Đặt câu với từ "rima vestibuli"

1. Y para conjuros de condimentos, no me gusta la rima Asonante y al Señor Oscuro tampoco

2. A Bikinied Muslim Miss USA The backlash to Rima Fakih's win suggests mainstream America still wants their national beauties to be Christian

3. Related to Aqueductus: Aqueductus vestibuli aqueduct (ăk`wədŭkt) [Lat.,=conveyor of water], channel or trough built to convey water, chiefly for providing a densely populated region with …

4. Additionally, the verse scheme used, terza rima, is hendecasyllabic (lines of eleven syllables), with the lines composing tercets according to the rhyme scheme aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ....

5. This difficult may be avoided by slightly Angulating the tip of the ETT so that it is directed in a better alignment toward the rima [Show full abstract] glottis

6. The cochlea is filled with fluid and is connected with the middle ear by two membrane-covered openings, the oval window (fenestra vestibuli) and the round window (fenestra Cochleae)

7. The Cochlea is filled with fluid and is connected with the middle ear by two membrane-covered openings, the oval window (fenestra vestibuli) and the round window (fenestra Cochleae)

8. The cochlea is filled with fluid and is connected with the middle ear by two membrane-covered openings, the oval window (fenestra vestibuli) and the round window (fenestra Cochleae)

9. The Cochlea is filled with fluid and is connected with the middle ear by two membrane-covered openings, the oval window (fenestra vestibuli) and the round window (fenestra Cochleae)

10. Apertness apertognathia (current term) apertometer apertura apertura externa aqueductus vestibuli apertura externa canaliculi cochleae: apertura lateralis ventriculi quarti apertura mediana ventriculi quarti apertura piriformis apertura sinus frontalis apertura sinus sphenoidalis apertura thoracis inferior apertura thoracis superior

11. Bulbul Can Sing Movie Review: A :Anguid, Beautiful, Understated Tale Of A Girl Who Learns To Be Herself Director Rima Das' film, starring Arnali Das, Bonita Thakuriya and Manoranjan Das, is competing in the Mumbai Film Festival's India Gold category

12. Anterooms contains some clever fun for children (and adults) -- "Some Words Inside of Words" -- as well as some quietly serious cogitations on the grimmer aspects of life such as war and the cessation of that life -- "Terza Rima." Wilbur's precision and his agile mind envelop every offering in this book.

13. The Cochlea has a base (= screw head) and an apex (=point) two membranes extend from the spiral lamina to the lateral wall of the Cochlea, dividing the bony Cochlea into 3 compartments: scala vestibuli, scala tympani and scala media (= Cochlear duct) the scalae wind around the modiolus ~3 times, defining apical, middle and basal turns

14. Autor / coAutor Autor de esta rima canta-Autor o canta Autor Citar Autor con apellido que empieza por "de" Cuantificar tal ayuda en la renuncia del Autor cuyo Autor (análisis sintáctico) dar reconocimiento de Autor Destacar comentario Autor en libro El Autor muestra al /el concepto como algo inherente Le tengo mucho cariño a este Autor.

15. The intrinsic laryngeal muscles may be divided into three functional groups: (i) muscles varying the rima glottidis (the transverse arytenoid as well as the lateral and posterior cricoarytenoid muscles); (ii) muscles regulating tension in the vocal ligaments (i.e. the cricothyroid, posterior cricoarytenoid as well as the compound thyroarytenoid and vocalis muscles) and (iii) muscles modifying the laryngeal inlet (the so-called ‘sphincter aditus’, which is formed by the oblique arytenoid and aryepiglottic muscles and counteracted by the thyroepiglottic muscle).