Đặt câu với từ "prerequisite for"

1. Training is a prerequisite for competence.

2. For example, trigonometry is a prerequisite for calculus.

3. A degree is prerequisite for employment at this level.

4. Simplification as a prerequisite for successful implementation of small projects

5. This course is a prerequisite for: AGRO 816B; AGRO …

6. And is identification of words a prerequisite for comprehension?

7. The main prerequisite for success is old, clean water.

8. Ontology is a prerequisite for physics, but not for mathematics.

9. Is a trace of insanity a necessary prerequisite for originality?

10. This is a prerequisite for invigorating China's national economy.

11. Therefore self-observation is an essential prerequisite for his tack.

12. Careful study of the market is a prerequisite for success.

13. Good self-esteem is a prerequisite for a happy life.

14. At one time, physical presence was a prerequisite for first-hand experience.

15. Biliary supersaturation with cholesterol is a prerequisite for cholesterol gallstone formation.

16. A degree is an essential prerequisite for employment at this level.

17. A reasonable proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the course.

18. Wyvern Sting - Required . This is a prerequisite for Noxious Stings and Black Arrow.

19. NOTE: Biosafety 101: Standard Microbiological Practices is a prerequisite for this course

20. Public support is a prerequisite for/to the success of this project.

21. A prerequisite for adequate pain palliation is an exact anamnesis and pain diagnosis.

22. And a personal computer is a prerequisite for gaining access to the Internet.

23. The most important prerequisite for successful Crisscrossing is the scientific selection of well-matched breeds.

24. Acceptance of the separate Privacy Policy in particular is a prerequisite for using «BodyTel Center».

25. Much evidence shows that interpersonal competence is a prerequisite for a successful managerial career.

26. Mastery of the mother tongue is a prerequisite for creative expression in other languages.

27. Encryption technology is seen as a prerequisite for widespread commercial use of computer networks.

28. Akinesia of globe and orbicularis muscle is widely considered as an essential prerequisite for cataract surgery.

29. Second, the process of increasing self-awareness is itself an essential prerequisite for emotional health.

30. Ensuring access to energy for everyone can be a key prerequisite for accelerating progress on MDGs implementation.

31. An absolute prerequisite for this approach to work is the availability of detailed information on vector sequences.

32. An understanding of Aerosol properties and Aerosol deposition is an important prerequisite for optimizing inhalation therapy

33. Universities and high schools will establish literacy action as an option or prerequisite for certain students.

34. Thus, market access is a prerequisite for market entry to occur, but it is not sufficient

35. On the one hand, large-scale machine industry was seen as the necessary prerequisite for socialism.

36. As in international affairs, stability within states is an absolute value, a mandatory prerequisite for solving existing problems.

37. Reconstruction of normal clavicular anatomy and solid fusion is a prerequisite for good clinical outcome after surgical treatment.

38. Internet access is thus a basic prerequisite for developing countries' traders to improve their position in the market

39. Therefore, agrarian reform in Paraguay was a prerequisite for the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights.

40. A prerequisite for this, is to liquidate the terror sanctuaries and safe havens that exist beyond Afghanistan’s borders.

41. The combination of information on the anamnesis, clinical and imaging results is a prerequisite for an appropriate disease management.

42. The Committee was not without its own misgivings about non-cohabitation as a prerequisite for prosecution for marital rape.

43. These results strongly suggest that depletion of auxin from leaf Axils is a prerequisite for axillary meristem formation during vegetative

44. Neuropsychological studies on echolalia revealed that a sparing of 'the speech area' is a necessary prerequisite for echolalia to occur.

45. Betinge ( imperative beting, infinitive at Betinge, present tense Betinger, past tense Betingede, perfect tense har Betinget ) be a prerequisite for quotations

46. A previous knowledge of computing may be of some advantage initially but is not a prerequisite for entry to the course.

47. He perceived art-historical research as an absolute prerequisite for the elevation of taste and for the improvement of contemporary art.

48. Prerequisite for a quantitative analysis of the amino acids in fruits is a preparative treatment which inhibits the characteristic fruit-enzymes.

49. 28 The prerequisite for cavitation is that there exists an area in which absolute pressure is lower than or equal to vaporization pressure.

