Đặt câu với từ "polynomial"

1. Interpolation polynomial

2. And what we can do is rewrite this polynomial under this polynomial.

3. In this expression, we're dividing this third degree polynomial by this first degree polynomial.

4. Our algorithms are of polynomial complexity.

5. It is possible to construct polynomial roots once a polynomial expression is inserted in the Algebraic Line.

6. They also provide polynomial speedups for many problems.

7. I have no idea about factorable polynomial.

8. PDF - Irreducible polynomials with the primitive polynomial.

9. A polynomial expression is an expression that may be rewritten as a polynomial, by using commutativity, associativity and distributivity of addition and multiplication.

10. Because it's going to be a polynomial.

11. So that means this expression is not a polynomial.

12. The roots of the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind are sometimes called Chebyshev nodes because they are used as nodes in polynomial interpolation.

13. A slant (oblique) Asymptote occurs when the polynomial in the numerator is a higher degree than the polynomial in the denominator

14. A polynomial Approximation of f is a polynomial p that is the most closest Approximation to f given certain conditions.

15. 7 Scalar polynomial curvature singularities therefore can not occur.

16. Scalar polynomial curvature singularities therefore can not occur.

17. Can the discrete logarithm be computed in polynomial time?

18. Generates a polynomial interpolation for a set of data

19. The general methods are polynomial approximation and Chebyshev approximation.

20. The central flank section (16) is determined by a polynomial.

21. So a binomial is just a polynomial with two terms.

22. The curve mesh body created is a polynomial bicubic.

23. Which he Arithmetizes to produce a low-degree polynomial ϕe : Fn → F

24. You approximate the time curvature using a seventh order polynomial.

25. We can do the same thing for the second polynomial.

26. Let's start by finding the degree of each term in either polynomial.

27. Clifford algebras of polynomial forms of degreed>2 defined by N.

28. Least squares polynomial smoothing was constantly used in X ray diffraction test.

29. For pure states, the Concurrence is a polynomial (,) ⊗ invariant in the state's coefficients

30. We determine the borderline between easy and hard problems and present polynomial algorithms.

31. Her research concerns function algebras, polynomial convexity, and Tarski's axioms for Euclidean geometry.

32. For example, x2 + 2x − 3 is a polynomial in the single variable x.

33. The well-known cases of polynomial interpolation ofNewton andNeville-Aitken are generalized.

34. The polynomial generating the EC is derived from three points on the curve.

35. Polynomial factorization is one of the fundamental tools of the computer algebra systems.

36. Barycentric interpolation is a variant of Lagrange polynomial interpolation that is fast and stable

37. The Frye and Morris polynomial model is adopted for modeling the semi - rigid connections.

38. The algebraic multiplicities sum up to n, the degree of the characteristic polynomial.

39. And then we want to add it to this polynomial right over here.

40. The first is that it has to be a polynomial of degree 1.

41. It may seem a little bit funny that 6 counts as a polynomial.

42. The polynomial can be evaluated by considering the magnitudes and angles of each of these vectors.

43. In MUSE, most behavioural equations are governed by a polynomial adjustment cost (PAC) structure.

44. A polynomial with two terms is called a Binomial; it could look like 3x + 9

45. He also dealt with polynomial algebra at the interface between numerical analysis and computer algebra.

46. Camille Jordan named abelian groups after Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel, because Abel found that the commutativity of the group of a polynomial implies that the roots of the polynomial can be calculated by using radicals.

47. All the polynomial equations are a part of Algebraic equations like the linear equations

48. And the largest degreed place, at least in this polynomial, is the 2x place.

49. Problems in the class BPP have Monte Carlo algorithms with polynomial bounded running time.

50. Usually this will be a scalar polynomial curvature singularity, but a large class of significant exceptions occurs.

51. Use the distributive property to express the product of two Binomials as a single polynomial

52. Weakly Attracting fixed point for a complex number evolving according to a complex quadratic polynomial

53. Cobham's thesis states that polynomial time is a synonym for "tractable", "feasible", "efficient", or "fast".

54. In this section, I'll discuss how you solve polynomial Congruences mod a power of a prime

55. An Asphere or aspheric lens is an optic whose surfaces are defined by a polynomial equation

56. And then we'd multiply that times x plus 3, and we'd end up with some polynomial.

57. A theoretical analysis showed that the local–global modulus relationship was of polynomial form with only one coefficient.

58. And just as a reminder, a Taylor series is a polynomial approximation of a function.

59. In contrary to polynomial interpolation the general Newton- and Neville-Aitken-operators are not identical.

60. The continuity and differentiability are achieved by using cubic polynomial interpolation based on hard thresholding.

61. We still follow the typical rule and say that this is a polynomial of degree 2.

62. It is shown that a polynomial solution exists only forc=1 and is linear inx and μ.

63. The dynamical equation of a two - dimensional airfoil with polynomial hysteresis nonlinearity is built in incompressible flow.

64. In 1985 he earned Doctor of Science (higher doctorate) with thesis "Computational Complexity in Polynomial Algebra".

65. Sommese deals with numerical algebraic geometry (solution of polynomial equation systems) with applications, e.g. in robotics.

66. This pattern guarantees that the rate of return polynomial (equation 1) will have a single real root.

67. Centered forms for computing the range of values of a real interval polynomial over an interval are considered.

68. This paper deals with curve fitting by a piecewise cubic polynomial which is continuous with its first derivative.

69. The contents of the accumulator and a primitive polynomial represented by a vector are added together by an adder (mod.

70. On Rn or Cn, the closed sets of the Zariski topology are the solution sets of systems of polynomial equations.

71. Create a Barycentric polynomial interpolation from an unordered set of (x,y) value pairs with equidistant x

72. Reed & Solomon (1960) described a theoretical decoder that corrected errors by finding the most popular message polynomial.

73. These statistical models are algebraic in that they can be defined in terms of polynomial constraints or parameterisations.

74. Some dynamical systems coincide at equilibrium when the zeros of the generalized Laguerre polynomial satisfy certain nonlinear algebraic equations.

75. Such splitting is feasible if the polynomial on the numerator is of lower degree than that on the denominator.

76. We learned that a polynomial is an expression that only uses addition, subtraction, and multiplication to combine constants variables.

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78. In order to obtain a better estimation, the unknown parameters are modeled as a first order polynomial function.

79. Algebra studies two main families of equations: polynomial equations and, among them, the special case of linear equations.

80. Based on the blending functions, a method of generating piecewise polynomial curves with several shape parameters is obtained.