Đặt câu với từ "quake"

1. Indonesia quake triggers brief tsunami alert

2. These sudden movements quake the Earth.

3. May 1974 : magnitude quake hits Sichuan and Yunnan .

4. The quake seriously damaged computers at the U.S.

5. The explosion made the whole house quake.

6. Aqueducts is the 9th level of Quake 4

7. The biggest quake registered 2 on the Richter scale.

8. Four dams within the quake area were unreachable.

9. Social phobics quake at the thought of meeting strangers.

10. I got the shakes that'll make you quake.

11. Hundreds of replacement Crosshairs for your favorite action games like Quake 2, Quake 3, Half-Life, Kingpin, Counter Strike, and Opposing Force

12. More than 000 houses were flattened by the quake.

13. They felt the ground quake as the bomb exploded.

14. The quake destroyed mud buildings in many remote villages.

15. No.1 reactor vessel damaged 5 hours after quake.

16. Although extreme, the quake in Haiti was not an isolated event.

17. Unfortunately, it made software manufacturers quake in their jewel boxes.

18. Flat tire on his motorcycle, right across the street from Quake

19. Most of the wreckage from the 1985 quake has been cleared.

20. The quake reached a magnitude of 1 on the Richter scale.

21. The magnitude of the quake was 7 on the Richter Scale.

22. 3 That's because quake magnitudes are calculated on a logarithmic scale.

23. An earthquake of magnitude 7 is reckoned as a major quake.

24. Dimension of the Boomed is a short episode in the style of Quake

25. The crisis was sparked by a 9.0-magnitude quake and tsunami on Friday

26. Ironically, much of the Marina district was built on rubble from the 1906 quake.

27. A quake in the Tehachapi-Bakersfield area 50 miles north of Los Angeles registers

28. There have been no reports of injuries from the magnitude 6.1 quake Wednesday .

29. For the first two or three days after the quake, nearby congregations provided rice balls.

30. A clock tower in the town center had stopped at the time the quake hit.

31. Aftershocks, however, are often so strong and so long after the main quake that they may be considered the main earthquake and the main quake may be re-categorized as a foreshock.

32. Roads to Wenchuan County , epicenter of the quake, were blocked by fallen rocks and debris.

33. A clock tower the town center had stopped at the time the quake hit.

34. Now the goal is to design buildings that also remain functional after a quake.

35. The epicenter of the quake was just outside the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince.

36. In 1997, Valve hired Ben Morris and acquired Worldcraft, a tool for creating custom Quake maps.

37. Two days after the 7.0 magnitude quake , the horror of the disaster is undiminished .

38. The most powerful vibrations from a quake range from 0.5 hertz to about 5 hertz.

39. The 8 magnitude quake struck the South American country Saturday in the early morning hours.

40. The killer application for the Voodoo was the MiniGL driver developed specifically to allow hardware acceleration of the game Quake , by id Software , on 3dfx cards. The driver implemented only the subset of OpenGL used by Quake.

41. By age 21, he was a mapper and modder for the first-person shooter Quake III Arena.

42. Has the quake given birth to some new, positive political force that will accelerate reform?

43. Fires, caused by oil lamps that had fallen during the quake, added to the panic.

44. The quake epicenter was southwest of Seattle with a magnitude on the Richter scale of

45. In the first days after the quake, surgical equipment, medicines, and even anesthetics were in short supply.

46. The plates slip past each other about 0.5 of a meter, or 20 inches, during a quake.

47. Of the more than 10,000 Witnesses in the area, 154 died as a result of the quake.

48. The city streets were magic again, like they were when stoplights went dark after the quake.

49. The San Francisco quake was mild compared to the roar of divine judgment soon to come.

50. A Western - style clock tower the town center had stopped at the time the quake hit.

51. By then, more than 24 hours had passed since the quake, and night had again fallen.

52. The most powerful one was also in Chile, in 1960 —a quake with a magnitude of 9.4.

53. It is fearsome to Beholdas it strides forward, its mighty hooves making the ground quake with each step

54. The main rescue operation is centered in the city , about 100 kilometers from the epicenter of the quake .

55. After wandering about on the morning of the quake, he found himself hungry and made his way to the hotel.

56. The government has warned there could be a radioactive leak at a nuclear power reactor shut down by the quake .

57. Residents ran into the streets after the 7.3 magnitude quake struck 423km ( 262 miles ) south-west of Banda Aceh .

58. Such local bodies are especially important because, by the time foreign aid arrives, most quake victims will have died.

59. During a quake of magnitude 1 on 20 February 19 ground acceleration was measured at 10 percent of gravity.

60. Seismologists said the quake appeared to have been rooted about 30 miles underground, deep enough to prevent catastrophic destruction.

61. A magnitude-3 quake in India in 1967 that killed 200 people was caused by impoundment behind the country's Koyna Dam.

62. Thursday 's quake struck at 2332 local time ( 1432 GMT ) on Thursday , 118km ( 78 miles ) north of Fukushima , 40km offshore .

63. When the quake struck, seven-year-old Islande looked out of her home and saw power lines snapping and showers of sparks.

64. If an aftershock is significantly closer to a populated area, it can cause much more damage than the initial quake.

65. The possibility of such a mid-plate quake thus carries a much higher risk than one on a plate boundary.

66. The quake made chandeliers sway in the Capitol and the floor of the Senate shook before staff headed for the exits .

67. If the quake did cause the damage, it could call into question the resilience of TEPCO's other nuclear installations in Japan.

68. In Quake 2, the Bandolier will increase the maximum amount of ammo that one can carry for certain types of ammo

69. While debris rained down on much of Western Washington during the quake, the more typical liquid precipitation has been strangely absent.

70. According to reports, the earthquake's epicenter was located in the Banda Sea, Indonesia, Ambon, about 510 km southwest. Quake of 1 magnitude.

71. Engineers are pumping water into three reactors to cool fuel rods after cooling systems were knocked out by the quake and tsunami .

72. The reactor had been shut down before the quake for maintenance , but its spent fuel rods were still stored on the site .

73. Due to their low security post-quake, I thought it a good idea... to keep an eye on their internal communication for a while.

74. Carnal is an old school boomer shooter taking loving inspiration from the 90's greats such as Quake, Blood and Duke Nukem 3D

75. Energy costs in Japan have risen after it shut all of its nuclear reactors in wake of last year 's quake and tsunami .

76. Because of this one might think that Catechumen cannot stack up to the other shooters of its day such as Quake or Duke Nukem

77. The Arachnid is one of the toughest non-boss enemies found in the PSX version of Quake II, but fortunately is also the rarest

78. Yes, although the killer quake has left its scars on Mexico, it has not adversely affected the faith and courage of Jehovah’s Witnesses there.

79. In the present, Shido Itsuka, a seemingly ordinary high school student comes across a mysterious girl at the ground zero of a spatial quake.

80. The quake shows both the importance and the limits of planning ahead, says seismologist Robert Woodward of the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology in Washington, D. C.