Đặt câu với từ "miraculous"

1. The miraculous Alphabetist Mapasam

2. A dramatic, miraculous answer?

3. Sea turtles are miraculous.

4. Some recipients gained miraculous powers.

5. This is a miraculous thing.

6. She's made a miraculous recovery.

7. Chronologist acts as a miraculous elixir

8. The Miraculous Power of Prayer

9. The diet promised miraculous weight-loss.

10. It is nothing short of miraculous.

11. Miraculous powers ... divination, automatic writing, telepathy.

12. They might have had a miraculous escape.

13. Miraculous powers are credited to the relics.

14. These drugs can sometimes effect miraculous cures.

15. Miraculous cures have been reported in Lourdes.

16. It's miraculous how much weight you've lost!

17. She made a miraculous recovery from her injuries.

18. 22 All of Jehovah’s creation is miraculous and wonderful!

19. Try to live as though every moment is miraculous.

20. They won a miraculous victory over much stronger enemy.

21. Does this miraculous light have any significance for Christians?

22. Well, you've made a miraculous recovery since last night!

23. Zorna is said to possess miraculous healing powers.

24. A sign is usually a miraculous manifestation from God.

25. Then produce these miraculous renderings and let us evaluate them.

26. 19 He is credited with almost miraculous powers of healing.

27. 23 For Our Young People —Jesus Performs Miraculous Healings

28. This is a miraculous and supernatural act of God.

29. The police have described it as a miraculous escape.

30. He is credited with almost miraculous powers of healing.

31. Authoress Ella; September 8, 2016; Miraculous Gets Season Two Date

32. Simplicity marked both miraculous cures and control over the elements.

33. Now, of course, screens are miraculous in a lot of ways.

34. The prayers cited above were answered in dramatic, miraculous ways.

35. She writes: “How do these seemingly miraculous events take place? . . .

36. Over time, simple habits of belief lead to miraculous results.

37. The king was that desperate to have this miraculous message explained!

38. We can experience God’s miraculous power in many ways in our lives.

39. Even God’s miraculous provision of manna became a cause for complaint

40. Now let's take a look at these miraculous receivers up close.

41. 20 Nottingham also dreamt of achieving a miraculous escape from relegation.

42. Came the deluge of scans, scopes, tests, probes and invasions by miraculous instruments.

43. But the damage he did came undone with the miraculous resurrection of Beloved.

44. They had a miraculous escape when their car plunged into a river.

45. Somewhere he had let float the off-chance of a miraculous exchange.

46. This three-hour darkness, from about noon until 3:00 p.m., was miraculous.

47. He was delivered from the power of darkness and received a miraculous answer.

48. Gideon, wanting reassurance that Jehovah would support him, asked for a miraculous sign.

49. Other miraculous powers of a more benevolent nature were attributed to him.

50. No amount of reverence, though, can impart miraculous abilities to these idols.

51. Some faith healers recognize the possibility that many of the cures are not miraculous.

52. Yes, Isaac’s birth to Abraham was miraculous, absolutely not “in the manner of flesh.”

53. It seems you think that I am responsible, for it's miraculous dawning every day.

54. His later Chudesny splav (The miraculous alloy, 1934) was still popular in the 1960s.

55. Hormonal changes are partially responsible for the seemingly miraculous physical transformation that follows.

56. So the Devil urged him to misuse his miraculous powers to satisfy his hunger.

57. In manifestation of the outpoured spirit, miraculous flames of fire hovered above their heads.

58. True, when one is ill, a miraculous cure may seem an attractive possibility.

59. Miraculous Abundance: One Quarter Acre, Two French Farmers, and Enough Food to Feed the World

60. Miraculous advances in medicine, science, and technology have improved the quality of life for many.

61. It's miraculous, and part of the explanation is this ability to circle around sacred values.

62. He is re - elected for his miraculous steerage of the country through an economic disaster.

63. One dreams of making miraculous discoveries ... but most of it is digging and hoping.

64. (Matthew 12:8) To stress the point, he openly performed miraculous cures on the Sabbath.

65. Because He answers me, including sometimes in predictive and miraculous ways, I know He lives.

66. Water is a miraculous substance remover; it will remove probably 85 percent of all stains.

67. The miraculous cloud of light was situated above the cover and between the cherubs.

68. The miraculous Begetting and conception provides the simple reason for Jesus being the Son of God

69. It does not lie in any supposed miraculous transformation of the bread and the wine.

70. In this extremity he sought no miraculous escape, no sudden revelation of a known lake.

71. Rosary beads, rosaries and Chaplets containing Lourdes water drawn from the miraculous spring at the grotto

72. Rather, the miraculous cure of the blind man served to ‘make manifest the works of God.’

73. We and the branch members witness for ourselves the miraculous power of the Book of Mormon.

74. She listened to him playing adagio, bemoaning the ghastly deaths and rejoicing over the miraculous survivals.

75. Her rapid rise from sweatshop worker to society portraitist is miraculous, not to say incredible.

76. He was re - elected for his miraculous steerage of the country through an economic disaster.

77. The miraculous effect of the traditional medicine of the Chinese minorities has raised some conservative eyebrows.

78. Mormon carried out the daunting task of abridging the Nephite records in an effective and miraculous manner.

79. I turned sixteen the next week and never told my parents what a miraculous birthday it was.

80. In the aforementioned accounts of those who received miraculous healing, was earnestness the sole requirement for the cures?