Đặt câu với từ "marginalized"

1. We've always been marginalized, exploited, and constantly threatened.

2. Female employees complained of being marginalized by management.

3. Rationality equals oppression and the silencing of marginalized voices!

4. In addition, socially marginalized individuals were forced to man the galleys.

5. He stood for the rights of traditionally marginalized sections of the society.

6. Marginalized people are simply creating their own society, says the retired diplomat.

7. Security and judicial systems needed to become more accountable, particularly to marginalized populations.

8. Her work often deals with the lives of the impoverished and the marginalized.

9. Indicator 1.2.1: Number of additional marginalized people benefitting from legal aid and literacy programmes

10. The Marginalized is Nicaragua (64th with TAI 0.185), followed by Pakistan with TAI 0.167.

11. Under the SSRP, the concentration is on increasing access of vulnerable and marginalized children.

12. Those issues had been marginalized in terms of institutional arrangements, resource allocation and programme implementation

13. Institutions should empower marginalized groups and promote civic education to change common acceptance of Clientelism.

14. Such an examination will take into account details such as age, gender and marginalized groups;

15. Abbye Atkinson’s research focuses on the law of debtors and creditors as it affects marginalized communities

16. Most were despised as slaves, schooled under harsh conditions, socially marginalized, and segregated even in death.

17. Move to the Left, encourage mass protest, and they risked being marginalized in a revolutionary confrontation.

18. The Batwa, a pygmy people, indigenous to the tiny Central African nation of Burundi, are marginalized

19. Strategic alliances, such as Grameen Mobile Telecommunication for Villages in Bangladesh, are designed to assist the marginalized

20. Young citizens, and especially marginalized youth, seek diverse modes of access to civic engagement and community participation.

21. An original study of peasants who as Braceros became marginalized transnational subjects and required continuing emigration to …

22. Only when people hitherto marginalized identify themselves as agents of change can their grievances become less volatile.

23. My world is going to be one where truth is strengthened and falsehood is recognized and marginalized."

24. Navarro's participation also marginalized the remaining left-wing guerrilla forces, who reportedly impeded voting in some towns.

25. The bus actively engaged marginalized people and groups by going into under-serviced areas with its partners.

26. At times, this may require learning the languages and customs of those whom society in general has marginalized.

27. • What models of primary health care can address the needs of and improve access for other marginalized populations?

28. Students and other religious people who believe in the living reality of God and moral absolutes are being marginalized.

29. As federal and state support for the cities diminishes, poor urban dwellers will become even more destitute and marginalized.

30. As the data on falling wages indicate, the unskilled in the first world are on their way to becoming marginalized.

31. In other words, the integration of Bioregionalism and critical global education is not simply a celebration of marginalized cultural traditions.

32. Due to his identity as a black man and a disabled individual, Crooks is doubly marginalized by the people around him.

33. Oh, listen, he's been marginalized in the Security Council, he's detaining an American citizen, he wants to wash his hands of.

34. CEOs of large companies have been marginalized or forced to resign because their personal religious views are no longer politically acceptable.

35. In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Claude Simon also considered marginalized writing to be subverting totalitarian political control at least implicitly.

36. Camae is co-founder and organizer of Rockers! Philly, a 10-year long running event series and festival focused on marginalized artists

37. Bitwise Industries, which trains tech workers in marginalized communities, develops software and invests in tech-friendly real estate, announced today that it …

38. This course explores the value of this turn, especially for marginalized communities, and the use of Counterstory as analysis, critique, and self-expression.

39. The indigenous Batwa people are continuously being marginalized and silenced, which has rendered them one of Central Africa’s most vulnerable and endangered groups

40. Beam is a national training, movement building and grant making organization dedicated to the healing, wellness and liberation of Black and marginalized communities

41. After the United States Abolished slavery, Black Americans continued to be marginalized through enforced segregated and diminished access to facilities, housing, education—and opportunities.

42. In addition, the invention enables marginalized visually-impaired people to experience various types of occupations, in addition to the flower industry, through occupational rehabilitation.

43. 1 The Eurocentric ideology exists in almost all the commonwealth literary works, in which the East is represented biasedly and the Eastern people are marginalized.

44. Amethodical concepts are not rejections of method, but rather those concepts that are marginalized and left out of prescriptive methods for carrying out a procedure

45. They've created think tanks that study issues like education, job creation and asset-building, and then advocated for policies to support our most marginalized communities.

46. North American Muslims are not as alienated , marginalized , and economically stressed . Accordingly , Mr . Leiken finds , they show less inclination to anti - social behavior , including Islamist violence .

47. In some communities, certain incidents of violence reflect harmful beliefs towards particularly marginalized girls, including those with disabilities or albinism, who may be accused of witchcraft.

48. The country programme will be implemented nationally, focusing on the developing regional states (Afar, Benishangul-Gumuz, Gambella and Somali) and other marginalized areas or population groups.

49. Bluestockings magazine – Bluestockings is an anti-oppressive publication committed to centering narratives of people from marginalized and historically resilient communities, across multiple axes of oppressed identity.

