Đặt câu với từ "senescence"

1. Human Chondrocyte senescence and osteoarthritis

2. Senescence consists of these manifestations of the Aging process.

3. Unlike the coyote, the gray wolf never reaches reproductive senescence.

4. Chronic circadian misalignment accelerates immune senescence and Abbreviates lifespan in mice Sci Rep

5. Apoptosis helps maintain homeostasis - since it is a natural process fo senescence of cells

6. Glutamine synthetase activity increased during early leaf development but then remained constant until senescence.

7. The main difference between Abscission and senescence is that Abscission is the separation of a senescent plant part or organ from the plant body whereas senescence is the age-related deterioration of plant organs.

8. There's a phenomenon which you have written about and spoken about, which is a negligible senescence.

9. VHL loss Actuates a HIF-independent senescence programme mediated by Rb and p400 Nat Cell Biol

10. 4 BPTES treatment Ameliorates age- and senescence-associated organ dysfunctions by eliminating SnCs in vivo

11. (Laughter) There's a phenomenon which you have written about and spoken about, which is a negligible senescence.

12. In vivo testing was performed on senescence-accelerated mouse models, characterised by age-dependent aggregates formation.

13. Such theories are not compatible with the evidence for the adaptive role of senescence as outlined recently (5).

14. 14 And exogenous Spermine could retard drought-sensitive Variety senescence better than drought-resistant one under water stress.

15. Synonyms for Caducities include senility, dotages, age, old age, second childhoods, senescence, elderliness, agedness, oldness and infirmities

16. Cellular senescence has been shown for epithelial cells of bronchi and alveoli as well as mesenchymal and vascular cells.

17. Some renascent mortal got arthritis and myocarditis,[Sentencedict.com ] and whether they will be senescence or juvenescence is a question.

18. Synonyms for Caducity include senility, dotage, age, old age, second childhood, senescence, agedness, elderliness, oldness and declining years

19. Abscission and senescence are two subsequent processes responsible for the removal of unnecessary parts from the plant body

20. Autumn leaf senescence has later onset, higher phenological plasticity and a stronger climatic response under warm compared to cold Autumns

21. Bleomycin treatment of A549 cells induces senescence rather than apoptosis, a more usual response of cancer cells to cytotoxic drugs

22. Asparagine plays a primary role in nitrogen recycling, storage and transport in developing and germinating seeds, as well as in vegetative and senescence organs

23. In general, it can be said that there is a senescence-related tempering, or blunting, in the Biorhythmicity of physiological parameters under resting, or basal, conditions

24. 10 The increase in firmness during postharvest loquat fruit senescence showed similar characteristic to tissue lignification of chilling injury, however, the mechanism might be different.

25. JAK inhibition Alleviates the cellular senescence-associated secretory phenotype and frailty in old age Ming Xu , Tamara Tchkonia , Husheng Ding , Mikolaj Ogrodnik , Ellen R

26. Ovarian Atrophy occurs with age (senescence) or may result from administration of drugs or exposure to chemicals that block or suppress trophic control of the ovary

27. In decreasing order of utility, the characteristics most effective in revealing clones were sex, leaf shape, floral (inflorescence) phenology, and leaf phenology: flushing, senescence, and abscission.

28. Therefore, one of important reasons for florescence and senescence of navel orange was the disorder of metabolism induced by the accumulation of active oxygen species.

29. The effect of aging on the thymus and immune senescence is well established, and the resulting inflammaging is found to be implicated in the development of many chronic diseases inclu …

30. 24 These results suggested that flesh lignification was a senescence phenomenon in postharvest loquat fruits,[www.Sentencedict.com] and inappropriate chilling storage will promote the incidence of flesh lignification.

31. According to a new study published last week in Science, the Autumnal senescence of leaves might counterintuitively occur sooner in the season as climate change progresses

32. However, delayed treatment may be impractical in conifer plantations, since the time of leaf senescence and abscission of blueberry coincides with that of many target species.

33. Anthesis date mainly explained correlations between post-Anthesis leaf senescence, grain yield, and grain protein concentration in a winter wheat population segregating for flowering time QTLs J Exp Bot

34. In such series, conidia or aerial hyphae work equally well as transfer inocula, but 1-mm hyphal tips cut from growing mycelium do not promote senescence when used as inocula.

35. Although the Cytokinin signal is known to be perceived by histidine kinase receptors, the underlying molecular mechanism and specificity of the receptors leading to delayed leaf senescence have not yet been elucidated.

36. Production of Areg is triggered by DNA damage to stromal cells, which passively enter senescence in the tumor microenvironment (TME), a process that remarkably enhances cancer malignancy including acquired resistance mediated by EGFR.

37. ‘A biophysicist deals with the Biophysical aspects of these claims, some widely known, some specific to the Czech Republic.’ ‘In plants, senescence is accompanied by morphological changes and/or alterations in biochemical and Biophysical properties of metabolism.’

38. ‘Abscission layer’ ‘The presence and balance of plant hormones have been shown to affect Abscission of leaves, flowers, and immature and mature fruit.’ ‘Ethylene is involved in many biological processes, like fruit ripening, flower and leaf Abscission, senescence, many stress acclimations, and growth.’

39. The colonization cycle comprises a growth phase when the fungus forms large intracellular coils, host cytoplasm proliferates and the starch content of the plastids decreases, followed by senescence when the hyphae die back and aggregate into large masses.

40. Cytokinins are a group of plant growth regulators which are primarily involved in performing cell division in plant roots, shoot system. This hormone helps in promoting the cell’s growth, development, differentiation, affecting apical dominance and delay in leaf senescence.

41. She is particularly known for her work establishing that the gas ethylene is a natural plant hormone, rather than a by-product or pollutant, and for demonstrating that ethylene, rather than abscisic acid, is the major regulator of senescence (ageing) and abscission (shedding of parts such as leaves).

42. Azidothymidine is an anticancer drug that not only competitively decreases telomerase activity in tumor cells via active Anabolite azidothymidine triphosphate (AZTTP) and arrests the tumor cells by favoring apoptosis or inducing senescence (24), (25), but also through decreasing Bc1-2 expression and concentration in tumor cells lowers the resistance of the cells to apoptosis and increases their …

43. Aging publishes research papers in all fields of Aging research including but not limited, Aging from yeast to mammals, cellular senescence, age-related diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s diseases and their prevention and treatment, anti-Aging strategies and drug development and especially the role of signal transduction pathways such as mTOR in Aging and potential approaches to modulate these …