Đặt câu với từ "musculus vastus intermedius"

1. Mm. vastus intermedius and medialis (9243)

2. It consists of the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius and vastus medialis.

3. The knuckle consists of the M. rectus femoris, M. vastus medialis, M. vastus intermedius, and M. vastus lateralis.

4. Leg Tip Roast - Roast portion of the Leg tip, consisting of the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and vastus medialis

5. The quadriceps is made up of four muscles: the rectus femoris, the vastus medialis, the vastus intermedius and the vastus lateralis.

6. The knuckle consists of the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, intermedius, and lateralis.

7. The knuckle undercut (M. vastus intermedius and medialis) is prepared from the thick flank (8234) by separating along the natural seam.

8. The vastus intermedius and medialis is prepared from the quadriceps from the side part of the haunch (9240) by cutting along the natural seam.

9. Mouse: Mus musculus.

10. 7 words related to Articular muscle: skeletal muscle, striated muscle, musculus Articularis cubiti, musculus Articularis genus, articulatio, joint, articulation

11. Mus musculus Areg MGI:88068 Curated

12. Synonym(s): musculus rectus lateralis (bulbi) [TA], Abducens oculi, musculus rectus externus Farlex Partner Medical

13. 2 synonyms for Buccinator muscle: cheek muscle, musculus Buccinator

14. An active vastus medialis training is started after 6 weeks.

15. The plate should be inserted under the vastus medialis muscle.

16. Vastus medialis morphological aspect was always found regular without definite separation.

17. PMG can be used to measure NMB at the vastus medialis muscle.

18. Exposure of the medial retinaculum and mobilization of the vastus medialis muscle subcutaneously.

19. It seems thatA. intermedius is chiefly a predator of thrips but it can also prey on acari.

20. 29 The gentleman effort crooks the arm, may exercise the musculus biceps brachii.

21. Gross anatomy The Bronchus intermedius runs distal to the right upper lobe bifurcation and follows

22. The vastus medialis is advanced and sutured onto the middle and lateral aspects of the patella.

23. Moderate to severe muscular atrophy of the vastus medialis muscle (i.e., in neurologic disorders).

24. Incision of the medial retinaculum and blunt separation of the vastus medialis muscle from the intermuscular septum.

25. Physical therapy with flexion and extension exercises of the knee, and strengthening of the vastus medialis muscle follow.

26. The vastus medialis muscle has been recently proposed as a new site for monitoring neuromuscular blockade (NMB).

27. 14 The difficulty is best explained by contrast with a eukaryotic species - for example the house mouse, Mus musculus.

28. The Blue whales are the biggest creatures in the world, they are also known as Balaenoptera Musculus

29. Behind the artery are the Adductores : longus and magnus; in front and lateral to it is the Vastus medialis

30. To study accelerographic monitoring of neuromuscular blockade over the vastus medialis muscle in anesthetized patients in the prone position.

31. Resultatet blir avgränsade Abscesser nedom musculus mylohyoideus, vilka kan incideras och dräneras via huden

32. Incision of retinaculae preparing a lengthening. The vastus medialis muscle is dissected from the intermuscular septum from distal to proximal.

33. The other two patients experienced no more symptoms of instability after muscle strengthening exercises of the vastus medialis muscle.

34. The interval between the capsule and the vastus medialis obliquus was developed to the femoral insertion of the MPFL.

35. New research published in the Journal of Fish Biology describes two new species of pancake Batfishes (Halieutichthys intermedius and H

36. Axonemes are prepared from the sea urchins, Pseudocentrotus depressus, Clypeaster japonicus, Anthocidaris crassispina, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, Strongylocentrotus intermedius, Strongylocentrotus nudus, and Scaphechinus mirabilis.

37. The proximal part of the vastus medialis has to be preserved since it covers the neurovascular supply of the quadriceps muscle.

38. The purpose of this study is to compare NMB at the vastus medialis with the adductor pollicis muscle using phonomyography (PMG).

39. The vastus medialis can only be activated very poorly in a PoP and is not inervated at all during gait.

40. The innervation mode seems to be determinant to explain the two functions of vastus medialis (knee extension and patellar alignment).

41. The degree of neuromuscular blockade can be assessed accelerographically over the vastus medialis muscle even when patients are in the prone position.

42. Balaenoptera musculus is a pale whale, and when seen through the blue filter of the ocean, its pallor goes turquoise or aquamarine.

43. The Bronchus intermedius is one of the two bronchi which the right main Bronchus bifurcates into, the other being the right upper lobe Bronchus

44. Neurostimulation of the vastus medialis muscle has the same effect as neurostimulation of the rectus femoris muscle with respect to anesthesia of the saphenous nerve.

45. ‘What you are feeling is the Condyle of the lower jaw.’ ‘Stability of the knee depends on the shape of the Condyles and menisci in combination with ligamentous and muscular structures.’ ‘Some of the tendinous fibers of vastus lateralis and vastus medialis run on each side of the patella to the tibial Condyles.’

46. When evaluated accelerographically over the vastus medialis muscle, onset of neuromuscular blockade is quicker and TOFR is higher than that assessed at the thumb.

