Đặt câu với từ "rearing of silkworms"

1. Silkworms are the larva of the mulberry silk moth.

2. The Problems of Child Rearing

3. 23 Silkworms are the larva of the mulberry silk moth.

4. Silkworms are fed mulberry leaves after they have hatched.

5. And over two to three weeks, 6,500 silkworms spin 6,500 kilometers.

6. They increased their income by raising silkworms and so on.

7. Title: Aid towards the transition from cage rearing to alternative production systems in laying hen rearing

8. 1 She spends a lot of time rearing animals.

9. Apiculture Meaning “Apiculture is the scientific method of rearing honeybees.

10. Rearing experiments proved the existence of amphogenic and thelygenic strains.

11. None of the above minimizes the difficulty of rearing large families.

12. The most challenging is undoubtedly child rearing.

13. Such silkworms have previously been created using an existing Ameiotic parthenogenetic strain

14. When I was a boy, we had trays of silkworms piled high in every available space.

15. The styles of child rearing affect the development of a child's autonomy.

16. The stream of books written on child rearing would dry up.

17. 2 Why do parents have trouble rearing their children?

18. So said a Time magazine review of a book on child rearing.

19. I gathered the silk from my silkworms and I spun it into thread on my spinning wheel.

20. “There are many conflicting opinions on child rearing today.

21. How might raising plants and rearing children be compared?

22. Silkworms and livestock are also raised, and fishing also contributes to the local economy.

23. How do child-rearing and old age add to stress?

24. 4 Beyond the rearing buildings the waste ground was empty.

25. The present invention relates to a poultry-rearing coop adapted to facilitate the processing of excreta and prevent injury to the poultry in out-shipping work and to give outstanding meat quality and shorten the rearing time by affording an appropriate amount of exercise during rearing.

26. 2 Especially today, rearing children is a formidable task.

27. Let us consider these three aspects of child rearing one at a time.

28. 15 Rearing children is a serious challenge for Christian parents.

29. Aviculture definition: the keeping and rearing of birds Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

30. The cart overturned, the horse plunging and rearing in its traces.

31. Are they taught to view child rearing as women’s work?

32. These face additional challenges when it comes to rearing children.

33. You need more than your own wisdom in rearing them.

34. 19 And these would in turn improve the circumstances of childbearing and child rearing.

35. Aquaculture is the rearing of aquatic animals or the cultivation of aquatic plants for food

36. The best combination of temperature, humidity, and time for rearing colonies of Dermatophagoides farinae (Acarina:

37. 3 See birds building nests,(www.Sentencedict.com) incubating eggs and rearing young.

38. And child rearing is no less a challenge in developing lands.

39. Silkworms are often boiled to death inside their cocoons, their silk unraveled and used in the textile industry.

40. Brooder definition, a device or structure for the rearing of young chickens or other birds

41. 12 Rearing a child to maturity requires large expenditures on the basic necessities of life.

42. 16 Black psychologists crushed the notion that child rearing was the same, regardless of cultural background.

43. But, no matter how good the grasses are, rearing cattle takes a lot of land.

44. 21 First, he rejected the notion that males were indispensable to the rearing of young.

45. His most interesting observations describe the unusual rearing of two chicks in one eyrie. Sentencedict.com

46. Rearing, raising, nurturing There is potential for selective Breeding for better yields.

47. 2 The cart overturned, the horse plunging and rearing in its traces.

48. During breeding and rearing heavy fighting was observed especially near the aeries.

49. Every day she raised silkworms and wove silk, so the islands has been called Bà Lụa ever since.

50. Cocoon definition, the silky envelope spun by the larvae of many kinds of insects, as silkworms, serving as a covering for the insect during its stage as a pupa

51. In addition, Aquaculture can also include the breeding and rearing of fish in stocked ponds or aquariums.

52. Aquaculture includes the breeding, rearing, and harvesting of fish, shellfish, mollusks, and aquatic plants for food consumption

53. Stock-rearing predominates in rural areas and provides occupations for the majority of economically active women (p.

54. 28 Conversely, co-operative feeding and care increases the likelihood of rearing those young that are produced.

55. 4 There are also difficulties of child-rearing and politicking at one and the same time.

56. Large foreign horses were imported, and the rearing of the small traditional indigenous breeds was forbidden.

57. Both species also show strong pair bonding and paternal engagement in rearing cubs.

58. Reclamation in 1987 stopped generating power during critical salmon spawning and rearing months.

59. Rearing of cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, and fowl, including guinea fowl, also forms part of the agricultural activities.

60. Godly parents are not unduly influenced by local cultural views about child-rearing.

61. Jean Theodore Delacour, French-American Aviculturist known for discovering and rearing some of the world’s rarest birds

62. Silk-worm rearing accounts for a tiny part of the Community's agricultural activity and of world silk production.

63. This chapter presents a detailed guide to hand‐rearing techniques for raising Alcids

64. A good old - anking is out of the question: no modern child - rearing manual would permIt'such barbarity.

65. All along, however, the Bible has offered clear, reasonable counsel on child rearing.

66. 26 Her parents were struggling to make ends meet while rearing six children.

67. (Psalm 127:3) Or do you view the rearing of them as a financial burden with no guarantee of success?

68. Rearing children is far more difficult and complicated, and it also requires careful attention.

69. 29 There were days when child-rearing seemed like an endless treadmill of feeding, washing and nappy-changing.

70. Impossibly, incredibly, it was no longer a monolith rearing high above a flat plain.

71. 20 But could anyone say hunting is more inhumane than rearing livestock for slaughter?

72. 18 Reclamation in 1987 stopped generating power during critical salmon spawning and rearing months.

73. 10 But could anyone say hunting is more inhumane than rearing livestock for slaughter?

74. The earliest evidence known of the Uraeus—a rearing cobra—is from the reign of Den from the First Dynasty.

75. 29 The question of remarriage and the provision of an heir to the unstable throne was inevitably rearing its head.

76. 9 Impossibly, incredibly, it was no longer a monolith rearing high above a flat plain.

77. Only the female can guarantee her parenthood, and to her descends the task of single-handedly rearing the young.

78. Crickets are usually the mainstay of the diet but mealworms, super worms, waxworms (all in limited quantities), roaches, silkworms, flies, fruit flies (for young Chameleons), and grasshoppers can also be fed

79. Puppies that could formerly avoid electric shocks, were unable to perform the avoidance responses after several months of isolation-rearing.

80. 17 Only the female can guarantee her parenthood, and to her descends the task of single-handedly rearing the young.