Đặt câu với từ "similarity"

1. However, there the similarity ends.

2. We are interested in semantic similarity.

3. The similarity is slight, but unmistakable.

4. They had a ghostly, opalescent similarity.

5. They found marked points of similarity.

6. But that is a superficial similarity.

7. Conformity: Similarity in form or character; agreement


9. The similarity relation between Algebras is an equiva-lence relation whose equivalence classes will be called similarity classes

10. They say the cases bear no similarity.

11. The similarity between the two invites comparison.

12. Did you remark the similarity between them?

13. 13 The similarity is slight, but unmistakable.

14. Here the similarity with Western politics ends.

15. Current similarity based approximate reasoning methods (SBARs) have various views on similarity relations and neglect the effect of dissimilarity relations.

16. We propose a bi - directional similarity measure.

17. We propose a bi-directional similarity measure.

18. There were points of similarity between them.

19. To show similarity and difference in historical information.

20. She bears a striking similarity to her mother.

21. The extent to which situational similarity on the perceptual side corresponds with similarity in the behavioural reports indicates individual consistency across situations.

22. 17 The extent to which situational similarity on the perceptual side corresponds with similarity in the behavioural reports indicates individual consistency across situations.

23. This similarity is provided by the average quantities.

24. This close similarity indicates a second written source.

25. In the end, their similarity is not that interesting.

26. The area bears a superficial similarity to south London.

27. Conclusion regarding the similarity of the marks at issue

28. They are both blonde, but there the similarity ends .

29. The similarity between them has often been remarked on.

30. Describe its similarity to plasminogen, its capacity to delay Coagulum or embolus destruction and highlight its structural and functional similarity to lipid metabolism.

31. Bouët's index of similarity is affected by analytical inconsistency.

32. There is some similarity in the way they sing.

33. 23 synonyms for Analogy: similarity, relation, comparison, parallel, correspondence, resemblance

34. Synonyms for Correspondence. common denominator, commonality, congruity, parallel, resemblance, similarity,

35. This good - fellowship - camaraderie - usually occurs through similarity of pursuits.

36. I can see the similarity between you and your mother.

37. Complementation pairs tend to have higher than average sequence identity/similarity, but sequence identity alone is a poor predictor of replaceability as evidenced by the observations that high sequence similarity does not guarantee replaceability and Complementation pairs can have low sequence similarity

38. In other words, if Commute, there exists a similarity matrix

39. Is there some functional similarity with mate choice in quail?

40. This story is purely fictional. Any similarity is purely coincidental.

41. There are several points of similarity between the two cases.

42. They are both doctors but that is where the similarity ends.

43. This similarity is explored in the theory of time-scale calculus.

44. Despite an increasing similarity between the two styles, Clogging is distinctive

45. Any similarity between this film and real events is purely coincidental.

46. The obvious similarity being it's a prostitute whose throat was slashed.

47. Similarity in a trait is measured with a value called concordance.

48. Helen is also 25 and from Birmingham, but the similarity ends there.

49. Cataphatic Theology could be defined in terms of Arabic tashbih (“similarity”) - i.e

50. Hence, a higher number means a better Concurrently alternative or higher similarity

51. Cataphatic Theology could be defined in terms of Arabic tashbih (“similarity”) - i.e

52. • What similarity is there between the human body and the Christian congregation?

53. Hence, a higher number means a better Blackeye alternative or higher similarity.

54. The properties of a compound bear little similarity to those of its elements.

55. The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (Blast) finds regions of similarity between sequences

56. Over the next couple of hours, the sightings continue, with almost mystical similarity.

57. 14 As they talked, Croft and Stanley were sensing a similarity between themselves.

58. Differences in Assumption: Behaviouralism accepts the basic similarity between Political Science and natural sciences

59. Similarity in form or character; agreement: I acted in Conformity with my principles

60. Despite the similarity of their names, Chrysoberyl and beryl are two completely different gemstones.

61. A Confederation is not the same as a federation, but they have a similarity.

62. A comparison based on such similarity: made an Analogy between love and a fever

63. There is also a great similarity between acid Anhydrides and acyl chlorides (acid chlorides

64. 6 These important cognitive motivations focus on experientialism, salience, degree of similarity and attention.

65. Despite the similarity of their names, Chrysoberyl and beryl are two completely different gemstones

66. If your description matches the information we have, this similarity can help your case.

67. She is also 25 and a native of Birmingham, but the similarity ends there.

68. Despite the similarity of their names, Chrysoberyl and beryl are two completely different gemstones

69. This suggests no relationship to collagen or silk fibroin but a general similarity to Arthropodins

70. Antonyms for Alterity include similarity, alikeness, analogousness, analogy, community, correspondence, likeness, resemblance, sameness and accord

71. The concept of similarity grade is proposed to quantitatively assess the similitude of hydraulic models.

72. The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (Blast) finds regions of local similarity between sequences

73. What topic, image, and point of similarity do we find at Psalm 90:1?

74. Fundamental Content of the similarity theory contains definition, theorems, type and methods of similitude.

75. This paper proposes a fuzzy similarity method to predict epileptic seizures with electroencephalography ( EEG ) .

76. The similarity in psychological makeup was just enough to make the ultimate differences unbridgeable.

77. Analogy, (from Greek ana logon, “according to a ratio”), originally, a similarity in proportional relationships

78. Some advantages of the Il-10 came from its technical similarity to the Il-2.

79. Fiddle with the Similarity values, and the Blend until you get a good, clean Chromakey.

80. Alligators are federally classified as “ threatened due to similarity of appearance” to other endangered crocodilians