Đặt câu với từ "platenet agglutination"

1. Dictionary entry overview: What does Agglutination mean? • Agglutination (noun) The noun Agglutination has 3 senses:

2. Agglutination test

3. In active Agglutination, direct Agglutination of particulate antigen with specific antibody occurs

4. Types of Agglutination test: 1.Direct or active Agglutination test: It is direct Agglutination of cellular antigen by its corresponding antibody

5. Serum agglutination tests

6. serological agglutination test

7. Sperm Agglutination Classification

8. Micro-agglutination test

9. Reverse (passive) Agglutination

10. Serum agglutination test (SAT)

11. No agglutination, no antibodies.

12. All Antisera for slide agglutination

13. Indirect (passive) Agglutination and 3

14. Agglutination reactions where the antigens are found naturally on a particle are known as direct Agglutination

15. Detection of nucleic acids by agglutination

16. Figure 10-1 Agglutination patterns

17. a brucella count lower than # IU of agglutination per millilitre when given a sero-agglutination test

18. Agglutination is a specific reaction, i.e

19. Process and machine for automated agglutination assays


21. The machine is configured to perform an automated rapid plasma reagent (RPR) agglutination test or other agglutination test.

22. Conclusion: injection can improve high agglutination condition.

23. Detection of nucleic acid sequences using particle agglutination

24. Precipitation differs from Agglutination in which way? a

25. A clumped mass of material formed by Agglutination.

26. Agglutination of an artificial carrier particle with specific antigen bound to its surface Size of the carrier enhances the visibility of Agglutination

27. Dry form micronitrous acid streptococci extraction-agglutination test

28. Agglutination - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums

29. + Agglutination Dr Rania Abo-Shady Ain Shams University 2

30. For example, Agglutination of Salmonella by its specific antibody.

31. % or more agglutination shall be regarded as positive

32. Agglutination is the clumping of erythrocytes (RBC) together

33. Agglutination is the clumping or binding antigen and antibody

34. The OIEISS contains 1 000 international units of agglutination.

35. A heavy suspension is best for this slide agglutination test.

36. Tryptophane broth Methyl Red / VogesProskauer tests (MRVP) Tube Agglutination

37. Brucella specific antibody response (Standard Agglutination Test, Complement Fixation, ELISA)

38. (2) Mean titre of agglutination antibodies after vaccination in rabbits.

39. Brucella Antibody, Agglutination - Brucella is transmitted to humans from animals

40. Agglutination is defined as the formation of clumps of cells or inert particles by specific antibodies to surface antigenic components (direct Agglutination) or to antigenic components adsorbed or chemically coupled to red cells or inert particles (passive hemagglutination and passive Agglutination, respectively).

41. Agglutinin definition is - a substance (such as an antibody) producing agglutination.

42. Specific antibodies generated against this peptide caused agglutination of human sperm.

43. Better Agglutination takes place with IgM antibody than with IgG antibodies.

44. Agglutination was observed only with anti-B and anti-D(Rh0).

45. Agglutination tests with the crude and purified preparations from each legume showed strong and consistent agglutination with only pseudomonad saprophytes, P. putida, P. fluorescens, and P. aeruginosa.

46. In vitro diagnostic devices which require knowledge regarding agglutination tests

47. Precipitation occurs with univalent antigen, whereas Agglutination requires multivalent antigen

48. The extracts ofA. muscaria also produced agglutination of red blood cells.

49. The agglutination and precipitation tests are still in their experimental stage.

50. A, Slide Agglutination of bacteria with known antisera or known bacteria.

51. Direct bacterial Agglutination uses whole pathogens as a source of antigen.

52. Agglutination occur only when antigen and antibody are in appropriate concentration

53. If blood types are mixed, it causes agglutination, and likely death.

54. Agglutination is one way in which antibodies mark antigens for destruction

55. Antigene SAW is an inactivated and concentrated suspension of Brucella abortus antigen for serological diagnosis of brucellosis in sheep, goats and cattle serum using slow agglutination (Wright’s sero-agglutination).

56. Agglutination can be used as an indicator of the presence of antibodies against bacteria or red blood cells. Agglutination assays are usually quick and easy to perform on a …

57. Three serogroups identified by agglutination and immunodiffusion tests were confirmed by ELISA.

58. - they have been subjected within the past 30 days to a serum agglutination test which showed a brucella count of less than 30 international units of agglutination per ml,

59. Agglutinative: ( ă-glū'ti-nă-tiv ), Causing, or able to cause, agglutination.

60. The antibody response was followed using complement fixation and slide agglutination tests.

61. ‘The combination of B antibodies and B antigens will cause Agglutination.’ ‘Rapid assays are generally configured as flow-through, lateral flow, or Agglutination assays.’ ‘Latex Agglutination, while quick, simple, and sensitive, is not recommended for routine use as pathogens cannot be ruled out by a negative test result.’

62. The Agglutination (sticking together) of sperm; The results of this test will categorize sperm Agglutination by the number of sperm cells stuck together in a group, called an agglutinate

63. Agglutination: the clumping together of red blood cells or bacteria, usually in response to a particular antibody; Agglutination is the visible expression of the aggregation of antigens and antibodies

64. (ii) the serum agglutination test and the complement fixation test for bovine brucellosis,

65. A Latex agglutination test for the identification and typing of enteroviruses is described.

66. 3+ Agglutination: Red blood cell button breaks into several large agglutinates; clear background

67. The results of thein vitro tests are described (PAT, TEG, platelet agglutination).

68. 4+ Agglutination: Red blood cell button is a solid agglutinate; clear background

69. Agglutination is the process of clumping of antigens with their respective antibodies

70. Examples include Latex particles: Latex Agglutination test; Treated Red blood cells i.e

71. The size of antigen in precipitation reaction is larger than the Agglutination reaction.

72. Agglutination reaction is better to take place in IgM as compare to IgG

73. Note : '–'shows no agglutination;'# , +++ , ++'shows agglutinating degree from the great to the little.

74. Agglutination The clumping and sticking together of normally free cells or bacteria or other small particles so as to form visible aggregates. Agglutination is one of the ways in which ANTIBODIES operate

75. The staphylococcal clumping test is a more sensitive method than the latex agglutination test.

76. Oppositely, an Agglutination reaction is a serological assay, in which the reacting molecules, i.e

77. Agglutination definition, the act or process of uniting by glue or other tenacious substance

78. Objective Usual methods of rheumatoid factor(RF) include turbidimetric assay and latex agglutination test.Sentencedict.com

79. LP31538-9 Leukocyte Clumps Leukocyte Clumps are white blood cells grouped together by agglutination

80. The donor's serum plus Acriflavin caused agglutination of all random group O red cells