Đặt câu với từ "royalties"

1. Accounting ability to track, collect and pay out royalties How SOCAN was collecting royalties.

2. Clearinghouse for Copyright royalties payments

3. Compensations normally consist of an advance against royalties, plus royalties when the advance is earned out.

4. Sales have dried up, no more royalties.

5. Royalties similar to or like Bogud

6. They advanced him $ 10000 against future royalties.

7. Said I owed an advance of my royalties

8. a . real estate , royalties from patents , license agreements

9. And here's a check for $ 500 advanced royalties.

10. I got a check for the advance royalties.

11. And here' s a check for $# advanced royalties

12. Of $20.3 million in royalty payments made directly to authors, 4.0 million represented advances against royalties, while $16.3 million represented earned royalties.

13. Lump sum payments may also be "advances" against royalties.

14. Mr. Seo made a tidy sum from the royalties.

15. The royalties from the book added to their income.

16. A battle over music royalties threatens a nascent industry.

17. Generally, the resource profits of a trust are earned as production royalties.

18. 2 . Passive - real estate , royalties from patents , license agreements and owned businesses

19. Scribner's has agreed to give you our standard advance against royalties.

20. I'm going to give you my check for $ 5000, advance royalties.

21. This Annex addresses the allocation of rights, interests and royalties between the Parties.

22. Maybe we should patent the universe and charge everyone royalties for their existence.

23. He never received any royalties for the invention of the mouse.

24. Afrobeat Monetize in more places, keep more royalties, and get more rights

25. Huawei Ban timeline: Chinese company will charge royalties for its 5G tech

26. A gene fund was established with a 150 000 USD advance share on royalties.

27. I was thrown out by some irate trendy who kept muttering something about royalties.

28. However, the Board set royalties for events with free admission at $5.

29. You have no right to the royalties of my invention to give away.

30. To pay my daddy and tell him it's an advance on the royalties.

31. Offer an increase in spice royalties...... payable in advance from Rabban' s own reserves

32. Example # (rights of a licensor in royalties from the licence of a motion picture

33. sale f, or royalties on, the publications of the International Bureau concerning the Union;

34. This dire situation exists despite a welter of management plans, royalties, taxes, and fees.

35. Bogud is similar to these royalties: Bocchus II, Bocchus I, Juba II and more

36. And I've paid you over $ 50,000 in advanced royalties on behalf of Mr. Christopher.

37. The World Bank aggregates and publishes the taxes, royalties and fees paid by firms

38. proceeds from the sale of, or royalties on, the publications of the International Bureau;

39. As part of this month’s judgment, Cam was Awarded writer’s royalties from the song via both PnB Rock and James, at 50% each in perpetuity, as well as royalties from a remix featuring Lil

40. (iii) sale of, or royalties on, the publications of the International Bureau concerning the Union;

41. Restricted assets represent advances received on television rights royalties and guarantee deposits made by OCOGs.

42. Additional Protocol to the Multilateral Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation of Copyright Royalties

43. This rebate allows a deduction for Crown royalties and deemed income, and replaces the federal resource allowance.

44. Two years later, Maradona donated the Cuban royalties of his book to "the Cuban people and Fidel".

45. (9) supply of services by writers, composers and performing artists, or of the royalties due to them;

46. She also used the royalties from her bestselling book, Totto-chan, to contribute to UNICEF.

47. The use of such systems involves high costs for telecommunications, database royalties and CPU time.

48. Similarly, the treatment of royalties for accounting purposes is a matter for the relevant accounting rules

49. Income from royalties and licensing amounted to $129.2 billion in 2013, the highest in the world.

50. At the recommendation of the Everly Brothers, Holly hired lawyer Harold Orenstein to negotiate his royalties.

51. The royalties go to Birthright; let's hope they find a way to prevent tragic cot deaths.

52. (d) revenue generated by the KICs’ own assets and activities and royalties from intellectual property rights;

53. It can be noted that the publishing market includes the market for royalties, advertising, printing and distribution.

54. License agreements are generally granted in return for up-front payments and/or royalties based on sales.

55. The iconic Ballrooms hosted a myriad of luxury events for Hollywood stars, presidents, and other social royalties

56. Nowadays, the beauty of pearls is no longer the private preserve of royalties and the very rich.

57. royalties shall be recognised on an accrual basis in accordance with the substance of the relevant agreement;

58. This Annex deals with the allocation of rights, interests and royalties of the Parties and their participants.

59. The use of such systems involves high costs for telecommunications,(http://Sentencedict.com) database royalties and CPU time.

60. Once the book is published the author receives only the royalties that exceed the amount of the advance.

61. Comprises international payments and receipts of franchising fees and the royalties paid for the use of registered trademarks.

62. Substantial private income augmented by vast salary and royalties from books Twittish behaviour: Pretty sound, by and large.

63. Royalties and advances represent 92% of the total expenditure for foreign-controlled firms compared to 72% for Canadian-controlled publishers.

64. 5. Role of Collective The PGC acts as agent for the distribution of rights and collection of royalties.

65. Royalties and royalty advances accounted for the vast majority of expenditures: $56.0 million, or 89% of the total.

66. Saul Zaentz also filed a lawsuit in 2004 claiming he had not been paid all of his royalties.

67. Through Ascap, public distribution or use of copyrighted music is monitored for collection of certain fees called royalties.

68. Everyone agreed to maintain the current formula for Canadian specialty services, while doubling the royalties over five years.

69. Because the dock connector is a proprietary interface, the implementation of the interface requires paying royalties to Apple.

70. This refers to organizations that collect royalties on behalf of their songwriter and publisher members around the world.

71. As a direct result of this event, ABBA donated half of all royalties from the song to UNICEF.

72. Fifty percent of all royalties, full supervision of all installation... and a big cash advance on signing the contract

73. B, C and D obtain lines of credit from secured creditor F secured from their licence rights and royalties

74. Advance against royalties Chicago Options Associates Pay or play contract Prepaid expense Signing bonus Dictionary of Small Business definition: "advance payment"

75. B, C and D obtain lines of credit from secured creditor F secured from their licence rights and royalties.

76. They pay royalties over the sales to the patent holders, so they are remunerated for sharing their intellectual property.

77. 27 Royalties earned from the publications have purchased land upon which students have reconstructed cabins and preserved cultural artifacts.

78. Fifty percent of all royalties, full supervision of all installation... and a big cash advance on signing the contract.

79. The members of the editorial group spontaneously agreed that the royalties should be devoted to spiritual and charitable purposes.

80. The same was true of the publisher, who paid all fees, monies, and royalties to Quinn through the agent.