Đặt câu với từ "predisposition"

1. Humanity, which has an obvious predisposition towards goodness, has an equally strong predisposition towards evil.

2. a predisposition to like something.

3. This predisposition may be genetically determined.

4. This predisposition may bespeak a different mentality.

5. There is a certain genetic predisposition to alopecia areata.

6. Some kind of genetic predisposition also is likely.

7. A predisposition for bladder infections may run in families .

8. There are interactions between genetic predisposition and environmental factors.

9. She has an annoying predisposition to find fault wherever she goes.

10. The diathesis, or predisposition, interacts with the individual's subsequent stress response.

11. Some people are born with a predisposition to schizophrenia, he says.

12. Individuals with Dupuytren's disease have a genetically-determined predisposition to the condition.

13. 1 She has an annoying predisposition to find fault wherever she goes.

14. 12 Some people are born with a predisposition to schizophrenia, he says.

15. Genetic screening to identify a person’s predisposition to certain illnesses is already possible.

16. PGD represents an alternative to prenatal diagnosis for couples with genetic predisposition for disorders.

17. Some people may have a predisposition to the genetic mutations that lead to disease.

18. Bronchial asthma life is a family affair, and hence a predisposition to it is inherited

19. The cause of Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome is unknown, but there may be a genetic predisposition.

20. Akita’s, like many dogs bred for guarding, may inherit a certain predisposition to aggression

21. Autoimmune disease commonly occurs in multiple members of a family, indicating a genetic predisposition

22. Stress signals can manifest themselves in different ways according to the individual's predisposition and personality.

23. There are several hundred drugs which could affect a person with a predisposition to seizures.

24. Widespread usage of light magnesium alloys is constrained due to their predisposition to corrosion and abrasion.

25. These may be people who seem to have always been anxious, people with a predisposition to worry.

26. Evidence supporting a genetic component to predisposition comes mainly from a large study of 15924 male twin pairs.

27. However, a genetic predisposition does not seem to be the only factor that accounts for these disorders.

28. There is a genetic predisposition to develop alopecia areata, whereas environmental triggers have so far not been identified.

29. Also, phobophobia can be developed when anxiety disorders are not treated, creating an extreme predisposition to other phobias.

30. Perhaps in people with a genetic predisposition, the trigger sends the immune system into permanent overdrive and disarray.

31. Chow Chows are a high risk breed for autoimmune disease and are at a predisposition for skin melanoma

32. Trauma at birth may also play some part in forming the newborn infant's predisposition to develop the disorder.

33. Avi emphasizes a comprehensive reading of charts and wave counts that is free of personal bias or predisposition

34. These findings suggest that individuals with an abrupt transition have a greater predisposition to injures at the thoracolumbar junction.

35. We are not looking for a single gene which is wholly responsible for a disorder or a behavioural predisposition.

36. In the case of "proclivity" it might run something along the lines of "an inclination or predisposition toward something."

37. This rare disorder is clearly distinct from Alopecia areata (AA1; 104000), which has an autoimmune basis with probable genetic predisposition.

38. An elevated risk of WT is also observed in some overgrowth syndromes, various tumor predisposition syndromes, and specific constitutional aneuploidies.

39. Thus, to assume that the creation of a predisposition to buy is a sufficient explanation of buyer behavior seems untenable.

40. The main photograph in the public domain shows a cherubic, smiling 11-year-old with a predisposition for his father's chubbiness.

41. 24 Perinatal complications among babies born with an inherited predisposition towards schizophrenia may be implicated in the later manifestation of this disorder.

42. Should criminals be dealt with as victims of their genetic code, being able to claim diminished responsibility because of a genetic predisposition?

43. This Apolitical predisposition to mock precisely the kinds of people who'll actually pay to watch this kind of film is the height of contemptuousness

44. The diathesis–stress model asserts that if the combination of the predisposition and the stress exceeds a threshold, the person will develop a disorder.

45. – Michael Hogg ‘An Attitude is a learned predisposition to respond in a favorable or unfavorable manner towards people, an object, an idea or a situation

46. The ready Complaisance of a person solicited to commit a crime by a police officer or agent is evidence of his predisposition to commit such crime

47. This predisposition is either due to a too voluminous ligamentum teres, capsular hyperlaxity, insufficiently deep acetabulum or blunt acetabular roof acquired by foetal malposition in utero.

48. As a so far undescribed predisposition for neurotoxicity of oral therapy with acyclovir signs of vascular encephalopathy were found in the patient’s cranial magnetic resonance imaging.

