Đặt câu với từ "muntjac"

1. The rarely seen, critically endangered Large-Antlered muntjac inhabits the evergreen forests of Southeast Asia’s Annamites Range.

2. Separating a Bornean Yellow Muntjac from a Red Muntjac in the field is no easy matter, unless one is looking at an adult male with antlers: in the former these are straight and lack any branches (tines), but in the latter there is a small tine at the base of each antler, and the antlers curve sharply at the tip.

3. The Large-Antlered Muntjac (Muntiacus vuquangensis) is a deer species found in the dense rainforests of the Annamite mountains on the border of Vietnam and Laos.Remarkably, the species was only discovered by science in the late 1990s.