Đặt câu với từ "retrogradely"

1. Synonyms for Backwardly include rearwardly, retrogradely, reversely, invertedly, retrogressively, deterioratingly, regressively, progressively, wastingly and

2. After injection of horseradish peroxidase into the basilar papilla or into the ampullae of the horizontal and anterior semicircular canals, neurons labeled by the granular reaction product of retrogradely transported HRP were found in the medulla oblongata bilaterally.

3. (A) Axonal trauma induces a cessation of normal trophic retrograde transport (blue arrows), a rapid influx of cations resulting in an Antidromal train of action potentials (red), and exposure to injury signals transported retrogradely via proteins containing nuclear localization signals (green), that may act in synergy to induce the biochemical