Đặt câu với từ "skunk works"

1. The Skunk Works operated as an independent community within Lockheed, its secret activities conducted behind unmarked doors.

2. In organizing his Skunk Works, Johnson paid no attention to how the quarters looked or how comfortable they were.

3. Kelly Johnson was a curmudgeon, but he was revered at the Skunk Works for his refusal to compromise about airplanes.

4. 22 Kelly Johnson was a curmudgeon, but he was revered at the Skunk Works for his refusal to compromise about airplanes.

5. People wanted to work at the Skunk Works not be-cause it was plush or prestigious, but because they loved the work.

6. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, home of the world renowned Skunk Works®, turns visionary aircraft into reality and is known for building the finest military aircraft in the world