Đặt câu với từ "sanctum sanctorum"

1. The clubhouse was their sanctum sanctorum.

2. He withdrew to his sanctum sanctorum, where the children could never go.

3. His bedroom's his inner sanctum.

4. I was allowed once into his inner sanctum.

5. Lot 17: Antiphonar - "Antiphonarium proprium sanctorum, Select Subject

6. Looking sour , Mr. Lin walked into the " inner sanctum. "

7. The sanctum entrance is guarded by huge dvarapalas .

8. "The Oculus : The Abysmal Sanctum" will …

9. She once allowed me into her inner sanctum .

10. Was I going to get to the Sanctum before nightfall?

11. Adyta is Greek for the inner sanctum of a temple

12. And there would be me, allowed into their inner sanctum.

13. From Acta Sanctorum, "Albani, Amphibali & Sociorum anno DXC Anglice scripta

14. Pars hyemalis \-aestivalis! Breviarium Romanum cum Psalterio proprio et officiis sanctorum ad usum cleri Basilicae Vaticanae Clementis 10

15. Occasionally she would be allowed into the inner sanctum of his office.

16. They stepped through, into the cool semi-darkness of the inner sanctum.

17. Rebuild the defiled Orrery and unlock the secrets of this Mages Guild Inner Sanctum.

18. Anterooms also create a barrier between the inner sanctum and the outside world

19. Priest trainers in the Exodar are based in the Anchorites' Sanctum.

20. Breviarium Romanum cum Psalterio proprio et officiis sanctorum ad usum cleri Basilicae Vaticanae Clementis 10

21. The Governor's sanctum was a leviathan suffused with the same dreary red light.

22. Illum denique etiam post obitum miraculis Coruscantem Benedictus Quartusdecimus Beatorum, Clemens Tertiusdecimus Sanctorum fastis adscripsit

23. According to a 400-year tradition, women are restricted from entering the inner sanctum.

24. The spout projects invariably northwards irrespective of the direction of the sanctum .

25. WoW's Sanctum Of Domination Raid Culminates In A "Pivotal Moment" For Sylvanas

26. What I'm about to show you is the inner sanctum of our entire operation.

27. I will not wait until the troops break into my inner sanctum to attempt this.

28. A Thaumaturgic Anima Bead can be exchanged for a shield or off-hand at your Covenant Sanctum.

29. This was when somebody opened the door to the inner sanctum where the support band was playing.

30. My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark.

31. Please recall how I've been penned in a sanctum on a planet for most of my days.

32. 21 To pass unscathed into the inner sanctum of the wave is the categorical imperative of surfing.

33. On the walls of the god's sanctum are two rare depictions of Vishnu as the Buddha.

34. The second tala has a sanctum enclosed by the upward extension of the inner wall of the aditala .

35. 14 Cleanse your inner self of the forces, coupled with fear, that push you out of your inner sanctum.

36. Why should she have been invited into the inner sanctum while I had been so resolutely excluded?

37. The circular srikoyil of Vadakkunnathan , the most northerly of the row , has its sanctum cells divided by a transverse diagonal wall .

38. She strode through the door to the outer office of his sanctum, past his personal secretary, who blinked in astonishment.

39. Cleanse your inner self of the forces, coupled with fear, that push you out of your inner sanctum.

40. She never presumed on her friendship with Eve by expecting to be let in to the inner sanctum.

41. This inner sanctum looked as though they should all be waving little red books and were very vociferous.

42. - The Oculus : The Abysmal Sanctum is a mazelike boss-rush dungeon where battles with powerful bosses occur in quick succession

43. Hideaway, hideout, retreat, refuge, den, shelter, sanctuary, Bolthole, foxhole, lair, safe house, asylum, sanctum, hermitage, oasis, haven, harbour, place of safety

44. In cases where the sanctum itself faces north , the alternate Agamic injunction that it should be on the proper left is adhered to .

45. I skirted the dike district too - or at any rate two big chicks denied me entry to their purple sanctum.

46. Ruby laser light stitched the interior of the sanctum like thinnest threads of stronger flame within a dully glowing oven.

47. Harness the power of the stars. Rebuild the defiled Orrery and unlock the secrets of this Mages Guild Inner Sanctum.

48. The Avarice (Avaritia for Hardcore) conquest requires that you complete a 50 million gold streak while outside The Vault and The Inner Sanctum

49. The main sanctum has a Somaskanda relief panel inside a special niche high upon its rear wall and visible above the top of the fluted linga stele , planted without a pitha on the sanctum floor , unlike the other Rajasimha temples where the linga more or less hides the Somaskanda panel , set at the centre of the rear wall .

50. Walsingham of course makes mention of the ‘Vitae Sanctorum Albani, Amphibali, Thomae, et Edmundi Archiepiscoporum Cantuariae’ (my italics) which Matthew is held to have ‘conscripsit et depinxit elegantissime’

51. The sanctum had a stucco panel or painting or a stone sculpture as a bas - relief on the rear wall , rather than on the floor at its centre .

52. The aditala has thus its sanctum surrounded by two covered circumambulatory passages , the outer one functioning as such while the inner one provides access to the second tala .

53. Aetolus Thorsønn, better known by his epitaph Golden Lion for his prowess in battle, was the former Inner Sanctum Guardian of Rien and former captain of Blizzard Order

54. The Temporal Anomaly, often shortened to the Anomaly, (also called the Bridge) is a wormhole and a transit system that connects Sanctum,Skyring,Bardo, Nakara,Etherea, and Earth

55. The latest Shadowlands Beta build has added a skip to the Covenant Intro Questline for Alts that are familiar with World Quests, the Covenant Sanctum, Adventures and the Maw

56. Caeterum detestabilem abusum horrendae indevotionis illorum, qui Crucis, beatae Mariae Virginis, aliorumque Sanctorum imagines, seu statuas irreverenti ausu tractantes, eas in Aggravationem cessationis huiusmodi prosternunt in terram, et urticis, spinisque supponunt, penitus reprobantes, aliquid tale fieri de caetero districtius prohibemus.

