Đặt câu với từ "post-typhoid"

1. Can cassia cure typhoid?

2. An outbreak of typhoid followed.

3. These herbs can fight typhoid fever.

4. They still get cases of typhoid there.

5. In Verdun, she treated patients with typhoid.

6. In 1896 her son died of typhoid.

7. Typhoid is an example of a notifiable disease.

8. Early colonists ravaged native populations with syphilis and typhoid.

9. They had given out that he had died of typhoid.

10. Health Protection recommended against malaria, cholera, typhoid, polio, tetanus, hepatitis.

11. I had a bad reaction after my typhoid injection.

12. What about typhoid or some kind of relapsing fever?

13. The pathogenic bacteria cause cholera , typhoid fever and shigella dysentery .

14. When he was seven the boy almost died of typhoid.

15. [Bacteriophagic types (or lysotypes) of the typhoid bacillus in Morocco]

16. 9 Early colonists ravaged native populations with syphilis and typhoid.

17. People are dying in their thousands from typhoid, cold and starvation.

18. Already typhoid has broken out among the country's thousands of homeless refugees...

19. On 9 December, one of Albert's doctors, William Jenner, diagnosed typhoid fever.

20. You're not the one who shared a bathroom with Typhoid Mary over there.

21. Oliver (1622–1644), died of typhoid fever while serving as a Parliamentarian officer.

22. A sudden attack of typhoid cut him off in the prime of his life.

23. I came down with typhoid fever but was sent back to the front after treatment.

24. Three years later, Nicholson suffered an attack of typhoid which prompted his return to London.

25. Thanks to the widespread availability of antibiotics diseases such as typhoid have largely been eradicated.

26. Bubonic plague, typhoid, polio, diphtheria, tuberculosis, syphilis and gonorrhea still afflict much of the world.

27. [Determination of the Bacteriophagic type of typhoid bacilli isolated in Romania] Arch Roum Pathol Exp Microbiol

28. Berries: typhoid: aleberry angleberry appleberry Arnberry ashberry baldberry baneberry barberry bayberry bearberry berberry berry bilberry birdberry

29. After its liBeration, the camp was burned to the ground to combat the spread of typhoid.

30. In this way humans contract such debilitating and deadly illnesses as typhoid, dysentery, and even cholera.

31. Mig in hospital with horrible jaundice, me in the next room with suspected typhoid - but it wasn't!

32. Balustrades; Handrails and Post-To-Post Or Over-The-Post

33. Painful typhoid injections are a thing of the past, thanks to the introduction of an oral vaccine.

34. In many countries contaminated water spreads cholera, jaundice, typhoid, paratyphoid, bacillary dysentery, and amoebic dysentery, among other diseases.

35. Foremast, goal post mainmast, goal post mizzer, and goal post Aftermast

36. After a wild success Raymond died at the age of 20 from typhoid brought about by eating oysters.

37. With some infections, for example, typhoid fever and dysentery, discharge of the causative agent may continue during Convalescence.

38. Commissioner Lamy's list includes: yellow fever, plague, cholera, meningitis, dengue, influenza, hepatitis, polio, typhoid fever, typhus and measles.

39. Diseases of Cholera Dengue Amoebiasis traveler traveler's diarrhea bacillary dysentery (Shigellosis) Typhoid Fever Yellow Fever Malaria amoebiasis what?

40. Like typhoid fever, Cholera is contracted by eating or drinking food and water that has been contaminated by feces

41. Said gastrointestinal disorder may be Salmonella enterica induced acute diarrhea, chronic enteric Salmonellosis, and Typhoid fever (chronic carrier state).

42. Other serious diseases are typhoid and paratyphoid fever, amebic liver abscess, visceral leishmaniasis, leptospirosis and—rarely—viral hemorrhagic fevers.

43. METAL POST: Sandblast the surface of the post.

44. Agitations: Post-Electronic Sounds is an 11-track album of post-digital, post-electronic music

45. Adjustable post support rods (28) support the post.

46. These include colds, influenza, rheumatism, dengue (also known as break bone fever, hence the name Boneset), malaria and typhoid fever.

47. This is the basis for advance inoculation with a vaccine (toxoid) against polio, mumps, rubella (measles), diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, and typhoid fever.

48. Aggressins Bail used Aggressins to produce immunity against anthrax (1904), typhoid (1905), typhus and cholera (1905d), and Weil usedAggressins in fowl cholera (1905)

49. Post-op.

50. Among infectious diseases, the biggest killer is viral hepatitis, followed by such diseases as malaria, rabies, typhoid, Lassa fever, and retroviral infections.

51. Antonyms for Antemortem include posthumous, postmortem, delayed, following, post-mortem, post-obit, post-obituary, retrospective, subsequent and after death

52. [Post-Bilharzic bladder neck obstruction] [Post-Bilharzic bladder neck obstruction] [Post-Bilharzic bladder neck obstruction] J Urol Nephrol (Paris)

53. Just definite post.

54. Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits Post-9/11 GI Bill

55. The Post Office will dispatch the letters by the next post.

56. Smallpox, polio, tetanus, cholera, rabies, typhoid fever and yellow fever are some of the diseases for which vaccines or inoculations have been prepared.

57. — Post-auricular adenopathy

58. OCR Post Processing

59. Post-transfusion purpura

60. Post-auricular adenopathy

61. Post to List

62. Also called chigger, sand flea Tunga penetrans, family Tungidae ‘He's blasé about all the usual stuff - typhoid fever, malaria, Chigoes, bots, scabies, and leeches.’

63. Post Explotation Backdooring III – Lethani November 4, 2019 […] is the third post on the post-exploitation method based on code caves

64. A normal life is boring, but superstardom's close to post mortar ( post mortem ).

65. In 1906, Mary took a position in Oyster Bay, Long Island, and within two weeks 10 of the 11 family members were hospitalized with typhoid.

66. I had suggested that some of our guests might enjoy a post-wedding, post-reception, post-dinner nightcap in our hotel room.

67. Don’t post fake content, don’t post the same content multiple times, and don't post content for the same place from multiple accounts.

68. Methods of treating post-myeloproliferative neoplasms (mpns) and post-mpn acute myeloid leukemia

69. Reamer/wrench/post kit

70. Em breve um post sobre o assunto! In a brief post about it!

71. Archive: Cybercafes Post navigation

72. The government post office, too, saw Dockwra’s post as an infringement of their monopoly.

73. AMP (Advanced medical post)

74. • Leveraging post -2010 afterglow

75. Advisees Post-doctoral researchers

76. He is as deaf as a post [ stone , door - post , door - nail , an adder ].

77. Adjustable guard rail post

78. abortion/post-abortion care

79. I'm a post-modernist.

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