Đặt câu với từ "presumably"

1. He's dead now, presumably?

2. Presumably he meant Ichneumonidae.

3. The report is presumably correct.

4. Presumably he meant the Little cabin.

5. You'll be taking the car, presumably?

6. Also presumably covers, Beatnikery and other travels

7. Presumably this is where the accident happened.

8. Presumably you still know where it is.

9. Presumably, modern humans emerged somewhere in Africa.

10. She is aware of the difficulties, presumably?

11. With the condiments of the season, presumably.

12. Balsamon, Theodorus Died after 1195, presumably in Constantinople

13. A thicker shell presumably protects the snail better.

14. Gravitation is presumably a modification of space - time.

15. Presumably he just forgot to send the letter.

16. Presumably the bad weather has delayed the flight.

17. Presumably, the ancestral sylviids looked much like these birds.

18. Jerome reports him killed, presumably in conflict with Aurelian.

19. They can presumably afford to buy a bigger apartment.

20. I couldn't concentrate, presumably because I was so tired.

21. Ramsey presumably leant out for a breath of air.

22. And , presumably, the more little crickets that male will sire.

23. Presumably the nomads brought them with them when they came.

24. Presumably similar habitat is required for the oviparous Night Snake.

25. You swallowed amniotic fluids by the mouthful, presumably for nourishment.

26. Akon was presumably unrelated to Adamski's Venusian space friend Orthon.

27. In each case, the liver was extracted and presumably eaten.

28. Presumably they disperse to other areas, suggesting that inbreeding is unlikely.

29. Abracadabra was a Daily Prophet newspaper segment that presumably covered sorcery

30. It follows logically that he could presumably influence the group’s activities.

31. As they do it they make a wish, presumably for children.

32. The wheeling and dealing of regimes is presumably not very mysterious.

33. This is presumably why Mr Bush refused to Authorise an i

34. Balalaika's father, presumably, has been condemned by or has fled the USSR

35. 4 Presumably the decline of domestic servants to launder the disgusting handkerchiefs.

36. Presumably, this redundancy reduces petty embezzlement and pilferage, albeit at staggering costs.

37. It's raining, which presumably means that your football match will be cancelled.

38. Commercial considerations presumably preclude any cruel or unpleasant side to his character.

39. At higher concentrations and temperatures, a white precipitate forms (presumably Dilithium Acetylide

40. The government will presumably sit on the report until after the election.

41. Amateur video posted online showed bloody, presumably dead individuals in civilian garb.

42. 8 The wheeling and dealing of regimes is presumably not very mysterious.

43. Presumably, you just saw some guy's junk and I apologize for that.

44. 21 The gentlemen, presumably Dersinghams, were easily distinguishable from the village players.

45. • The information system used to Collate these statistics is presumably extensive and costly

46. Believings presumably involve things in your head (along with things outside your head)

47. This is presumably of value to Canada, although no actual amount is measurable.

48. Presumably, the lawmaker must determine the content of these general requirements of justice.

49. Faits ac·com·plis An Accomplished, presumably irreversible deed or fact.

50. One caterpillar was mushy, presumably the victim of a virus or bacterial infection.

51. Ineni was commissioned to dig this tomb, and presumably to build his mortuary temple.

52. Presumably, this is an evolutionary remnant of the quadrate ramus of the epipterygoid (= Alisphenoid).

53. 13 One caterpillar was mushy, presumably the victim of a virus or bacterial infection.

54. She remembered his tetchiness with shop assistants,(http://Sentencedict.com) which presumably had been simulated.

55. Until then the grist mill existed, but presumably it was then demolished or converted.

56. This was, he speculated, "presumably an anagram, somehow based on a character named Laura".

57. Immigrants presumably want to migrate because it is advantageous for them to do so.

58. He worked as a waiter and presumably Busboy at the Owl Cafe around 2008

59. The right to that appointment was presumably an established perquisite of the chief steward.

60. Presumably there was a glazed aperture in the back to illuminate the upper deck.

61. Catechumen is a Christian-themed game, so its primary audience is presumably Christian gamers

62. Rewriting of history for Bellicose use can also, presumably, be a very fine art

63. Presumably, the royal family would have wanted him to receive instruction in Egyptian religion.

64. The Axin-related protein, Axin2, presumably plays an important role in the regulation of the

65. Synonyms for Avowedly include seemingly, ostensibly, apparently, supposedly, outwardly, superficially, allegedly, putatively, evidently and presumably

66. 30 Presumably there was a glazed aperture in the back to illuminate the upper deck.

67. Presumably for every team it's a matter of getting whole number of factors absolutely right.

68. From the Cambridge English Corpus Here, the writer presumably first adapted the phrase with Bated …

69. Centrioles are a key feature of eukaryotic cells and presumably arose with the first eukaryotes.

70. Antonyms for Authentically include professedly, supposedly, presumably, ostensibly, apparently, allegedly, theoretically, hypothetically, avowedly and purportedly

71. His carotid artery was severed, presumably by the ice he hit on the way down.

72. In this case the coin artist was presumably commemorating the decision to build the temple.

73. Both events ended in deaths, and, presumably, fueled a thousand conspiracy theories in the heartland.

74. The alkali hydroxides of sodalime are presumably responsible for its reaction with halogenated inhalation anaesthetics.

75. The resulting delay has resulted in inconvenience and presumably some additional expense for the Respondent.

76. Presumably the pumping efficiency would be even more greatly reduced during an actual angry encounter.”

77. The genes worked on behaviour, presumably by influencing the embryonic development of the nervous system.

78. Presumably, Barbarus was just minding his own business in The Savage Land, when zombified Quicksilver …

79. The "steamship pattern" also used was presumably prompted by the acute-angled and inaccessible site.

80. The filigree, presumably by virtue of these fields, completely alters the structure of the granulation.