Đặt câu với từ "market index"

1. 1971 – The NASDAQ stock market index opens for the first time.

2. 30 Germany-based companies are included in the DAX, the German stock market index.

3. Use and compilation of statistical and mathematical data for the application thereof to a stock market index

4. Standard & Poor's, initially known as the Standard Statistics Company, created its first stock market index in 1923.

5. Symantec is a Fortune 500 company and a member of the S&P 500 stock-market index.

6. Bskt’s efficient systematic approach is blended with active management techniques that aim to produce a portfolio with higher yield potential while matching bond market index risk metrics

7. Nasdaq Composite Index: What is it? The Nasdaq Composite is a stock market index that consists of the stocks that are listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange

8. Many passive funds are index funds, which attempt to replicate the performance of a market index by holding securities proportionally to their value in the market as a whole.

9. When the Dow Jones Transportation Average stock market index for the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was created in 1884, Western Union was one of the original eleven all-American companies tracked.

10. A portfolio management practice which aims to keep the alpha of a basket of shares (comprising a limited number of shares) by combining the investment in that basket of shares with a beta-adjusted short position on a future on a stock market index should not be considered as complying with the hedging criteria.