50. Codgerettes? I definitely qualify!” Sherri Forrester and Mary Paschol, both of Piedmont North Carolina, also wondered whether masculinity is a prerequisite for codgerhood.

51. The term “Autodialer” is an important prerequisite for ascertaining whether a call or a text is subject to TCPA restrictions and associated penalties

52. In addition, pre-sanding is a basic prerequisite for our precise grading: only in this way can wood defects and colours be discovered.

53. A good government image is a rich resource and incorporeal property owned by a government. It's an essential prerequisite for the government to function efficiently.

54. Brawling Mastery: Requires 8 points in Brawling Brawling Mastery is a prerequisite for performing cross-weapon combos into select Martial Arts and Two Handed attacks

55. An additional lesion of the nucleus abducens is neither likely in these cases of gaze paralysis nor a prerequisite for the explanation of this phenomenon.

56. According to a finding by Economic Times in 2019, Algorithmic trading is the future of financial markets and is a prerequisite for performing well in tomorrow's markets

57. Diversion of ODA resources from economic growth and poverty alleviation in developing countries for adaptation is not the answer as development is a prerequisite for achieving effective adaptation.

58. Production at the company's own site is a prerequisite for the extensive value chain, because Acetylene cannot be purchased externally: the gas is highly reactive, flammable and explosive.

59. A Coordinative Dendrimer Achieves Excellent Efficiency in Cytosolic Protein and Peptide Delivery Cytosolic protein delivery is a prerequisite for the development of protein therapeutics that act on intracellular targets

60. Capture of emissions A prerequisite for later dust abatement is the capture of fugitive dust emissions, e.g. in the iron and steel industry, and venting to dust control systems.

61. The Prime Ministers announced that India and Australia would commence negotiations on a bilateral Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement which, for Australia, is a prerequisite for uranium sales to other countries.

62. The Ministers underlined that diversion of ODA resources from economic growth and poverty alleviation in developing countries for adaptation is not the answer as development is a prerequisite for achieving effective adaptation.

63. A prerequisite for studies on the wide variety of Acyl-L-carnitines and their function is the availability of Acyl-L-carnitine standards and a reliable and sensitive analytical methodology

64. The presence of a phenyl ring with an OH group at the position para to the alanine side chain is suggested as a prerequisite for the chemical binding of AITC with amino acids.

65. The end-product should be a set of recommendations aimed at offering trans-European interoperable packet mode bearer services, which is a prerequisite for the migration of many applications to EURO-ISDN.

66. Paragraph # ccording to the Family Law Act, Hungarian citizenship is not a prerequisite for either the adopter or the adoptee; the adoption of children of Hungarian citizenship by foreign citizens is therefore not precluded

67. That is not only a prerequisite for the peaceful return of refugees and displaced persons, but it is also absolutely necessary to allow aid workers to do their work without personal danger.

68. These findings demonstrate that NOTCH-mediated Arterialization of HE is an essential prerequisite for establishing definitive lympho-myeloid program and suggest that exploring molecular pathways that lead to arterial specification may aid in vitro approaches to enhance definitive hematopoiesis from hPSCs.

69. Commissioning for LEED certification is divided into two levels: “Fundamental Building Systems Commissioning” and “Enhanced Commissioning.” Fundamental Building Systems Commissioning is a prerequisite for LEED certification, while Enhanced Commissioning is one of the 104 optional credits that can be selected to help reach the 40 credit

70. She said that Cordially and pleasant relations between Bar and Bunch was prerequisite for provision of justice to people earliest and timely and she assured that she would try his best to take steps for getting more funds for the welfare of lawyers and visitors.

71. All but one Arbovirus species belong to one of five families of RNA viruses, suggesting that the high mutation frequencies of RNA genomes may be a prerequisite for entry into a cycle of alternating replication in the very different environments represented by vertebrate and invertebrate animals

72. Brockmire doesn’t throw a perfect game on its first trip to the mound, but it gets most of its pitches across the plate—and even delivers some surprising dramatic Brushbacks.And while America’s erstwhile pastime might pump through Jim Brockmire’s blood, an interest in the sport isn’t a prerequisite for enjoying the show.