Đặt câu với từ "pecuniary"

1. 17 Why not make a pecuniary sacrifice?

2. 18 She seemed averse to being under pecuniary obligations.

3. 3 It need not be a pecuniary advantage.

4. She denies obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception.

5. 15 There is no definition of pecuniary interest in the legislation.

6. 1 She denies obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception.

7. 14 The accused was charged with obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception.

8. 2 He was trying to get a pecuniary advantage for himself.

9. 10 The plaintiffs' loss of business was pecuniary or economic damage.

10. 6 synonyms for Budgetary: financial, money, economic, monetary, fiscal, pecuniary

11. The applicant also claims that she should be compensated for both the pecuniary and non-pecuniary loss that she allegedly incurred as a result of the defendant's actions.

12. Ultimately, because non-pecuniary externalities overestimate the social value, they are over-produced.

13. Should a European order for payment procedure be limited to pecuniary claims ?

14. By that misrepresentation the accused obtained both property and a pecuniary advantage.

15. 27 It is therefore of importance to establish what will constitute a pecuniary interest.

16. These include pecuniary penalties, injunctive relief, compensation, punitive and non-punitive orders and divestiture.

17. Amercement is a pecuniary penalty imposed by the Court on an official for misconduct

18. 23 By that misrepresentation the accused obtained both property and a pecuniary advantage.

19. Should a European order for payment procedure be limited to pecuniary claims?

20. Definitions for the word, Amende (n.) A pecuniary punishment or fine; a reparation or recantation

21. • The Bill provides for severe punishment and heavy pecuniary fines to act as deterrent.

22. 6 Along with the carrot of pecuniary reward must go the stick of personal economic disaster.

23. Courts in tort actions certainly assess pecuniary loss past the date of trial.

24. 13 The reason for breaking our vows were pecuniary and made financial sense.

25. 29 BGB enacted the system of compensation for non - pecuniary damage for the first time.

26. 8 The two charges of conspiracy and obtaining pecuniary advantage against Turpin had been dropped.

27. 7 Blackburn J. has held that any pecuniary interest, however small,(www.Sentencedict.com) will be sufficient.

28. 22 The charge should be attempted theft or obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception.

29. The inclusion of pecuniary allowances in a coordinated package of personalised services should therefore be restricted.

30. The State Governments, in such territories may by notification specify such pecuniary value of commercial disputes to be adjudicated at the district level, which shall ‘not be less than three lakhs rupees and not more than the pecuniary jurisdiction of the district court.

31. Recoverable pecuniary damage is a diminution of the victim's patrimony caused by the damaging event.

32. No sooner did she set eyes on the gentleman than she recognised his pecuniary position to be merely temporary.

33. In more specific terms, the producer would have to pay for the non-pecuniary externality that it created.

34. 16 The existence of technological spillovers and positive pecuniary externalities create incentives to make such ventures as inclusive as possible.

35. 12 Their pecuniary interests were probably greater than their antiquarian ones, and their errors were written up by the historian.

36. Synonyms for Budgetary include economic, financial, fiscal, monetary, money, commercial, pecuniary, capital, pocket and dollars-and-cents

37. 30 Totally, there is a trend that the scope of indemnified non - pecuniary damages have gradually expanded.

38. 9 Accordingly, the way in which past pecuniary loss is calculated will not be dealt with here.

39. 19 While on this topic, it is convenient to anticipate part of the next chapter where future pecuniary loss is considered.

40. 21 This was frequently denounced by critics of the democracy on the grounds that it introduced a pecuniary motive.

41. 26 No sooner did she set eyes on the gentleman than she recognised his pecuniary position to be merely temporary.

42. 8 Their pecuniary interests were probably greater than their antiquarian ones, and their errors were written up by the historian.

43. 25 The conservative is led by disposition, not unmixed with pecuniary self-interest, to adhere to the familiar and the established.

44. Not only does the white flocculus in honey suckle drinks level down their own qualities but bring about the pecuniary losses for enterprises.

45. 20 And he was right in attributing importance to ideas as opposed to the simple influence of pecuniary vested intereSt.

