Đặt câu với từ "reduce a prison term"

1. 'The nick' is a slang term for 'prison'.

2. A term in prison will concentrate his mind wonderfully.

3. This resulted in a ten-year prison term for him.

4. Bridewell archaic term for a prison or reform school for petty offenders

5. Sharon's prison term was later reduced to seven months.

6. * Pro-democracy writer Nguyen Xuan Nghia, 63, who is serving a 6-year prison term.

7. Breakout, slang for a prison escape; Breakout, a North American slang term for acne vulgaris; Other uses

8. During the prison term, Paunch could be released on parole only under supervision.

9. Nanadajibad... to a term of no less than four years... in a federal " pound me in the ass " prison.

10. Murray , 58 , could now receive a maximum prison term of four years and lose his licence to practise medicine .

11. • The use of advanced composite materials will substantially reduce the long-term maintenance costs.

12. During May Lin had been sentenced to a 22-month term in prison for his involvement in a 1989 peaceful political protest.

13. Being in a prison, a barbed-wire prison camp, became my normality.

14. Hoa Hao Buddhist activist Mai Thi Dung, 42, who is currently serving an 11-year prison term.

15. * Hoa Hao Buddhist activist Mai Thi Dung, 42, who is currently serving an 11 year prison term.

16. The project is expected to improve the effectiveness of basic education, reduce levels of long-term school absenteeism and reduce dropout rates, especially among girls.

17. · The Hoa Hao Buddhist activist Mai Thi Dung, 43, who is currently serving an 11-year prison term.

18. The Hoa Hao Buddhist activist Mai Thi Dung, 45, who is currently serving an 11-year prison term.

19. The term derives from the Navy's historical use of twin-mast sailing vessels—known as Brigs—as prison ships

20. Thinker - A prison inmate.

21. VELSHI: Well, the prison term Consecutively for Ken Lay adds up to about 45 years under the sentencing guidelines.

22. Prison is a fishbowl, son.

23. She was a prison warden.

24. (adjective) A Commutable prison sentence.

25. He bribed prison guards and escaped from a federal maximum-security prison in 2001.

26. 8 He is wearing an orange prison jumpsuit and lying on a prison bunk.

27. The prison system does not work because many of the younger offenders are being corrupted by older, long term prisoners.

28. As a result, the rise in fires could jeopardise the long-term success of schemes to reduce emissions from deforestation, they added.

29. That barracks became our prison within the prison.

30. Bioplastic is a widely used term now to distinct new ways of production, which should reduce the use of oil-based plastic

31. In order to reduce long-term environmentally liability and preserve natural resources, all Ballasts should be recycled or

32. Cytokinin hormones, such as kinetin, is used commercially to reduce yellowing in vegetables and maintain long-term storage

33. 23 What methods can be used to eliminate or reduce noise? Define the term thematic map, giving examples.

34. The court of appeals acquiesced, increasing the prison term by one year, and the decision was confirmed by the supreme court.

35. Prison guard.

36. Persistent offenders face a prison sentence.

37. Report recommends cautious macroeconomic management to reduce vulnerabilities while pursuing policies to sustain inclusive growth over the medium term

38. Drug abuse Benzodiazepine overdose Effects of long-term benzodiazepine use Drug facilitated sexual assault "Benzodiazepine dependence: reduce the risk".

39. Although there is a growing literature on prisons, prison research arbitrarily stops at the prison gates.

40. The years in prison were a nightmare.

41. • Barriers can serve as a component of a long-term strategy to reduce risk for other viruses that spread by similar modes of transmission (e.g., influenza)

42. The governor of the prison is investigating allegations that a prisoner was attacked and beaten by a prison warder.

43. Is there a viable alternative to prison?

44. The long-term impact of such an approach can only be to reduce our competitiveness and erode our economic position.

45. Rather like a prison for hairy dudes.

46. Her years in prison left a scar.

47. 22 Catering responsibilities for the prison lie with Mike Lamb, a prison governor whose title is G5 Caterer.

48. The prison is euphemistically called a "rehabilitation centre".

49. Life in prison.

50. Hoa Lo Prison.

51. ! Maximum-bullshit prison?

52. See Private prison.

53. Short-term priority actions are being taken to reduce the balance-of-payments deficit, generate income from exports and replace imports.

54. Paradise or prison?

55. 27 Efficacy on body: remove palpitation, heart invigorator, cure insomnia, reduce intestine-stomach colic and long-term diarrhea, boost blood circulation.

56. It's either a gang sign or a prison tattoo.

57. Are you a guard in a prison, maximun security?

58. The building was easily recognizable as a prison.

59. Many sexuality educators, LGBT activists, and individuals who are cognizant of gender politics use the term Cisgender to reduce the stigma associated with a transgender identity

60. She's a self-professed supporter of prison reform.

61. The prison is preserved as a tourist attraction.

62. 4 A new warden took over the prison.

63. A modern prison has replaced the Victorian one.

64. Casuarina Prison is the main maximum-security prison for male prisoners in WA

65. She is gravely ill, with both feet paralyzed, and is suffering from heart disease and gallstones (her husband Vo Van Buu is also serving a 7-year prison term).

66. A man is sitting in prison awaiting execution.

67. A reporter tried to infiltrate into the prison.

68. She continues to languish in a foreign prison.

69. She is gravely ill, with both feet paralyzed, and is suffering from heart disease and gallstones (her husband Vo Van Buu is also serving a 7 year prison term).

70. ‘a highly Affecting account of her experiences in prison’

71. The Digital Abolitionist is a platform on prison abolition

72. He is serving a prison sentence for financial skulduggery.

73. The court can impose a fine or a prison sentence.

74. You mean federal prison?

75. Her early release from prison led to a demonstration.

76. Drunken driving can be punished with a prison sentence.

77. Cannabis possession is a criminal offence punishable by prison.

78. The Projet Anergie investigation also saw Henri’s younger brother, Paul, 39, arrested in 2007 and subsequently sentenced, in 2013, to a 3-year prison term that was increased to four years

79. Bridewell definition is - prison

80. Blind experiment (single-Blind or double-Blind), a procedure to reduce bias in scientific experiments Blind hole , a mechanical engineering term for a hole that does not come out at the other side Blind via (electronics) , an electrical term used in printed circuit board