Đặt câu với từ "microtubules"

1. Because Axonemes contain parallel bundles of uniformly oriented microtubules, microtubules extending from one end are plus-ended, whereas microtubules

2. Which of the following represents the arrangement of microtubules in Axonemes of cilia? nine peripheral pairs of microtubules plus one central pair three peripheral pairs of microtubules and no central pairs nine peripheral triplets of microtubules nine peripheral triplets of microtubules plus one central pair

3. Guish between Axonemes and microtubules

4. Centrioles are built from a cylindrical array of 9 microtubules, each of which has attached to it 2 partial microtubules.

5. Centrosphere: Centrioles and radial array of microtubules

6. Axoneme The core of an undulipodium (cilium or eukaryotic flagellum), consisting of two central microtubules surrounded by nine other pairs of microtubules

7. The Axoneme, forming the core of a cilium or a flagellum, consists of nine pairs of microtubules surrounding two central, individual microtubules

8. Numerous microtubules extended from the blepharoplast into cytoplasm.

9. A Centriole is a small structure made of microtubules which exists as part of the centrosome, which helps organize microtubules in the body. A Centriole is the main unit that creates and anchors microtubules in the cell

10. Centrosomes are made up of two, barrel-shaped clusters of microtubules called “Centrioles” and a complex of proteins that help additional microtubules to form.

11. Entering Capsid are transported along microtubules to the nucleus.

12. In most cilia, the Axoneme can be subdivided into three segments: proximal (the transition zone), middle (with outer doublet microtubules), and distal (with singlet extensions of outer doublet microtubules)

13. The microtubules containing Acetylated but not tyrosinated alpha-tubulin were cold stable

14. Centrioles help to organize the assembly of microtubules during cell division.

15. Both network models have been tested with microtubules, actin filaments and bacteria.

16. Centrioles are the initiating and organising centres in the formation of microtubules

17. The Axoplasm contains a high concentration of elongated mitochondria, microfilaments, and microtubules

18. In all cases, the most recently deposited wall microfibrils parallel the cortical microtubules.

19. The Axoplasm contains abundant mitochondria and cytoskeletal components like microtubules and microfilaments.

20. The nine doublet microtubules are then connected around the Axoneme by nexin links

21. 18 Microtubules most likely elongate the invadopodium by delivering materials as enzymes the tip.

22. Anaphase: Chromosomes (blue), kinetochores (pink), microtubules (green). Simplified diagram to compare with the photomicrograph above

23. Most Centrioles have a ‘9+0’ structure of triplet microtubules, exist in pairs and are

24. The Axoneme of the PC comprises nine parallel doublets of microtubules, which form a ring

25. The pattern of microtubules in the Axonemes of Gymnosphaera albida Sassaki: evidence for 13 protofilaments

26. The Cilium has a similar structure to the FLAGELLUM, consisting of an outer membrane surrounding a matrix containing two central MICROTUBULES around which is a ring of nine more microtubules (a ‘9 + 2’ structure)

27. The Centriole organelle consists of microtubules (MTs) that exhibit a striking 9-fold radial symmetry

28. The presence of microtubules and filaments of blood platelets is confirmed by the freeze-etching technique.

29. - Axoneme Each cilium is associated with a basal body, from which microtubules originate to form the Axoneme

30. Centrioles are built from a cylindrical array of 9 microtubules, each of which has attached to it 2 partial microtubules.Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\) is an electron micrograph showing a cross section of a Centriole with its array of nine triplets of microtubules.

31. The Centriole is a structure that is comprised of microtubules that are arranged in a particular manner

32. A Centriole can be produced up of nine triplet microtubules set up in a cylinder-like Structure

33. 10 Later in anaphase, the unattached interloper microtubules actively slide past each other, elongating the entire spindle.

34. (1977) Observations of the structural components of flagellar Axonemes and central pair microtubules from rat sperm

35. Aggregates of curved microtubules of constant diameter, randomly arranged, are the substratum of the Cowdry type A inclusions.

