Đặt câu với từ "merciful"

1. The complete phrase reads: “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (v.

2. Happy Are the Merciful

3. Merciful God, save us.

4. It is kind and merciful.

5. Was he unforgiving or merciful?

6. Luke’s parallel account records Jesus’ words: “Continue becoming merciful, just as your Father is merciful.”

7. Put another way: “Continue being merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” —Luke 6:36.

8. Great god Ares be merciful.

9. She was merciful to the prisoners.

10. You promised to be merciful.

11. When did you become so merciful?

12. Death came as a merciful release.

13. He was accounted a merciful man.

14. Maybe the all merciful spares us.

15. Who am I to be merciful?

16. Clement: Inclined to be lenient or merciful.

17. Please be merciful put down your knives

18. Charity is long-suffering, merciful, and kind.

19. “Jehovah is merciful and gracious,” we are assured.

20. He is also just, merciful, and kind.

21. The merciful king saved him from death.

22. I think her death was a merciful release.

23. Those animals put down had a merciful release.

24. Eventually the session came to a merciful end.

25. These were the alternatives to a quick, merciful death.

26. The merciful king saved the young officers from death.

27. Death had been a merciful release for him.

28. We can only hope the court is merciful.

29. The glorious plan of happiness is just and merciful.

30. They asked her to be merciful to the prisoners.

31. She never talked of a kind and merciful God again.

32. The requirements of His plan are glorious, merciful, and rigorous.

33. “Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy.

34. The prisoner Besought the judge for mercy / to be merciful

35. In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficing the Most Merciful

36. 2 Nephi 9:6 “The merciful plan of the great Creator”

37. For Thou art the best repository; Thou Arrivest, at the time of the questioning by Munkir and Nakir, with Thy mercy, Oh most Merciful of the Merciful.

38. " Salam " -- peace -- " is the word of the all- merciful God, raheem. "

39. After years of suffering, his death came as a merciful release.

40. The psalmist says: “Jehovah is gracious and merciful, slow to anger.”

41. 15 It is absolutely necessary that we be merciful and forgiving.

42. A superb rum punch had all the characteristics of merciful execution.

43. But the reality is, ladies and gentlemen, I am being merciful.

44. Amsterdam’s slogan is “Heldhaftig, Vastberaden, Barmhartig” which translates to “Heroic, Determined, Merciful

45. With the Giants leading 28- half-time came as a merciful relief.

46. After such a long illness, her death came as a merciful release.

47. And Elinor was just going to have to wait for her merciful release.

48. No merciful sudden death for that poor romantic young fool, he thought grimly.

49. David knew that “Jehovah is merciful” and does not “keep finding fault” with us.

50. 25 The LORD is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.

51. "The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love...

52. The Bible demonstrates how loving, forgiving, and merciful he is in dealing with humans.

53. He was the perfect choice for Emperor -- just, patient, merciful and of royal blood.

54. Our brothers and sisters wait upon us to be tolerant, merciful, and forgiving.

55. By command of His Most Merciful Excellency... your lives are to be spared.

56. I think my uncle's death was a merciful release for my poor aunt.

57. The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.

58. ROMEO Ha, banishment? be merciful, say death; For exile hath more terror in his look,

59. For he is compassionate* and merciful, slow to anger+ and abundant in loyal love,+

60. 9 I think my uncle's death was a merciful release for my poor aunt.

61. 17 He is gracious, merciful, abounding in love to all that He has made.

62. All-powerful Caesar Titus Hadrianus Antoninus, venerable and merciful, from Marcianus Aristides, an Athenian philosopher

63. The name Clementina is a girl's name of Spanish origin meaning "mild, merciful"

64. A merciful amnesia usually came with these comas and who could deny it was a blessing?

65. 6 He'd be detached from his most fervid followers and merciful and understanding toward foes.

66. Butcherly definition: accompanied by bloodshed synonyms: gory, sanguinary, slaughterous, sanguineous, bloody antonyms: bloodless, merciful, mitigated, competent

67. (2 Corinthians 5:19) By means of this merciful credit arrangement, ‘many have been constituted righteous.’

68. You may want to circle the phrases “merciful unto them” and “recover them” in your scriptures.

69. Here there is a tendency in contract to do justice and in crime to be merciful.

70. According to a Quranic verse "Salam" -- peace -- "is the word of the all-merciful God, raheem."

71. The publican stood by himself, bowed his head, and prayed, “God be merciful to me a sinner.”

72. Clemency definition is - disposition to be merciful and especially to moderate the severity of punishment due

73. Confession and Assurance God is gracious and merciful and knows our needs even before they reach our lips

74. The Whispered Prayer of the Beseechers (Raghebeen) In the Name of God, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate

75. (Ephesians 4:22-24) Living under the rule of these merciful king-priests will be a delight!

76. All-powerful Cæsar Titus Hadrianus Antoninus, venerable and merciful, from Marcianus Aristides, an Athenian philosopher. 1

77. We hope that God Almighty will be merciful to the late Emir and allow him to dwell in heaven.

78. 4:32) The psalmist David sang: “Jehovah is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness. . . .

79. 17 My seed swear vengeance Written with blood from carved flesh Making rage and evilness To destroy all merciful kind.

80. He is the epitome of love and is “merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness.”