Đặt câu với từ "market economy"

1. - Topic 1 "Building Modern Market Economy Institution."

2. Belize has a developing free-market economy

3. Market economy and globalisation are termed Brahminical

4. ‐ Overview of CAMS, Transition to market economy, Transparency

5. 2 Estonia is switching to a market economy.

6. According to market economy law, who invests, whose accrual.

7. 9 In a market economy, there must be demand.

8. 10 In a market economy, state intervention is minimal.

9. Their ultimate aim was a market economy for Hungary.


11. In the economic sector, the market economy is decisively established.

12. 8 Outsiders, ever hopeful, see movement towards a market economy.

13. Müller-Armack coined the term "social market economy" in 1946.

14. 1 Their ultimate aim was a market economy for Hungary.

15. In some countries the name is eco-social market economy.

16. 7 Third, a market economy can experience major economic cycles.

17. There is private ownership of property in a market economy.

18. 5 There is private ownership of property in a market economy.

19. Fifth limb: Erroneous interpretation of the notion of ‘non-market economy

20. Its emerging democratic polity and guided market economy are also similar.

21. A: Some have an egocentric notion of the free-market economy.

22. After hamster revulsion, begin by planned economy to market economy shunt.

23. Belarus appreciates that India accorded Market Economy Status to Belarus in 2015.

24. A market economy cannot be run without a system of national accounts.

25. Austria is a free and stable democracy with a social market economy

26. 20 The unemployed are tasting the bitter fruits of the market economy.

27. 16 He again called for a faster changeover to a market economy.

28. Overall, the government appears committed to the transition to a market economy.

29. Modern market economy is the mixed economy that the government intervenes moderately.

30. 4 When the market economy is introduced, many factories will not survive.

31. An active and expansive market economy is a necessary condition for progress.

32. Anomie suicide, but also to Polanyi's notion of the disembedded market economy

33. 3 An active and expansive market economy is a necessary condition for progress.

34. In a demand - led market economy, CPI growth would turn positive before PPI.

35. 13 One may say that socialist market economy is a contradiction in terms.

36. Unemployment, inflation and greater inequality are often the downside of a market economy.

37. It seems to be counterproductive of the profit maximizing nature of market economy.

38. The ÖVP's economic policies during the era generally upheld a social market economy.

39. Whit the development of market economy, underpayment has become a serious social problem.

40. Then what kind of equality can we hope for today with a market economy?

41. 27 This model does not describe accurately the way a market economy actually functions.

42. West Germany was established as a federal parliamentary republic with a "social market economy".

43. Malaysia has a newly industrialised market economy, which is relatively open and state-oriented.

44. 19 Unemployment, inflation and greater inequality are often the downside of a market economy.

45. From an economic point of view, the candidate must have a functioning market economy.

46. 17 This model does not describe accurately the way a market economy actually functions.

47. Their use is a little incommensurate our country current the requirement of market economy.

48. 22 This pinpoints a fundamental weakness in the libertarian defence of a market economy.

49. 14 Eulogists of the market economy usually assume that it works on perfect information.

50. The credit problem is the bottleneck problem of the Chinese development market economy nowadays.

51. This was mostly achieved by continuing the process of a transition to a market economy.

52. The process of development of market economy had begun after Azerbaijan became an independent country.

53. At present, because our country's market economy order is not standard, between enterprise's credIt'status intermingled.

54. His name is closely linked with the development of the concept of "social market economy".

55. Arcadia came to life in 1995, right on the wave of a post-liberalisation market economy

56. The antitrust laws protect our free market economy and forbid monopolists from engaging in Anticompetitive practices.

57. Ministers who are keen advocates of a free market economy may be unsympathetic to such ideas.

58. On January 2, 1992, Moldova introduced a market economy, liberalising prices, which resulted in huge inflation.

59. The value regulation that market economy needs is the value theory that can mirror exiguous sex.

60. After decades of stagnation, there is a popular groundswell for speedy change and a market economy.

61. 8 To set up a price mechanism plays decisive role in the socialist market economy system.

62. A state - controlled economy has morphed into a market economy, greatly raising the standard of living.

63. A state - controlled economy has morphed into a market economy, greatly raising people's standard of living.

64. We have provided valuable economic and humanitarian aid to ease the transition to a market economy.

65. Therefore, during the sale of HSY, the Greek State did not act as a market economy investor.

66. Equal opportunities is interpreted as being judged by ability, which is compatible with a free-market economy.

67. The stated intent of Vietnam’s institutional reforms is to support the country’s transition to a market economy.

68. 26 After decades of stagnation, there is a popular groundswell for speedy change and a market economy.

69. 23 We have provided valuable economic and humanitarian aid to ease the transition to a market economy.

70. The government is having to introduce some difficult changes, particularly in moving over to a market economy.

71. 21 Under the tutelage of Professor Roberts, the 900 delegates assessed and discussed the social market economy.

72. His task was to elaborate policies which would make a market economy compatible with a clean environment.

73. Albania, a formerly closed, centrally planned state, is a developing country with a modern open-market economy

74. In March 2002, the US Department of Commerce granted Kazakhstan market economy status under US trade law.

75. The advancing market economy in Russia urges the problem of providing public and private institutions with security services.

76. 18 His task was to elaborate policies which would make a market economy compatible with a clean environment.

77. 22 With the deepening development of China's market economy, enterprises, especially state - owned enterprises increasingly about brain drain.

78. How should AMS agreements be treated within the profitability analysis as part of the market economy operator test?

79. This approach is consistent with the market economy principles and the principle against restraints on alienation of property.

80. This approach is consistent with the market economy principles and the principle against restraints on alienation of property