36. Through its binding to tubulin, Acetaldehyde decreases the polymerization of microtubules thereby impairing protein secretion and favouring th …

37. Centriole: Centrin, cenexin, and tektin are the types of microtubules arranged in this cylindrical structure to form the Centrioles

38. The adjacent host cytoplasm, separated from the fungus by a granular interfacial matrix, contains numerous chloroplasts, mitochondria, and microtubules.

39. Three different classes of microtubules have been detected in the nucleus of yeast cells passing from anaerobiosis to aerobiosis.

40. The building block of the Axoneme is the microtubule; each Axoneme is composed of several microtubules aligned in parallel

41. The Axonemes of the caudal flagella are accompanied by two sheets of microtubules, which were called funis by

42. At the core of most Centrioles is a microtubule scaffold formed from a radial array of nine triplet microtubules

43. Axoneme definition, the shaft within a flagellum or cilium, containing twenty microtubules arranged as nine doublets and two singlets

44. From the Centrioles microtubules extend into the entire cytoplasm of the syncytium as a uniformly organised, stellate, radial system

45. The HDAC6 Inhibitor Trichostatin A Acetylates Microtubules and Protects Axons From Excitotoxin-Induced Degeneration in a Compartmented Culture Model

46. Tau is a family of closely related proteins known for its ability to Copolymerize with tubulin, inducing the formation of microtubules

47. Amebae, which lack microtubules except during mitosis, differentiate into flagellates with a fixed shape and a complex microtubule cytoskeleton in 120 min

48. ‘There are nine paired microtubules per Axoneme, and they are interconnected by dynein molecules, protruding at regular intervals like the legs of a millipede.’ ‘It brings us to another question, whether the neck region of a flagellar Axoneme with a basal body could make some mechanical hindrance to microtubules sliding.’

49. An Axoneme is comprised of two central microtubules surrounded by nine doublets, the nexin-dynein regulatory complex, radial spokes, and dynein arms

50. Size and structure: The microtubules form a Centriole that has a length of about 200 nm wide and 500 nm long

51. A Centriole is a structure found in a cell that involves microtubules that are orchestrated with a certain goal in mind

52. 5, 195-210) had suggested that intact microtubules (MTs) are necessary for Archenteron elongation during the second phase of sea urchin gastrulation (secondary

53. Chiasmata are essential for proper segregation on the meiotic spindle because they provide the physical tension, or glue, that the microtubules pull against. If the centromere of each replicated pair attaches to a different spindle pole, then as the microtubules pull, the chromosomes will align in the middle of the spindle.

54. Axoneme - the motor section of the flagellum which is a construction of microtubules emanating from the centriole at the base of the flagellum

55. A Centriole is composed of short lengths of microtubules arranged in the form of an open-ended cylinder about 500nm long and 200nm in diameter

56. Centriole A short, hollow, cylindrical ORGANELLE consisting of nine sets of microtubules and usually occurring in pairs set at right angles to each other

57. Microtubules were nucleated from sea urchin Axonemes in 11.5 μM tubulin alone or in the presence of 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 μM Bim1 or Bik1

58. The Axoneme of flagellum (9+2 microtubules) and its plasma membrane was extended symmetrically into two ridges that were clearly observed in TEM (fig.4c)

59. The recent discovery of quantum vibrations in "microtubules" inside brain neurons Corroborates this theory, according to review authors Stuart Hameroff and Sir Roger Penrose

60. Most of the epithelial cells contain densely packed large vacuoles with amphidisc-like inclusions. Further, their cytoplasm ist characterized by filament bundles, microtubules and numerous smooth-surfaced vesicles.

61. Axoneme definition is - the fibrillar bundle of a flagellum or cilium that usually consists of nine pairs of microtubules arranged in a ring around a single central pair.