50. Bitwise Industries creates a bridge between humans from marginalized communities and stories of systemic poverty to skills and resources necessary to access opportunities in the tech industry

51. Bluestockings recognizes that the same societal gender oppression that impacts women is even more restrictive to the lives and creative freedoms of people of marginalized gender identities

52. ‘Pedagogy of Pathologization sheds new light on the school-to-prison pipeline by focusing on the experiences of the most marginalized students –dis/Abled girls of color

53. The Batwa people – locally known as the keepers of the forest are the most vulnerable, marginalized, voiceless and endangered group of people found in south western Uganda

54. A mob led by right-wing Muslim clerics tore down the dome and minarets of a 100-year old Pakistani mosque belonging to the marginalized Ahmadi community, officials …

55. White is the Director and Producer of educational documentary films that offer narratives and perspectives from marginalized groups including, Buckism to Barackism: Re-Imagining Black Masculinity and Manhood

56. That's when he created Accompany, a Net-a-Porter -like site that sells apparel, accessories and home goods made by marginalized groups and Indigenous communities around the world

57. Churches United in Ministry (Chum) is a 501(c)(3) organization whose programs serve more than 8,000 low-income, homeless, hungry, isolated, or otherwise marginalized community members each year.

58. Apne Aap Women Worldwide Trust (A2W2) is an anti-sex trafficking organization, started in 2002, working with the most marginalized, prostituted and at-risk women and girls in India.

59. An Overview: Bankable Development International (BDI) is a non-profit organization registered in Kenya with a mission of promoting sustainable development for the poor and marginalized in developing economies

60. The success of the world’s development goals hinges on our ability to reach the poorest and most marginalized populations, who continue to bear the brunt of death and disability worldwide.

61. Ataman's works primarily document the lives of marginalized individuals, examining the ways in which people create and rewrite their identities through self-expression, blurring the line between reality and fiction.

62. The Celerite API is designed to be familiar to users of george and, like george, Celerite is designed to efficiently evaluate the marginalized likelihood of a dataset under a GP model

63. Papen and his allies were quickly marginalized by Hitler and he left the government after the Night of the Long Knives in 1934, during which the Nazis killed some of his confidants.

64. Census which has historically undercounted marginalized communities, A Counting serves as a meditation on the linguistic and ethnic diversity of the United States and speculation on what a united society would sound like.

65. Barbarians are marginalized peoples living off the edges of the map in isolated and inhospitable mountains, forests, or deserts that will occasionally rise up to pillage, settle, or even conquer their more civilized neighbours

66. 8. When we drew up our Constitution, concepts such as fundamental rights, directive principles, abolition of untouchability, rights for the under privileged and the marginalized, were all inspired by Gandhian thought and philosophy. 9.

67. A professor at Boston University offered his thoughts: "The location of the museum as much as its collection suggests a commitment to the abject and a belief in the power and force of culture's marginalized effects.

68. Although the Hijazis, who are Sunnis but not Wahhabis, are not viewed as heretics, they are marginalized because the Islam they practice has Sufi leanings--and tolerant Sufiism is anathema to the austerely dogmatic Wahhabis.

69. MicroAggressions are everyday actions and behaviors that have harmful effects on marginalized groups. Unlike other forms of discrimination, the perpetrator of a microaggression may or may not be aware of the harmful effects of their behavior

70. “The police in India have frequently used counterterrorism laws to target critics of the government and social activists, particularly those acting on behalf of marginalized communities,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

71. Dawoud Bey (born David Edward Smikle; 1953) is an American photographer and educator known for his large-scale art photography and street photography portraits, including American adolescents in relation to their community, and other often marginalized subjects

72. Abaka fuses memory with history to remind us of the cruel past, to encourage us to remake our world in positive ways, and to adorn our humanity with positive values and concerns for the poor and marginalized

73. Borderless is committed to curating a series of innovative, experimental, interdisciplinary titles that center decoloniality and transborder solidarity, that bring to the forefront marginalized voices and knowledges, and that recognize borders as liminal spaces where transformation is possible

74. By creating a safe space for people to discuss their experiences in Canada and providing resources and tool s to take action, Canada Confesses will increase awareness of the pressing issues marginalized populations face, decrease the stigma and promote

75. Batwa and persons living with disabilities in Uganda are struggling to access quality education and healthcare, despite the government adopting laws and policies to improve the livelihoods of marginalized groups, a new study by Minority Rights Group International (MRG) has revealed

76. VALORANT Champions Tour (VCT) Game Changers is a year-long program with the goal of creating new opportunities and exposure for women and marginalized genders seeking to participate in VALORANT esports, through a combination of community events and top-tier competition.

77. Baobab Foods, LLC is an organic superfoods company on a mission to provide high quality, great tasting, nutrient-dense ingredients and retail products that deliver natural fruit-based nourishment for consumers and create socio-economic opportunities for marginalized African communities.

78. Step 1: Affirm a “Christocentric hermeneutic” in which all Scripture is supposedly filtered and re-interpreted from the perspective of “the God who Jesus reveals.” Step 2: Argue that Jesus stood against oppression and defended the downtrodden and marginalized in society.

79. The government owns or controls most of the mass media – the major newspapers and television stations – but there is an abundance of mostly marginalized publications and radio stations (to say nothing of the Internet) that retain a remarkable degree of independence.

80. We must also ensure that the pace and the push of Fintech work to the advantage of the people, not to their disadvantage; that technology in finance ensures improvement of the human condition through direct contact with the most marginalized.