57. According to the will of Abbess Theophanu who died in 1058, candles were to be burnt in her memory ad sanctum Iohannem, which appears to be the first mention of the church.

58. 2 consists of the 42 plates only, together with letterpress section title: Imagines et delineamenta exterioris interiorisque ornatus Vaticanae Basilicae in solemni canonizatione Sanctorum Fidelis a Sigmaringa, Camilli de Lellis, Petri Regalati, Josephi a Leonissa …

59. The abutting vimanas on the south - east , south , north and north - east face east like the main sanctum , while those on the south - west , west and north - west face west .

60. Etenim quando Sacerdotium et Regnum video lacryimari, statim quasi compatiens ad Commiserationem flector, et illius meae vocis remniscor: 'Protegam urbem hanc propter David servum tuum et Aaron sanctum tuum.'" Domine, fiat, fiat

61. In addition to Mandeville’s Travels some other texts with which Walsingham certainly engaged include the thirteenth-century life of St Alban on which Walsingham based his own Tractatus de Nobilitate, Vita et Martirio Sanctorum Albani et Amphibali.

62. Ceterum, detestabilem abusum horrende indevotionis illorum, qui Crucis, beate Virginis aliorumve sanctorum ymagines seu statuas irreverenti ausu tractantes, eas, in Aggravationem cessationis hujusmodi, prosternunt in terram urticis spinisque supponunt, penitus reprobantes, aliquid tale de cetero fieri districtius prohibemus, statuentes, ut in

63. Say hello to Cella. Our new name comes from Latin and means “innermost sanctum” or “inner core.” A fitting name that reflects our belief that creative, digital and marketing teams live at the heart, or “core,” of their organizations.

64. A penance of seven years was imposed for perjury, with the additional penalty of setting free a bondsman or Bondswoman. INSULA SANCTORUM ET DOCTORUM JOHN HEALY It is possible for a woman to fulfil a bond and yet not be a Bondswoman. …

65. Crystalized Scarab • Gift of Hidden Descent • Herald's Auric Sharpening Stone • Herald's Inscription • Herald's Shield • Herald's Shoulderplate • Invisible Herald's Mushroom Spore • Itzel Defense Strategy • Machined Shield • Mordrem Splinter • Mystic Barricade • Revenant's Cache • Sanctum Scramble: Bronze • Vinetooth Fang

66. Ceterum detestabilem abusum horrendae indevotionis illorum qui crucis beatae virginis aliorum ve sanctorum imagines seu statuas irreverenti ausu tractantes eas in Aggravationem cessationis huiusmodi prosternunt in terram urticis spinis que supponunt penitus reprobantes aliquid tale de cetero fieri districtius prohibemus statuentes ut in eos qui

67. The relevant passage from the Vita describing a cross formed by the souls of martyrs reads as follows: "vidit caelum apertum, et Crucem Domini aureo Coruscantem fulgore, et ex utraque parte lapidibus pretiosis ornatam: et audivit vocem sibi dicentem: Haec quae cernis, animae sunt Sanctorum, qui pro Christo Domino stolas suas in sanguine agni

68. Abbot abridged Acta Sanctorum Albani Martyris Amen Amphibali Anglorum anno appears Apud Archiepiscopi auctore Batav Bibl Bibliotheca Bishop Bodl Book Brigidæ Brit Britain called Cant Capgrave's Nova Legenda Catalogue cent century Christi church circa Colgan Coll collection Confessoris contains copy Cott David dble Deus died Domini du Roi

69. In the matter of rise the simple or ekatala vimana consists essentially of six vertical components , which , from base to apex , would be ( 1 ) the adhishthana , or basement , ( 2 ) the pada , or pillar , or the bhitii , or wall , according as the structure stands on either or both of these supports enclosing the sanctum , ( 3 ) the prastara or architrave , with the prominent cornice , or kapota , ( 4 ) the griva or clerestory over sanctum terrace and entablature , ( 5 ) the sikhara or ultimate roof covering the top of the clerestory or griva , and ( 6 ) the stupi or finial crowning the top of the sikhara .

70. The temples considered of porches or mantapas preceding the door leading to the sanctum, gate-pyramids or gopurams, which are the principal features in the quadrangular enclosures that surround the more notable temples and pillared halls used for many purposes and are the invariable accompaniments of these temples.

71. (proper name) (b) The Ada concilii Remensis ad Sanctum Basolum, a detailed account of the proceedings and discourses at the great council of St Basle; a shorter account of his apologetic speeches at the councils of Mouzon and Causey; and drafts of the decrees of two or three other councils or imperial constitutions promulgated when he was archbishop of Ravenna or pope.

72. 1 History 2 Trivia 3 Behind the Scenes 4 Gallery 5 References 6 External Links During his studies at Kamar-Taj, Doctor Strange had come across the Brazier of Bom'Galiath.1 During the Battle at the New York Sanctum, during his fight with Kaecilius, Strange recognized the Brazier and attempted to use it against

73. The fifth group would be that where the sandhara pattern with circumambulation develops a sarvatobhadra sanctum cell , with door - openings on all the four sides , fronted by a series of two or three mandapas , and , in the most advanced type , having an additional agra - mandapa that contains sculpture panels of Ganesa , Durga and other forms on one side and the Saptamatrikas on the other side of the agm - mandapa .