Đặt câu với từ "off-axis"

1. In effect, the LRIS Collimator is an off-axis paraboloid that reimages an off-axis

2. The pollen is deposited on the abaxial (off-axis) surface of the stylus.

3. In this case, however, only an off-axis portion of the full Collimator shown in Fig

4. The IRCOL projector is an off-axis Collimator equipped with a target wheel and a differential blackbody

5. Unlike singlet lenses, Achromatics have constant focal length independent of aperture and operating wavelength, and have superior off-axis performance

6. Each Collimator is an off-axis paraboloidal mirror (OAP) with /8 (633 nm) surface accuracy and an enhanced aluminum reflective coating

7. Unlike singlet lenses, Achromatic lenses have constant focal length independent of aperture and operating wavelength and have superior off-axis performance.

8. The STC Series Off-axis Newtonian Collimators from Santa Barbara Infrared provide superior performance in a compact, light weight, readily integrated package

9. The Frequency Response of the Bipole is basically flat when you're OFF-axis (which is going to be most seats in the room)

10. Unlike canonical kinesin-1, kinesin-2 takes directional, off-axis steps on micro-tubules, but it resumes a straight path when walking on the Axonemes

11. An off-axis optical system for collecting and condensing electromagnetic radiation utilizes an ellipsoidal reflector configured to minimize the effects of magnification and optical aberrations.

12. The capsule features a low-mass, side-address diaphragm with a Cardioid polar pattern for rejecting ambiance and noise at the off-axis sections of the microphone capsule.

13. Comatic Aberrations are similar to spherical Aberrations, but they are mainly encountered with off-axis light fluxes and are most severe when the microscope is out of alignment

14. In Italian art, Contrapposto is a term to describe a human figure that is typically standing on one leg with their upper body twisting off axis in another direction

15. The rotary joint (13) consists of a fixed part (14) and a rotating part (15) whose contact plane (16) runs at right angles to the manipulator power take-off axis (7).

16. On an average adjusted day, a solar cell -- because the sun's moving across the sky, the solar cell is going down with a sine wave function of performance at the off-axis angles.

17. He knew that a stick stuck in the ground in Alexandria at the same time and the same day, at noon, the sun's zenith, on the solstice, the sun cast a shadow that showed that it was 7.2 degrees off-axis.

18. He knew that a stick stuck in the ground in Alexandria at the same time and the same day, at noon, the sun's zenith, on the solstice, the sun cast a shadow that showed that it was 7. 2 degrees off- axis.

19. ‘By increasing 2, as compared to the Anastigmatic design, the coma can be cancelled completely.’ ‘It is thus an object of this invention to provide a three mirror Anastigmatic optical system employing conic mirrors wherein the system is off-axis in both aperture and field angle.’