Đặt câu với từ "personally"

1. Personally, you disgust me.

2. Get to know them personally.

3. Yes, personally Goldwater deplores racism.

4. Personally, I think they're lying.

5. He asked for me personally?

6. I'll see to it personally.

7. Do you know him personally ?

8. She personally directs the company.

9. [Acheson quote] Personally, I doubt it;

10. I will personally oversee his campaign.

11. Personally, I envisage them staying together.

12. You know him personally , you wean?

13. I personally, find ASMR sexually Arousing

14. [Acheson quote] Personally, I doubt it

15. No, personally, as in " Dear Marquis. "

16. The king personally led the siege.

17. I wanted to deliver it personally.

18. He came to see me personally.

19. Personally, I prefer the second option.

20. And you mustn't take it personally.

21. Animosities despite everyone being personally rewarded

22. David had personally experienced Jehovah’s protection.

23. How have they benefited us personally?

24. All letters will be answered personally.

25. I will supervise the work personally.

26. Well, I personally saw the mantis once.

27. Personally, I've made love to three men.

28. Is this something I can't do personally?

29. Personally speaking, I've always preferred Italian food.

30. The President intervened personally in the crisis.

31. I personally thought it was too corny.

32. I need to speak with them personally.

33. Space isn't out to get me personally.

34. I personally think this is complete garbage.

35. 20 Personally, I prefer the second option.

36. Avoid all immorality and personally degrading practices.

37. Personally speaking, I prefer the second candidate.

38. I'm afraid he took your remarks personally.

39. You're one of my personally nominated magistrates.

40. Victims of burglaries often feel personally violated.

41. By attacking us intensely, personally, and cunningly.

42. Moreover, that love applies to us personally.

43. Personally he was quiet, modest and unobtrusive.

44. I am not personally acquainted with her.

45. He personally managed sixteen abbeys or bishoprics.

46. I want to take him in personally.

47. Handbag factory factory director to appear personally.

48. Alfred personally collected details of this trip.

49. I personally think it's a rotten idea.

50. For me personally, I am pro-choice.

51. Ask to be put through to me personally.

52. The owner of the hotel welcomed us personally.

53. Personally, I would need a lobster or two.

54. 'Is it worth the effort?' 'Speaking personally, yes.'

55. But Sonsini responded, Pattie, you're taking this personally.

56. The President intervened personally in the crisis.http://Sentencedict.com

57. Don't take it personally; she's rude to everyone.

58. How did Christ personally supervise the preaching work?

59. Can you personally experience how real Jehovah is?

60. Personally, I've never had much time for heroes.

61. Now I gots to get involved myself personally.

62. I personally dislike the greasy dissimulation of diplomacy.

63. Collection, Use and Transportation of Personally Harvested Baitfish

64. Acquaint definition is - to cause to know personally

65. I want to personally escort them to booking.

66. Did God personally place Nero in his position?

67. I personally have found your candour very refreshing.

68. Personally I've tried to keep that in perspective.

69. The result was also disadvantageous for him personally.

70. I personally think the president committed impeachable offences.

71. I personally love a skinny board and Batten look

72. He's ordered Ser Meryn to personally lead your escort.

73. You said Representative Pak personally handed you the invitation?

74. Terrorists rarely know Their victims, At least not personally.

75. She saw to the comforts of her guests personally.

76. The Commander personally orders soldiers in tactical combat missions.

77. I would personally wait before buying an AMB Transponder.

78. The King intervened personally on behalf of the children.

79. She has trouble with these situations, feels personally responsible.

80. 4 Personally,this study seems to be extremely sophomoric .