Đặt câu với từ "salute"


2. Salute my beautiful Bavaria.

3. Honored guests I salute.

4. Salute for our country!

5. I salute my opponent's courage.

6. There is a gun-salute.

7. This ignoramus failed to salute me.

8. And for this, I salute you.

9. Is that loathing or a salute?

10. He gave me a flamboyant salute.

11. I did not salute the flag!”

12. He raised his hand in salute.

13. “Why don’t you salute the flag?”

14. The gun thundered out a salute.

15. He extended a salute to his father.

16. They all raised their glasses in salute.

17. “They don’t salute the flag,” one says.

18. The officer raised his hand in salute.

19. Aldo gave a slovenly salute and left.

20. The guests raised their glasses in salute.

21. 25 He raised his hand in salute.

22. Don't you usually salute a superior officer ?

23. The soldier gave the clenched-fist salute.

24. They held an acception to salute his coming.

25. When you salute a flag, you're saluting Bunting

26. He raised his hat as a friendly salute.

27. Gail: Claire, why don’t you salute the flag?

28. All soldiers must salute with the right hand.

29. Whenever you see an officer, you must salute.

30. 24 The officer raised his hand in salute.

31. We salute you for your courage and determination.

32. They raised their fists in salute to their leader.

33. We salute you for your tireless efforts for peace.

34. Assis associazione di Studi ed Informazione per la Salute

35. We recognize and salute the work of our representatives.

36. Everyone at the table raised their glasses in salute.

37. The sailor dipped the ship's flag as a salute.

38. As they left, the Corporal gave them a respectful salute.

39. You couldn't wake your father with a 21 - gun salute!

40. The Queen's birthday was honoured by a 21 - gun salute.

41. The sentry gave a smart salute and waved us on.

42. (b) Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses not salute the national emblem?

43. The soldier gave a salute and the officer returned it.

44. [Accoster, Fr.] To speak to first; to address; to salute

45. KJV Salute Urbane, our helper in Christ, and Stachys my beloved.

46. I Tertius, who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord.

47. 2 The sentry gave a smart salute and waved us on.

48. He returned the salute as he passed the line of guards.

49. You have clapped, Clanged utensils, lit diyas to salute their bravery

50. To salute with ( a weapon, such as a rifle or saber ).

51. When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salute.

52. 20 synonyms for Commemorate: celebrate, remember, honour, recognize, salute, pay tribute to

53. 20 When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salute.

54. 19 They took off their hats by the grave in silent salute.

55. Alarm and signal weapons, salute and acoustic weapons as well as replicas;

56. His first words were a salute to the people of South Africa.

57. The occasion was organized as a salute to a century of change.

58. Three eye blunderbuss, named God Gun in country, salute used in funeral.

59. He enjoyed wrestling with the soldiers and was taught to salute when greeted.

60. The trusty had a silly, sycophantic manner of raising one hand in salute.

61. So I stopped participating in the flag salute and in the national anthem.

62. On this memorable occasion we salute the wonderful work done by the association.

63. One by one each soldier approached the coffin and gave a final salute.

64. "5. Alarm and signal weapons, salute and acoustic weapons as well as replicas;

65. 11 On this memorable occasion we salute the wonderful work done by the association.

66. Arizona was the first in line and rendered a nineteen-gun salute to Daniels.

67. Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes: and salute no man by the way.

68. The square echoed and re-echoed to the boom of a 21-gun salute.

69. Synonyms for Congratulate include praise, compliment, commend, applaud, acclaim, salute, honour, laud, extol and honor

70. The warship fired a 21-gun salute which was returned by the light cruiser Kiso.

71. The mumble in the mouth: To the local salute that the leading cadre has fought!

72. Neo-Nazis use the number 88 as an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.

73. The carrier and an accompanying armada of escort ships gave Clinton a 21-gun salute.

74. Shaker gave a loose salute, and the grinning ensign tapped his forehead with a finger.

75. On Belle Poule 60 men were paraded, drums beat a salute and funeral airs were played.

76. Some of the Army’s more common Courtesies include rendering the hand salute, standing at attention or …

77. “We salute their courage in risking their lives to seek justice and basic rights for all.”

78. Snallygaster is Washington DC's Beastliest beer festival – a rollicking salute to the planet's finest craft beer

79. ▸ In front of the class, your daughter is asked why she does not salute the flag.

80. 6 The gamin made the military salute and passed gayly through the opening in the large barricade.