46. Hence Coffers, in a figurative sense, "a treasury; the wealth and pecuniary resources of a person, institution, etc.," late 14c.

47. Hence Coffers, in a figurative sense, "a treasury; the wealth and pecuniary resources of a person, institution, etc.," late 14c

48. 24 This would involve interpreting loss in terms other than pecuniary, for example, in terms of loss of reputation or market standing.

49. Enhanced pecuniary jurisdiction will accelerate the justice delivery system, besides making access easier for litigants without having to travel outside the Union Territory.

50. 5 Professional and pecuniary plans meet with success so long as you know what you're aiming for and don't let others undermine you.

51. Professional and pecuniary plans meet with success so long as you know what you're aiming for and don't let others undermine you.

52. 11 If the judge has a pecuniary interest in the outcome of a case then he is absolutely barred from hearing it.

53. 28 Not only does the white flocculus in honey suckle drinks level down their own qualities but bring about the pecuniary losses for enterprises.

54. Compensation A pecuniary remedy that is awarded to an individual who has sustained an injury in order to replace the loss caused by said injury, such asWorkers' Compensation

55. Baker isa large owner of real estate ; has been a successfulfinancier ; has been always ready to Accommodatehis neighbors in want of pecuniary or other aid,and seems to

56. The Attaint phenomenon of anvil face is measured to producing quality and mould life impact is very big, make forging even the product discards as useless group by group, pecuniary loss is severe.

57. 50 Damage of a pecuniary nature cannot, otherwise than in exceptional circumstances, be regarded as irreparable since, as a general rule, pecuniary compensation is capable of restoring the aggrieved person to the situation that obtained before he suffered the damage (see, inter alia, the order of the President in Case C‐213/91 R Abertal and Others v Commission [1991] ECR I‐5109, paragraph 24).

58. To inflict a penalty at mercy; to punish by a pecuniary penalty, the amount of which is not fixed by law, but left to the discretion or mercy of the court; as, the court Amerced the criminal in …

59. Amerce To punish by a pecuniary penalty, the amount of which is not fixed by law, but left to the discretion of the court; as, the Amerced the criminal in the sum on the hundred dollars

60. Admission definition, the act of allowing to enter; entrance granted by permission, by provision or existence of pecuniary means, or by the removal of obstacles: the Admission of foreign aid workers into the zone of active conflict

61. Crime rates in the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics remain alarmingly high, especially outside large cities. Armed bandits operate there and, taking advantage of failures in ensuring law and order, solve their own problems, mostly of a pecuniary nature.

62. In addition, there is disagreement on whether the agreements concluded between local authorities and pension scheme providers may be classified as contracts for pecuniary interest which have as their object the provision of services and which exceed the relevant thresholds.

63. 1850, The Anglo-hindoostanee handbook: The finer kinds of perfumery, prettily cut-glass bottles, and all sorts of Bijouterie for the toilet or drawing-room table, good plaister casts, and in fact every thing ornamental, as far as the pecuniary means can afford, should be taken

64. September 9, 1819, Washington Irving, letter to Henry Breevort You have put my writings into circulation, and arranged the pecuniary concerns in such a way as to save future trouble and petty Chafferings about accounts, and to give the whole an independent and gentlemanlike air.

65. To inflict a penalty at mercy; to punish by a pecuniary penalty, the amount of which is not fixed by law, but left to the discretion or mercy of the court; as, the court Amerced the criminal in the sum of one hundred dollars.

66. Under section 73a, paragraph 1 on the bail if there are grounds for detention under section 67, paragraph 1, subparagraphs (a) or (c), i.e. collusion or prevention detention, the court or, in pre-trial proceedings, a judge may issue a decision not to arrest the accused or to release him if the accused deposits a pecuniary assurance and if the court or the judge accepts it.

67. Lastly, although it is firmly established that damage of a pecuniary nature cannot, save in exceptional circumstances, be regarded as irreparable, or even as being reparable only with difficulty, if it can ultimately be the subject of financial compensation, it is also settled case-law that an interim measure is justified if it appears that, without that measure, the applicant would find itself in a position which could jeopardise its existence before final judgment in the main action or irremediably alter its position in the market.