cheese smells vile.

19. I smelt ... strange new smells.

20. Your lotion smells really nice.

21. This smells of cut grass.

22. The plan smells of trickery.

23. The ripe fruit smells of apples.

24. If he smells heat, he'll bolt.

25. — It's all dandruffy, and it smells.

26. Delectable smells rose from the kitchen.

27. Spicy smells wafted through the air.

28. This blanket smells a bit fusty.

29. Her favourite essence smells like gardenias.

30. Place smells like pig shit, anyway.

31. Smells like Bengay in here.

32. This rag smells like mildew.

33. Oh yeah, it smells good.

34. 13 He smells of tobacco.

35. Your shit smells like Shalimar.

36. It's also tastes and smells.

37. The town smells like springtime.

38. Your breath smells of brandy.

39. If something is Aromatic, it smells good

40. Smells like Prima cigarettes and discount cologne.

41. I believe that girl smells of perfume.

42. It smells like your sheep crap oil.

43. Delicious smells were emanating from the kitchen.

44. The marketplace was filled with delightful smells.

45. Smells great, but drink down very fierce.

46. [ Speaking French ] It smells like a whorehouse.

47. This fruit smells like jering and banana.

48. Her favorite essence smells like gardenias.

49. The milk smells a bit iffy.

50. Cooking smells wafted up from downstairs.

51. The milk smells/tastes decidedly off.

52. It smells of a conspiracy to Brahmanize …

53. It never tastes like it smells, does it?

54. Bees have a phenomenal ability to detect smells.

55. That meat smells a bit iffy to me.

56. The non - toxic auto exhaust smells like tempura.

57. Smells like a Drakkar Noir factory in here.

58. 22 Delicious smells were emanating from the kitchen.

59. 13 Sounds, sights and smells were more vibrant.

60. And it smells like a garbage dump.

61. SMELLS Begone Fragrance Free Spray eliminates odors effectively

62. Well, it's garish, ugly and smells like piss.

63. You shouldn't eat this meat. It smells bad.

64. The fox smells his own stink first. 

65. Police dogs can discriminate between the different smells.

66. Bad , nauseating smells coming from drainpipes into apartments.

67. gunfire, footsteps, noises, smells, a few words in Spanish.

68. Have you got any soap that smells like roses?

69. Take notice of your surroundings - sights , sounds , smells , ambiance.

70. NekoKanjya 282274 Although natto smells Awful, it is delicious.

71. There's this leather store that always smells so good.

72. Rot creates horrendous smells that are putrid to experience.

73. Fresh Butterfish smells like the ocean, but never fishy

74. Smells of almond-oil moisturizer, musky cologne and tobacco.

75. Dispel unpleasant smells. Stimulate appetite. Appease vehemency and depression.

76. By the way, your car smells like smoke.

77. My God, this place literally smells like feces.

78. Musty smells, the smell of walls and rooms.

79. 13 The marketplace was filled with delightful smells.

80. Nighttime smells, nighttime sights and sounds as well.