Đặt câu với từ "restructure"

1. * Restructure agricultural supply chains.

2. Falling profits made it necessary to restructure the business.

3. • Restructure force to be more agile in global arena

4. After his accident, he had to restructure his life.

5. Pelvic osteotomies were developed to increase or restructure the acetabular surface.

6. • Credible plans are underway to restructure and consolidate the banking sector.

7. As for the representative level I would restructure the county championship.

8. The President called on educators and politicians to help him restructure American education.

9. Currently restructure of hospital and development of hospital collectivization are the tendency of urban hospital reform.

10. Clergymen and other professionals restructure their advice around what is popular and generally accepted.

11. In 1993, the legislature began to review the constitution to restructure the country's government.

12. States began to restructure their most expensive public systems: education, health care, and welfare.

13. Bonnet was known to be opposed to the government's plans to restructure the army.

14. Mr Gorbachev's attempt to restructure the Soviet economy met with criticism from traditional communists.

15. But it is certain companies asking bankers to restructure loans will never return to former carefree days.

16. Thus, the general must be given the maximum leeway to reorganise and restructure his troops.

17. The money will be used to restructure workshops, improve site safety and increase environmental protection.

18. * Restructure manufacturing supply chains to capture value and to participate proactively in global value chains;

19. For the Action item “Restructure the Headquarters Committee on Contracts”, the first “Status” entry should read

20. Indeed, Member States cannot simply restructure their organisation so as to escape accountability under EU law.

21. Teamsters International President Ron Carey set up a squad of experts to help local presidents restructure and lift membership.

22. The company has reached a deal with its major creditors allowing it to restructure its debts.

23. · Press on with addressing workload issues and pass the legislative measures needed to restructure the court system;

24. Catenas history Catena’s history begins in 1967 when Volvo forms AB Volvator to restructure its retailer network

25. A major financial system restructure of the Chart of Accounts was necessary to support the PAA model.

26. It came from the philosophy that kids have to learn how to restructure their world with lots of assistance from the externals.

27. The company was slow to restructure, and its problems could carry over into another substantial profit decline in 19

28. Ferranti then hopes to decide on a course of action and in particular on how to restructure its capital base.

29. It also said it might take a charge of as much as $ 25 million to restructure part of its business.

30. It uses aid to encourage university reforms, specifically helping universities in Francophone Africa restructure their qualifications to meet international standards.

31. The reduction in turnover, tight margins and the necessity to cut costs has made it necessary to restructure the business.

32. Therefore , it 's necessary to unite farmers and encourage them to work together to restructure the land to create bigger rice fields and farms .

33. Since 1990 it has looked to career academies as a way to restructure its high schools and better serve its students.

34. Is there a way to restructure the traditional feminine economy so that an economically rational person could choose the caretaking roles?

35. Affirmations help purify our thoughts and restructure the dynamic of our brains so that we truly begin to think nothing is impossible

36. 24 First, by removing entrenched collective bargaining arrangements embodied in nationalisation legislation it has provided management an opportunity to restructure employee relations.

37. Indian's politically influential media empires will be forced to restructure under proposed legislation designed to cut down to size the country's broadcasting monopolies.

38. In attempting to Absolve itself from the obligation to restructure its policies, the administration conceptually bifurcates the definition of “racism.” The University may be …

39. When Sun acquired StarOffice last year, they opted to restructure the productivity software around a component-based development framework called Universal Network Objects (UNO).

40. Non-redundancy dismissals By no means every dismissal occasioned by the need to restructure the business or to make economies is due to redundancy.

41. Bondholders are likely to be asked if they approve of the latest deal to restructure the company and sell its good assets to the government

42. The Government has been undertaking an ambitious reform of state-owned enterprises since 2010, aiming to restructure corporate governance, increase transparency and separate ownership and regulatory functions, and increase competition and efficiency.

43. Of the 19 criteria contained in the national target program on new rural development , the attempts to restructure the workforce to increase farmers ' incomes is proving the most difficult .

44. First it is necessary, however, to restructure legally the respective businesses in such a way as to ensure that, in principle, all assets to be amalgamated concern exclusively fuel businesses.

45. Accordingly , Vietnam needs to restructure production , improve the quality of products to raise their competitiveness , invest more in the sales and marketing network and combine production with processing and distribution .

46. Such an arrangement does admittedly emerge from the guidelines mentioned by the Commission but - as the Commission submits - the purpose of the present aid is not to restructure or rescue individual businesses.

47. Some member States are executing comprehensive reforms of their health-care systems (HUN) and social services (ALB), while smaller initiatives to improve and restructure the health care system are common throughout the region.

48. 15 On the one hand, the referring court notes that the air carrier in question in the main proceedings may have contributed to the rate of absenteeism by announcing measures to restructure the undertaking.

49. 19 In theory privatisation has the scope to restructure the economy,[www.Sentencedict.com] but a fire sale risks letting the choicest assets fall into the hands of cronies who will manipulate regulation to suit themselves.

50. The international community should also continuously scale up investment in the least developed countries in the areas of infrastructure, productivity and services, and endeavour to help them to restructure their economies, which were too dependent on production of commodities.

51. The report proposes a strategy to restructure major supply chains, which would serve two purposes – to increase participation in activities that add value in Vietnam, and to in particular to enable more participation of domestic firms in the process.

52. In order to consolidate the gains made, the new government in Somalia has to embark upon building effective state institutions that can pursue national reconciliation, provide the rule of law, revitalize economic activities, and restructure and strengthen the security forces.

53. With the Council's support, we set up the UNMIBH Mandate Implementation Plan- better known by the abbreviation “MIP”- which represented a pattern of guidelines based on six major programmes designed to reform, restructure and democratize the police forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina

54. With the Council’s support, we set up the UNMIBH Mandate Implementation Plan — better known by the abbreviation “MIP” — which represented a pattern of guidelines based on six major programmes designed to reform, restructure and democratize the police forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

55. Blockbuster’s decline was the result of different reasons which can be attributed to – Failing to innovate “quickly” Failing to restructure its operating model to change with the changing times and advancements made in technology; Blockbuster was never ignorant of Netflix or other DVD stores.

56. ‘Typically, it is the mother who learns to read and Attune to the baby, so the child has less need to develop these skills in his/her relationship with her.’ ‘Our cells are beginning to reorganize, restructure, and Attune to the higher vibratory frequency.’

57. Plans are afoot to construct an incinerator at Meia Serra in the parish of Camacha in the municipality of Santa Cruz, in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, as part of a project to develop and restructure the Meia Serra solid urban waste treatment centre.

58. After several out-of-ourt debt renegotiations with Bondhold-ers since September 2015[3], which resulted in agreed waivers and payment reschedules, on 23 May OOG and ten other razilian and foreign affiliates from the Odebrecht conglomerate’s Oil and Gas arm[4] filed a petition requesting an in-ourt process to restructure its financial debt.