Đặt câu với từ "nebular"

1. 6 The remnant nebular gas pervades the interplanetary space.

2. The nebular masses which walled in the galaxy’s core loomed thunderhead black and Betowered

3. According to the nebular hypothesis, the outer two planets may be in the "wrong place".

4. 17 Of A Shun ' nebular ball and chain ' it is very good masturbation tool, glacial ' diamond stars ' make a person faultlessly asphyxial , blood was frozen by him.

5. Brewster claimed that Sir Isaac Newton's religious beliefs had previously considered nebular ideas as tending to atheism, and quoted him as saying that "the growth of new systems out of old ones, without the mediation of a Divine power, seemed to him apparently absurd".

6. Their 52-page "Nikon Astronomical Instruments" catalog lists a weight-driven 8-inch apochromat refractor, a 6-inch achromat, 12 and 36-inch reflectors, coronographs, nebular, airglow, auroral and grating spectrographs, 12-inch Coelostats, solar tower telescopes for museums and all sorts of plate measuring and photometric equipment.