49. BRCA2 alleles including those with mutations in the BRCA2 gene which are associated with a predisposition to develop cancer, especially breast and ovarian cancer, are also disclosed.

50. Attitudes are predispositions: An attitude is a predisposition – a prior determined or learnt view of a thing or tendency to act in a specific way towards a thing

51. The cause is unknown, there could be a genetic predisposition that is triggered by an infection, for instance German measles is thought to trigger type 1 diabetes in some people.

52. Abiotic disorders are associated with non-living causal factors such as weather, soils, chemicals, mechanical injuries, cultural practices and, in some cases, a genetic predisposition within the plant itself

53. Authoritarianism is a deep-seated, relatively enduring psychological predisposition to prefer—indeed, to demand—obedience and conformity, or what I call "oneness and sameness," over freedom and diversity.

54. So even if the dictionary tells you that proclivity means a predisposition, it doesn't tell you that most people use proclivity when talking with light disapproval...or is that winking approval?

55. Determined to find natural explanations, modern skeptics offer scenarios that include delirium, hallucination, a drastic psychological crisis provoked by the qualms of Saul’s tormented conscience, a nervous breakdown, and an assumed predisposition to epilepsy.

56. The time of acclimatization differs individually and depends on various factors, e.g. rate of ascent, genetic predisposition, absolute altitude reached, altitude difference, general health condition etc., but not on the submaximal endurance-capacity (VO2max).

57. New research from the University of Zurich in Switzerland shows that the answer may lie in our brains, or more accurately, that the volume of a small brain region can influences one's predisposition for altruistic behaviour.

58. Claustral-driven cells belonging to both S and C categories were found in the two laminae (4 and 6) and there was no observed predisposition for a particular cell type to cluster in either of these lamina

59. The word Bitter comes from the ancient Greek meaning “sharp or pointed.” Anyone who has been on the receiving end of a Bitter person with a predisposition for ‘sharp-tongued’ remarks knows that words—especially carefully crafted by a wordsmith’s hateful, …

60. The aetiology is not completely understood, but environmental factors, including female sex hormones, ultraviolet light exposure and infections, play an important part, as does a genetic predisposition with genetic polymorphisms in immunoglobulin-Fc receptor genes, cytokine genes, complement genes and genes regulating apoptosis.

61. Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is an autosomal recessive, complex, multisystem disorder characterized by progressive neurologic impairment, cerebellar Ataxia, variable immunodeficiency with susceptibility to sinopulmonary infections, impaired organ maturation, x-ray hypersensitivity, ocular and cutaneous telangiectasia (see image below), and a predisposition to malignancy.

62. Antidoting, Clearing Remedies (12) Beauty Products (10) Brain, Nerves, Neurology (18) Cancer Predisposition (Diathesis) (13) Cancer, Oncology (55) Chats, Webinars, Interviews (14) Children's Health (23) Chronic Treatment (84) Commentary (13) Dental Issues (11) Dietary, Food, Nutritional (22) Drug Harm, Drug Side Effects (32) Emergency/Illnes

63. Persons with sensitive skin have a predisposition to several skin diseases, most importantly dry skin, but also atopy, seborrheic dermatitis, acne vulgaris, rosacea, and perioral dermatitis. Their complaints may be triggered by environmental factors such as low temperature, wind, high temperature, sun exposure and stress.

64. The typical pattern of Baldness in males in which the Baldness begins in the frontal area and proceeds until only a horseshoe area of hair remains in the back and at the temples. It is due to testosterone, but genetic predisposition is also a factor

65. In fact, because of a psychological predisposition, he was bound to arrive at the functionally desirable result, yet because he had to “Attitudinize to himself,” he “wast[ed] time, proceed[ed] unnecessarily by indirection, and burn[t] up his energies needlessly.” Pound at Large and at Bay

66. They do not follow the classic patterns of mendelian inheritance; the genetic predisposition to asthma is due rather to a combination of alterations in different independent genes that are involved in a number of pathologic mechanisms specific to the immune system and also to such target organs as the lung, nose and skin.

67. Despite any genetic predisposition we may have and any external influences that may affect us, we can “strip off the old personality with its practices, and clothe [ourselves] with the new personality, which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it.”—Colossians 3:9, 10.

68. Insulin Autoantibody - In patients who have not yet been treated with insulin but have symptoms suggestive of diabetes or a genetic predisposition based on family history, this test can be used to 1) distinguish among type 1 diabetes mellitus (autoimmune), type 2 diabetes mellitus, and atypical forms of diabetes, such as latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA); or 2) to evaluate risk of