47. 21 Conclusion The fracture is related with the structure of femur and thigh muscles stress focus and the fatigue of musculus quadriceps femoris during military training.

48. Abductor digiti minimi muscle (Musculus Abductor digiti minimi) Abductor digiti minimi is an unipennate muscle located in the lateral part of the sole of the foot.

49. The Anterior scalene, AKA scalenus Anterior (scalenus anticus; Latin: musculus scalenus Anterior) muscle is one of the lateral muscles of the neck, belonging to the scalene group

50. The early stages of the androecium development are very similar inEchinodorus macrophyllus, E. intermedius, Alisma plantago-aquatica andSagittaria lancifolia: The six staminal primordia differentiate pair-wise on both sides of the petals.

51. The Buccinator (also Buccinator muscle, latin: musculus buccinator) is a facial muscle that participates in forming the anterior part of the cheek and the lateral wall of the oral vestibule

52. Blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) are the largest animals that have ever existed on planet Earth!That’s why so many people are interested in going blue whale watching and swimming with these creatures, too

53. Deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expectations in diploid populations of B. intermedius and B. squarrosus were observed owing to heterozygote excess at several loci and suggested that these self-fertilizing species may have substantial amounts of allogamy.

54. Intermedius were 0% for growth on modified Baird-Parker agar, 0% for growth on P agar supplemented with Acriflavin, 1% for production of acetoin, 0% for anaerobic fermentation of mannitol, and 100% for presence of beta-galactosidase

55. A Cadence of about 80 rpm also appeared to be the sweet spot where their vastus lateralis—one of the primary cycling quadriceps muscles—produced maximum power without wasting energy, making it

56. Coracobrachialis muscle (Musculus Coracobrachialis) The Coracobrachialis is a long and slender muscle of the anterior compartment of the arm.As its name suggests, it extends from the Coracoid process of scapula to the shaft of the humerus.

57. Serratus Anterior muscle (Musculus serratus Anterior) The serratus Anterior muscle is a fan-shaped muscle at the lateral wall of the thorax.Its main part lies deep under the scapula and the pectoral muscles

58. Adductor magnus muscle (Musculus Adductor magnus) The Adductor magnus muscle is a large triangular muscle of the lower limb, with its apex situated on the hip bone, and its base on the linea aspera of the femur

59. Four Biotypes: gravis, intermedius, mitis, and belfanti All isolates should be tested for toxigenicity Diphtheria Pathogenesis Toxigenic diphtheria bacilli acquired in the nasopharynx Produces a toxin that inhibits cellular protein synthesis, destroys local tissue, and forms a pseudomembrane Responsible for major complications,

60. Scope and LimitationsThis study focused on the Cicatrization effect of composite films using the base (gelatin), Giant African Snail (Achatina fulica) slime, chitosan and combination of both slime and chitosan on skin incision of white mice (Mus musculus)

61. Quadratus plantae muscle (Musculus quadratus plantae) Quadratus plantae, also called the flexor Accessorius is one of the central plantar muscles of the foot.Observing the foot muscles horizontally, quadratus plantae comprises the second layer of plantar foot muscles, together with the lumbricals.

62. Objective: The objective of the study was to examine whether deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN), the globus pallidus internus (GPi), and/or the ventralis intermedius thalamic nucleus (Vim) was associated with making patients Angrier pre to post-surgical intervention

63. Circularized RNA sequencing of wild-type and Mrpp3 knock out mouse heart mitochondria: Organism: Mus musculus: Experiment type: Other: Summary: Here we find that circularization of RNA prior to deep sequencing enables the discovery and characterization of unprocessed mitochondrial RNAs.

64. Oblique Arytenoid muscle (musculus Arytenoideus obliquus) Oblique Arytenoid is a paired intrinsic laryngeal muscle.It is found on the anterior aspect of the larynx, cranial to the superior border of the cricoid cartilage.It is the more superficial of the Arytenoid muscles, with the transverse Arytenoid muscle lying underneath it.

65. Abductor pollicis longus muscle (Musculus Abductor pollicis longus) Abductor pollicis longus is a muscle found in the posterior compartment of the forearm.It is one of the five deep extensors in the forearm, along with the supinator, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor pollicis longus and extensor indicis.

66. In the P-PTC and P-TOF groups, the muscular branch of the femoral nerve was stimulated and the movement of the vastus medialis muscle was measured accelerographically In the S-PTC and S-TOF groups, the depth of neuromuscular blockade was assessed mechanically at the thumb.

67. The aim of the present research study was to study development, reproduction and prey consumption by two predatory thrips species, Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall (Thys., Aeolothripidae) and Franklinothrips vespiformis Crawford (Thys., Aeolothripidae) by feeding with two prey species, the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thys., Thripidae) as well as the two spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae).

68. Origin: Anterior surface of body of pubis, just lateral to pubic symphysis Insertion: Middle third of linea aspera, between the more medial Adductor magnus and brevis insertions and the more lateral origin of the vastus medialis Action: Adducts and flexes the thigh, and helps to laterally rotate the hip joint Innervation: Anterior division of obturator nerve