62. Determination of microtubular density in several division stages shows that the number of microtubules increasing during prometaphase up to metaphase, and does not decrease till late anaphase.

63. To determine if a similar mechanism drives tri-directional Anaphases in human oocytes, spindle microtubules and chromosomes were simultaneously monitored in a subset (n = 12) of the human oocytes.

64. For the first time, it is demonstrated in serial sections that these cells possess a typical conoid, polar ring with anchored microtubules, and a Golgi complex anterior to the nucleus.

65. Typically found in eukaryotic cells, Centrioles are cylindrical (tube-like) structures/organelles composed of microtubules. In the cell, Centrioles aid in cell division by facilitating the separation of chromosomes

66. A Centriole is a small set of microtubules arranged in the form of an open-ended cylinder with a length of 0.3–0.7 um and a diameter of 0.15–0.25 um

67. Free energy is supplied to drive metabolic reactions, to transport molecules against concentration gradients (active transport), and to produce mechanical motion (contraction of myofibrils and microtubules), when Atp is hydrolyzed to

68. 6 There were many photoreceptor Like structures and tiny fits similar to nerve palpate or neurilemma in the tissues of the tumor, especially many filaments and microtubules in the tumor cells.

69. Definition: What is a Centriole? Typically found in eukaryotic cells, Centrioles are cylindrical (tube-like) structures/organelles composed of microtubules. In the cell, Centrioles aid in cell division by facilitating the separation of chromosomes

70. Moreover, this report points out that microfilaments, which are 6- to 8-nm putative actin filaments, contract with microtubules or sheets of agranular reticulum, to form privileged close relationships whose functional significance is discussed.

71. … that holds together the two Chromatids (the daughter strands of a replicated chromosome). The centromere is the point of attachment of the kinetochore, a structure to which the microtubules of the mitotic spindle become anchored

72. Author summary Centromeres are specialized chromosome regions that mark a chromosomal “attaching site” from which the microtubules of the mitotic spindle pull the sister chromatids apart, ensuring accurate segregation of genetic material during cell division

73. Therefore, it appeared that in general meningeal cells possessed two subset of microtubules: One subset contained detyrosinated and Acetylated alpha-tubulin and was cold stable, and the other contained tyrosinated alpha-tubulin and was cold labile.

74. With the OpenPolScope, birefringence is revealed with striking contrast, regardless of specimen orientation, and thus, the spindle fibers, composed of bundled microtubules, are clearly imaged as bright structures on the non-Birefringent (or weakly Birefringent) background cytoplasm

75. In polarized epithelial cells (WIF-B), where the microtubule-organizing region is close to the actin-rich apical surface, one single pool of myosin V, sensitive to the integrity of both microtubules and actin filaments, was observed.

76. New arrangements of microtubules and actin filaments in coleoptile cells of barley that had been inoculated with either a nonpathogen, Erysiphe pisi, or a pathogen, E. graminis, were observed by cytochemistry and confocal laser scanning microscopy.

77. Mots clés : lamelles annulaires, centrosomes, Lycopodium, centrum organisateur des microtubules, monoplastidie, anneau diviseur des plastes.: the cuvettes are positioned radially inward of an Annulate manifold and are connected to the manifold through a plurality of inlet

78. In microbiology, Centrioles are cylindrical cell structures that are composed of groupings of microtubules, which are tube-shaped molecules or strands of protein. Without Centrioles, chromosomes would not be able to move during the formation of new cells

79. The N-DRC Forms a Conserved Biochemical Complex That Maintains Outer Doublet Alignment and Limits Microtubule Sliding in Motile Axonemes The nexin-dynein regulatory complex (N-DRC) is proposed to coordinate dynein arm activity and interconnect doublet microtubules.

80. ‘Finally, category III includes cells in Anaphase / telophase either with or without a spindle signal present.’ ‘Second, the centromere is the focus for the formation of the kinetochore, where microtubules connect to the chromosomes during Anaphase in mitosis and meiosis.’