Đặt câu với từ "repressive enzyme"

1. Bellicosity /noun/ लड़ाई का प्रेम; Next : repressive

2. The customs were exceedingly repressive toward women.

3. But Taiwan was also an unpleasantly repressive place.

4. In addition, Kabila's rule became increasingly repressive.

5. The people are held down by a repressive regime.

6. "Bridling" the people by resorting to repressive measures

7. The military regime in power was unpopular and repressive.

8. Parliament condemned the repressive measures taken by the police.

9. He loathed the repressive State and the system which it supported.

10. Coenzymes bind to the enzyme and assist in enzyme activity

11. This repressive law takes gay rights back to the dark ages.

12. He criticized the repressive methods employed by the country's government.

13. The government's repressive policies are sowing the seeds of rebellion.

14. Amino acid synthesis, polypeptide chains...... transfer RNA, genetic code, enzyme expression...... enzyme phosphorylation.

15. Thanin and his cabinet restored the repressive climate which had existed before 1973.

16. The country has repressive laws and jails full of political prisoners.

17. Bifunctional enzyme (PubMed:12574510)

18. The repressive measures adopted in the South after the Emancipation Proclamation were rapidly dissipated.

19. The people are held down by a vicious and repressive military regime.

20. Their libertarianism was more aesthetic than political, an Assertionof personal autonomy against repressive philistinism.

21. Pyruvate Carboxylase is a biotin-requiring enzyme that is referred to as an ABC enzyme

22. The best-studied Cytochrome p450 enzyme is a bacterial enzyme that adds oxygen to camphor

23. Acetylcholine is synthesized from choline and acetyl Co-enzyme A by the enzyme, choline acetyltransferase

24. The DPRK is one of the most repressive and abusive regimes in the world.

25. These libraries were then screened directly for enzyme activity on specific enzyme targets known as substrates.

26. While Coenzymes act as a transient carrier of specific functional groups from enzyme to enzyme

27. Catalase is an extraordinary enzyme

28. AMYLOMICS technologies for enzyme discovery will significantly increase the competitiveness of organisations involved in enzyme development.

29. The substrate and enzyme form an intermediate compound which is known as the enzyme-substrate complex.

30. The first option has its logic: why let a repressive, demeaning system modernise itself slowly?

31. Arbenz was out shortly afterwards, and Guatemala came under control of a repressive military regime.

32. An enzyme that catalyzes genetic recombination.

33. Coagulase is an enzyme needed to make blood clot. This enzyme is present in Staphylococcus aureus (S

34. A military coup was carried out, and a repressive government was placed in power.

35. For a long-term resolution of security issues, one needs to address the repressive system underneath.

36. The enzyme activities were determined spectrophotometrically.

37. ACE stands for Angiotensin-converting enzyme

38. Anastrozole works by blocking aromatase enzyme, …

39. , Cucurbitadienol synthase, the first committed enzyme for cucurbitacin Biosynthesis, is a distinct enzyme from cycloartenol synthase for phytosterol Biosynthesis

40. Its rejection led to a series of industrial strikes, demonstrations, and repressive measures by the Government.

41. When faced with locally repressive measures, some Huaraz women have threatened to call a marketers' strike.

42. RWB also highlights the role of firms which provide monitoring equipment and software to repressive regimes .

43. Both the Sandinistas and Frelimo came to power after a liberation struggle against highly repressive regimes.

44. An enzyme with alpha-glucuronidase activity

45. Coagulase is an enzyme that can either …

46. Allosteric activator would shift enzyme towards the

47. It works on a cyclical enzyme system.

48. The enzyme is derived from human blood.

49. Dinitrogenase The enzyme that catalyzes NITROGEN FIXATION.

50. A Coenzyme is a substance that works with an enzyme to initiate or aid the function of the enzyme

51. Rosas reestablished his dictatorship and formed the repressive Mazorca, an armed parapolice that killed thousands of citizens.

52. Coagulase is an enzyme produced by Staphylococcus

53. Coagulase is an enzyme produced by S

54. Nitrogen increased both yields and enzyme activities.

55. After washing, enzyme activity was detected insitu.

56. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) plays a centra …

57. Indications of neurotoxins, histamine, serotonin, enzyme inhibitors.

58. 2 words related to Amylase: enzyme, ptyalin

59. He became increasingly more repressive, despite his pronouncements about creating a new society, free of corruption and graft.

60. Amylase is an enzyme that helps digest carbohydrates

61. Increase in liver enzyme levels (ASAT, ALAT, AP

62. Catalase enzyme is a common enzyme that is found in all living beings that survive in oxygen and catalyzes the decomposition of …

63. The enzyme pattern differences observed among the strains in this study indicate that enzyme isoelectric focusing may be a useful alternative.

64. Aromatase inhibitors are a class of medicines that work by blocking the enzyme Aromatase, the enzyme that converts androgens into estrogen

65. Anastrozole and letrozole are oral, substrate analogs of androstenedione, the normal substrate of the aromatase enzyme, and reversibly inhibits the enzyme

66. Why do American academics so often despise their own country while finding excuses for repressive and dangerous regimes ?

67. There is a new insistence on the illegitimacy of debts incurred by military dictatorships and other repressive regimes.

68. The months leading up to the Games, though, showed China at its clumsy, ill-tempered , and repressive worst.

69. A second section then analyses the corresponding drift towards a more repressive style of policing in this country.

70. In the face of repressive regimes, the peasantry have shown a capacity and willingness to organise and mobilise.

71. Coagulase is an enzyme that is produced by some types of bacteria. The enzyme clots the plasma component of the blood

72. Coagulase is an enzyme that clots blood plasma

73. One molecule of Catalase enzyme may work on …

74. Each step is controlled by a specific enzyme.

75. Blanching stops enzyme actions which otherwise cause a …

76. Bromus, enzyme electrophoresis, population genetics, colonizing abilities, allopolyploidy.

77. All the enzyme assays were run in triplicate.

78. Compound of protease, amylase, diastatic enzyme, mannase etc.

79. Crucially, this instability hinders regional development, incites repressive governance, and compounds the poverty on which militancy feeds.

80. Perhaps even more startling, given the recent repressive climate, Zverev himself could also be seen working intuitively in public.