Đặt câu với từ "right-wing"

1. So, you're right-wing?

2. Right-wing voters support that.

3. You preen your right wing.

4. The Followers: Right-Wing Authoritarians

5. Left wing to right wing-try.

6. He's behind many right- wing organizations.

7. Blücher ordered his right-wing to advance.

8. He narrowly defeated the right-wing candidate.

9. I fuck right-wing guys, you see.

10. 14 The organization is very right-wing.

11. That you know it is right wing agenda.

12. He's on the right wing of the party.

13. 17 Mead calls the group "rabidly right-wing".

14. 10 Several members hold very right-wing beliefs .

15. 18 This newspaper's views are very right-wing.

16. He is known to have right-wing sympathies.

17. He played left/right wing for Manchester United.

18. 1 Mead calls the group "rabidly right-wing".

19. Almost all US politicians are Centrist or right wing

20. " whereas closed individuals prefer conservative, traditional, right- wing views. "

21. They use the press to disseminate right - wing views.

22. 13 He is known to have right-wing sympathies.

23. 4 He received death threats from right-wing groups.

24. Status: International grouping of conservative and right-wing parties.

25. He is on the right wing of the party.

26. The neo-Socialists were a small right wing group.

27. Mr Netanyahu chose to form a right-wing coalition .

28. 16 She is entrenched in her right-wing views.

29. 11 The harshest criticism came from right-wing ideologists.

30. At school we were fed communist/right-wing propaganda.

31. The measures provoked vigorous opposition in right-wing circles.

32. 21 Right-wing groups fired on left-wing demonstrators.

33. Right-wing think-tanks have an even firmer grip.

34. Is he a Trotskyite or a right-wing mole?

35. 1 He maintains a rigidly right-wing political stance.

36. The extreme right-wing National Front promoted anti-semitism.

37. 9 She is entrenched in her right-wing views.

38. 15 The bomb was planted by right-wing extremists.

39. The disclosure was strongly criticised by right-wing Cabinet members.

40. 21 It's a newspaper with a large right-wing readership.

41. The plotters represented the hard core of the right wing.

42. 20 He's on the extreme right-wing of the party.

43. 12 The measures provoked vigorous opposition in right-wing circles.

44. Recent elections have shown significant gains by right-wing groups.

45. Then he preens under his right wing, then on top.

46. The election result marked the eclipse of the right wing.

47. Right-wing President Giscard d'Estaing's wife got him the papers.

48. Isn't there some connection to right- wing parties in Sweden?

49. 17 At school we were fed communist/right-wing propaganda.

50. 3 His political masters are all old right-wing politicians.

51. 2 At school we were fed communist/right-wing propaganda.

52. Welfare Chauvinism supports Right-Wing Populist, National Conservative and Paternalistic Conservative

53. 9 Recent elections have shown significant gains by right-wing groups.

54. 19 They were blacklisted because of their extreme right-wing views.

55. To my amazement, Keyes is not just another right-wing Blitherer

56. Radicalism from a right-wing government spawned radicalism in its opponents.

57. Meanwhile, the Muslim right wing pressed against it from the front.

58. Right-wing parties tabled a motion of censure against the government.

59. The unrest capped a weekend of right-wing attacks on foreigners.

60. Right wing politicians touting the American Dream consistently advocate lower taxes.

61. Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians at the moment.

62. The National Front is an extremely right-wing political party in Britain.

63. Some people think the party has been hijacked by right-wing extremists.

64. Extreme right-wing parties gained a foothold in the latest European elections.

65. In 1571 the Ming opened trade with the three Right Wing Tumens.

66. That day, right wing Ray Sheppard went to Florida for draft picks.

67. The president is on the left/right wing of the Democratic party.

68. 7 Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians at the moment.

69. 10 The right-wing group had already been poleaxed mentally and emotionally.

70. To call him a right- wing extremist was correct 10- 20 years ago.

71. Carl Lundström, one of the co- defendants was a right- wing extremist before.

72. The right wing press has always been deeply antagonistic towards the Labour party.

73. The racist right wing staged their biggest demonstration yet in the main square.

74. Right wing groups are determined to dilute the influence of the trade unions.

75. He plays on the right wing and has pace as well as skill.

76. It's not 'left-wing or right-wing' - political opinion is a long continuum.

77. 5 The National Front is an extremely right-wing political party in Britain.

78. The 1933 elections demonstrated the growing right wing reaction against left wing republican parties.

79. They are fertile ground for the emergence of an explicitly right-wing political force.

80. Tushiyetu Khan attacked the right wing of the Khalkhas and killed Shira in 1687.