Đặt câu với từ "reciprocal theorem system"

1. The Lorentz reciprocal theorem states a relationship between two Stokes flows in the same region.

2. Signal and system is the basic theory of convolution theorem.

3. Hilbert's irreducibility theorem.

4. The representation theorem stating that every relational system of stacks is isomorphic to a system of finite sequences of elements is proved.

5. A Corollary is a theorem that follows on from another theorem A Lemma is a small result (less important than a theorem)

6. What this means is that for every theorem in math, there exists an Axiomatic system that contains all …

7. The ham sandwich theorem can be proved as follows using the Borsuk–Ulam theorem.

8. Corollary : Corollary is a theorem which follows its statement from the other theorem

9. In a bilateral system comprising a network of reciprocal relationships the entity against which claims are made is evident.

10. The reciprocal theorem is used to make research on the bending of a set square with free hypotenuse under a concentrated load acting at any of its points, and its accurate solution is given.

11. 25 Reciprocal motion Reciprocal motion, positive and negative at constant mean velocity, is unnerving, mechanistic and inhuman.

12. In operator algebra, the Koecher–Vinberg theorem is a reconstruction theorem for real Jordan algebras.

13. It may be expressed in several ways, as a theorem of linear algebra, a theorem of integral equations, or as a theorem on Fredholm operators.

14. Admittance is defined as the reciprocal of impedance just as conductance is the reciprocal of resistance

15. The non confluent property, comparison theorem and strong comparison theorem of strong solutions are proved.

16. Multiplying a Number by Its Reciprocal

17. Misunderstandings and reciprocal distrust have abounded.

18. Opacity is the reciprocal of transmission.

19. The reciprocal of 8 is 1 /

20. We now finish the theorem.

21. Conjecture is a synonym of theorem

22. 16 So, that's the divergence theorem.

23. The reciprocal of resistance is Conductance

24. The Lorentz reciprocal theorem can also be used to relate the swimming speed of a microorganism, such as cyanobacterium, to the surface velocity which is prescribed by deformations of the body shape via cilia or flagella.

25. An impossibility theorem for welfarist Axiologies

26. It uses the exact functor theorem.

27. This is the Abel–Ruffini theorem.

28. It is a special case of van Aubel's theorem and a square version of the Napoleon's theorem.

29. The inverse function theorem is not true in Fréchet spaces; a partial substitute is the Nash–Moser theorem.

30. 13 Each other is a reciprocal pronoun.

31. You can make this a reciprocal arrangement.

32. The reciprocal motion of pointing is asymmetric.

33. Independently, Adolf Hurwitz analyzed system stability using differential equations in 1877, resulting in what is now known as the Routh–Hurwitz theorem.

34. Edmonds’ Theorem on disjoint Branchings is a classical theorem in graph theory, with many distinct existing proofs (e.g

35. Admittance, Y, is the reciprocal of impedance

36. Marvin here was hot for reciprocal visits.

37. Our relationship is based on reciprocal respect.

38. Such treaties provide reciprocal rights and obligations.

39. Less reciprocal discourse will also activate schemata.

40. I now know that the anger is reciprocal.

41. This theorem was first established by Sylvester.

42. Cells of the Claustrum have reciprocal connections with …

43. Title: An elementary proof of Apery's theorem

44. A three critical point theorem is proved.

45. 24 So, what does the divergence theorem say?

46. Apollonius's theorem is an elementary geometry theorem relating the length of a median of a triangle to the lengths of its sides

47. Reciprocal Altruism is a core behavioral principle of

48. Privileges of reciprocal trade were absolutely ruled out.

49. Iran's leaders expected a reciprocal gesture of goodwill.

50. 12 Less reciprocal discourse will also activate schemata.

51. The reciprocal of viscosity is known as fluidity.

52. His theorem can be translated into simple terms.

53. A theorem of relation between quadrate and matrix operation is proposed; an iterating algorithm is then given based on the theorem.

54. The Steiner–Lehmus theorem, a theorem in elementary geometry, was formulated by C. L. Lehmus and subsequently proved by Jakob Steiner.

55. The probability of survival is the reciprocal of fecundity.

56. The degree of recombination is reciprocal in most cases.

57. They thus satisfy the conditions of Tipler's theorem.

58. Antecedent derivation is an extension of theorem proving.

59. 15 And that is called the divergence theorem.

60. Is there an solution for system is Computationally singular: reciprocal condition number=… in R? Hot Network Questions Are pursuing the well-being and reducing the …

61. 1968/1969 he solved Specker's theorem on Abelian groups.

62. The theorem is named after Lazare Carnot (1753–1823).

63. The name derives from Abel's theorem on power series.

64. We can prove trivially that this theorem is false.

65. The reason is that Ehrenfest's theorem is closely related to Liouville's theorem of Hamiltonian mechanics, which involves the Poisson bracket instead of a commutator.

66. Grammar Indicating a reciprocal or complementary relationship: a Correlative conjunction

67. Mathematically, Conductance equals the reciprocal of resistance: G = 1/R

68. Mitchell's embedding theorem, also known as the Freyd–Mitchell theorem or the full embedding theorem, is a result about abelian categories; it essentially states that these categories, while rather abstractly defined, are in fact concrete categories of modules.

69. The Cotangent function is the reciprocal of the tangent function

70. This will broaden our trade basket and enhance reciprocal investments.

71. Theorem: All subgroups of a Cyclic group are Cyclic

72. Arnold, V. I. Abel's Theorem in Problems and Solutions.

73. Let us restate the assertions above as a theorem.

74. Apollonius’ theorem is a kind of theorem which relates to the length of the median of a triangle to the length of their sides

75. And we're gonna learn something called the Markov Convergence Theorem.

76. Based on the ampere return circuit theorem, gauss theorem and charge conservation law the concrete form of Displacement current is derived. The displacement current is discussed.

77. The Cosecant function is the reciprocal of the sine function

78. What are another words for Aliquot? Aliquot part, fractional, reciprocal

79. The Cosecant Function The Cosecant function is a trigonometric function, one of three reciprocal functions that we look at in these pages, the other two being the secant function and the cotangent function.A reciprocal function is one that is the reciprocal (or multiplicative inverse) of another function (see below).The Cosecant function (usually abbreviated as csc) is the reciprocal function

80. The Agency also organises exhibitions abroad on a reciprocal basis.