Đặt câu với từ "perished"

1. Continuous washing has perished the rubber.

2. That he perished by your sword?

3. The seal on the bottle has perished.

4. Thousands of people perished in the earthquake.

5. Even so, 000-000 birds have perished.

6. Hundreds perished when the ship went down.

7. Sanchez perished in a mudslide in 19

8. The ancient Aztec culture has all perished now.

9. Since then, some 200,000 Burundians have perished in widespread, often …

10. In the city my priests and my elders have perished,

11. Thirty-two perished in the Philippines due to Faye.

12. His entire family perished with him in a fire.

13. As the Bible expresses it, ‘his thoughts had perished.’

14. KILJAEDENEMERGE. wav - & gt ; The expandable have perished, so be it.

15. Faithfulness has perished and is not even mentioned among them.’

16. The proposal had perished in the face of determined opposition.

17. The world that perished was civilized, with cities, artistic achievements, scientific knowledge.

18. After hundreds of years of painful existence, they perished forever.

19. Another 78 people perished and 70 others were left missing in Negros Occidental.

20. In the terrible conditions created by the Piatiletka, people rapidly perished.

21. Their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished.”

22. Perhaps some, or even many, Neolithic societies perished because of this.

23. The Italian city of Bombay perished in a violent volcanic eruption.

24. They were destroyed when that fool Megasis rammed my ship and perished.

25. 18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished

26. Except for fragments and quotations thereof by early writers, it has perished.

27. He perished from poison gas, I believe, On a field in France.

28. Thousands of caribou perished in just the first year of this dam.

29. We didn't know if he had perished yet until 36 hours later.

30. + Here they are saying, ‘Our bones are dry, and our hope has perished.

31. 'Aad and Thamud perished because of their decadence, as recorded in the Qur'an.

32. That man also perished, and all those who were following him were scattered.

33. More than six million Poles perished during the ensuing six years of war.

34. Twenty-one of his men perished in the tidal current in the bay.

35. These Turks kept loyal to the Emperor and perished in the ensuing battle.

36. After he left the service the whole regiment perished on an expedition in Morocco.

37. “Their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished.”—Ecclesiastes 9:6.

38. He muttered an invocation but the machine's soul had perished and did not revive.

39. When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes; and even expectation based on powerfulness has perished.

40. When a violent man turning in anger strayed from Wisdom, he perished in his fratricidal fury.

41. Later he became the king , but because of his fatuity , the country soon perished.

42. Two hundred of the peaceful Arawaks of San Salvadore perished due to sickness and disease

43. Three people were confirmed to have perished in the storm and 185 others were injured.

44. Why, every living creature on the dry ground outside the ark, including the Nephilim, perished!

45. Now, if we had not grafted in these branches, the tree thereof would have perished.

46. The Normans immediately set the church on fire, and all Varangians perished in the blaze.

47. On 12 January 2017, 7 labourers perished at a makeshift residence for Orange Line construction workers.

48. He Bewailed the loss of his automobile that had perished of senile decay at Aix-en-Provence.

49. Most domestic building was in wood and has perished, but some of the great mural fortresses survive.

50. These figures do not include those who perished while being transported to the coast or awaiting transport in coastline Barricados.

51. (Genesis 2:17) Adam and Eve eventually reaped the wages of sin —they perished. —Genesis 3:19; 5:3-5.

52. Twenty-three passengers and crew members perished in the crash, and Albert Guay was hanged for these crimes.

53. In the time of wrath the iniquitous perished, but the ark became the shelter for the righteous man.

54. Celia perished trying to help some natives dying of pestilence. Only traces of her body have been found.

55. Such a road, though privately constructed, became a public road when the memory of its private constructors had perished.

56. 27 He is believed to have perished fairly early in the prolonged series of guerrilla activities he inaugurated against Rome.

57. Lacking pasturage because the locusts had stripped the land of vegetation, cattle wandered about in confusion and droves of sheep perished.

58. The young Brood of grasshoppers had all been swept away in the flood, or perished in the long, cold storm

59. The three who died are thought to have perished at least three days before they reached the shore, probably from dehydration.

60. People in charge of the investigation have expressed chagrin repeatedly at the anger and impatience expressed by those whose loved ones perished.

61. Silas Bryant Berrier and his beloved dog, Boone, perished in a single car accident in Ridgway, Colorado on Wednesday, June 16, 2021

62. That the arch-prophet of this smiley-faced secularism, the Marquis de Condorcet, perished while imprisoned by French Revolutionary authorities should have told us something.

63. During transport 232 hares perished. They were dissected, and the source of death was for 37% accute heart illness, for 29% cruching, laceration and fractures.

64. Cymes, both of whose Polish-born grandfathers perished at Auschwitz, said he had little idea how extensive Nazi medical experiments had been until he started his own investigation

65. 33 So they, and all that Appertained to them, went down alive into the pit; and the earth closed upon them, and they perished from among the assembly

66. A mysterious Birdlike dinosaur was about to lay her eggs when she perished some 70 million years ago in what is now Patagonia, researchers have found.

67. Amazona, the Mighty Woman and her last people are the last survivors of a super race that perished during the period of the last ice age

68. He was living as late as 1530 at Venice, for the churches of which city he painted numerous altar-pieces, many of which have unfortunately perished.

69. They withdrew on November 8, the expedition having suffered a decisive defeat; some 2,500 troops had perished, making it the costliest British disaster of the war.

70. King James Bible They, and all that Appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation

71. A CURSORY HISTORY OF SWEARING JULIAN SHARMAN Neither are we able to support the contention that it takes its rise in the Archaic “woundy,” which perished in the same fires

72. The guards who threw the young men into the fiery furnace perished, but the three faithful Hebrews stepped out alive —not even scorched by the heat of the furnace!

73. In an age before modern husbandry methods, these sheep adapted to the climate of the South or perished, breeding in decades of resistance to the conditions of the region.

74. Given the dangers of the journey and the rough conditions Aboard the Mayflower, it was a miracle that only one person out of 102 perished on the 66-day voyage

75. 24 There he plumed and dressed himself and washed his coat, but all to no purpose, for his plumage remained as black as ever, and he himself soon perished for his usual food.

76. 24 The second time was chosen with the rising phase in alliance with the Moscow principality perished in the east of the Golden Horde, in the west reduced Duchy of Lithuania.

77. Though millions of Soviets perished during Stalin's rule in Gulag labor camps or from famine, the dictator is still revered by many Russians for defeating the Nazis in World War Two.

78. 30 In 1979 he became the first Pope to visit the Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, where many of his countrymen (mostly Polish Jews) had perished during the German Nazi occupation.

79. We learn from Xenophon’s Anabasis that, when this Greek historian passed Nineveh’s site at the beginning of the fifth century B.C., it had so completely perished that he did not hear its name.

80. 10 But Jehovah said: “You felt sorry for the bottle-gourd plant, which you did not work for, nor did you make it grow; it grew in one night and perished in one night.