Đặt câu với từ "not much"

1. There's not much of one.

2. You always say that, " Not much. "

3. I'm not much of a dancer.

4. Not much for running from cowards.

5. I'm not much of a drinker.

6. He's not much of a cricketer.

7. I know it's not much, and...

8. 'Is there any mail?' 'Not much.'

9. Not much stool in the abdominal cavity.

10. Well, there's not much I can do.

11. Not much of a rind on you.

12. There's not much poultry in the shops.

13. There's not much jungle 100 miles inland.

14. There's not much meat on this chop.

15. There was not much of a breeze.

16. ‘not much point to it now, Amirite?’

17. I'm not much of a party girl!

18. He's not much cop as a boxer.

19. Not much to look at – nothing posh!

20. 23 There's not much meat on her .

21. He is not much of a cricketer.

22. I'm not much of a tea drinker.

23. Not much is known about Cummingtonite’s applications

24. Not much of a lawsuit, I'm afraid.

25. There's not much opposition to the scheme.

26. He's not much cop as a singer.

27. He has not much experience in programming.

28. Not much time has left until the opening,

29. I'm not much of a dancer, I'm afraid.

30. He's not much of a companion for me.

31. Fairly standard Bogles, so not much to say

32. Not much likelihood of getting a commission either.

33. There's not much bounce left in these balls.

34. These silk goods are not much in demand.

35. There's not much difference between baseball and softball.

36. NOT much about Texas is becoming or demure.

37. There's not much spring left in this mattress.

38. There is not much poultry in the shops.

39. Use the milk sparingly, there's not much left.

40. 20 There is not much temperature-produced density contrast at a given level; thus this does not much affect the buoyancy force.

41. Blindfolding yourself is not much like living with blindness

42. There " s not much light in a cardboard box.

43. Not much of the bridge's history is as droll.

44. There's not much melody in this piece, is there?

45. To judge from the High Court jury, not much.

46. There is not much difference between madness and devotion.

47. There's not much call for fur coats these days.

48. Not much, just a house party with some friends.

49. There's not much sustenance in a bowl of soup.

50. Not much I can do about that in here.

51. Aside from the unpleasant smell, not much had changed.

52. They say he's not much cop as a coach.

53. The problem was, there was not much follow-up.

54. There was Contiguity but not much sociability in our neighborhood.

55. His brother is not much of a companion for him.

56. You're not much of a TV addict, as I remember.

57. But his expression was not much more better than Adytta

58. Not much of a threat with the power core gone.

59. There's not much sustenance in a glass of orange squash.

60. There's not much legroom in the front of the car.

61. Kid that age, impulsive, headstrong: not much you can do.

62. Chief Yates, there's not much of a case file yet.

63. 13 The novel has long descriptions and not much dialogue.

64. What he said had not much bearing on the problem.

65. Not much else to do in there but work out.

66. There is certainly not much social snobbery or job snobbery.

67. I'm not much of a basketball fan, but I love baseball.

68. And that's the Norwegian media in a nutshell: not much drama.

69. Well, is there a future for Apprenticing? Not much of one

70. His younger brother is not much of a companion for him.

71. Her new boyfriend's not much of a catch really, is he?

72. 14 Come on, make it snappy! There's not much time left!

73. Not much wildlife is spotted here except or a few Avifaunae

74. There's not much prospect of Mr Smith's being elected as Congressman.

75. For goodness' sake stop whining,it's not much further to go.

76. Not much of that fabled but very real gold has survived.

77. Hmm. You're not much to begin with... but I'll do my best.

78. Not much has changed in the thousands of years of Canoeing history

79. Ah, it's not much, but it's a place to hang your hats.

80. He's very untidy about the house; mind you, I'm not much better.