Đặt câu với từ "marginal efficiency of labour"

1. Profits can be maximised when the marginal product of labour equals the wage rate (marginal cost of production).

2. Yet London contains around 25 Labour-winnable marginal seats.

3. 30 First, women's labour market participation is regarded as marginal in comparison with that of men.

4. Standard costs take into account normal levels of materials and supplies, labour, efficiency and capacity utilisation.

5. To attain efficiency, it would be expected that factors of production would be allocated so that their marginal products would be equal.

6. Definition: Allocative efficiency is an economic concept that occurs when the output of production is as close as possible to the marginal cost

7. Allocative efficiency is a state of the economy in which production represents consumer preferences; in particular, every good or service is produced up to the point where the last unit provides a marginal benefit to consumers equal to the marginal cost of producing.

8. Allocative efficiency is when a company's marginal costs are equal to price and can occur when the competition is very high in that industry

9. Definition of Allocative efficiency This occurs when there is an optimal distribution of goods and services, taking into account consumer’s preferences. A more precise definition of Allocative efficiency is at an output level where the Price equals the Marginal Cost (MC) of production.

10. Equating marginal cost and marginal revenue, each firm will produce an output at which price exceeds marginal cost.

11. In particular, it's the negative of the marginal utility of movies over the marginal utility of pizza.

12. With the raising of proof criterion, the marginal revenue increases and the marginal cost decreases.

13. The correct statement of the marginal effect degression law should be " gradually declining law of marginal effect".

14. When the marginal social interest diverges from the marginal private interest, the industrialist has no incentive to internalize the cost of the marginal social cost.

15. No, the marginal rate of substitution.

16. The marginal cost should equal the marginal revenue for each plant.

17. Mechanized direct sowing of rice is one new light type culture technique with labour saving, high yield and efficiency, combining agricultural machinery and agronomy.

18. The marginal likelihood for the parameters of interest is obtained through the marginal distribution of the ancillary statistics.

19. With no production externality, marginal private cost and marginal social cost coincide.

20. The profit-maximizing policy involves setting marginal revenue equal to marginal cost.

21. This excess of price over both marginal revenue and marginal cost is a convenient measure of the firm's monopoly power.

22. The value of the small adjustment may differ for determining the marginal buy price and the marginal sell price.

23. In the optimal supervision level, when contractor's marginal productivity is high and marginal cost is low(Sentencedict.com ), it is easier to supervise and the marginal revenue of supervision is high.

24. Pricing at marginal cost might equate marginal cost and benefit but would entail losses.

25. Source: International Labour Office Yearbook of Labour Statistics 200

26. 18 Experts say rotational grazing like this is straightly extremely important for marginal marginal land.

27. 3) In this class we have discussed two types of efficiency: Allocative efficiency and productive efficiency

28. It's not marginal, she failed.

29. The role of the opposition party proved marginal.

30. Marginal for the naughty list,'93.

31. Marginal costing Chapter 15 Review questions

32. Marginal notes attest to the scholarship of the translator.

33. Article 5 of the Labour Code absolutely prohibits forced or compulsory labour.

34. Now, in particular, your marginal utility for pizzas at that point -- what's the marginal utility for pizzas?

35. Here the Price = Marginal Revenue Product.

36. The marginal illustration is very interesting.

37. Kensington was now a marginal constituency.

38. He owns a small, marginal business.

39. You can think of another notion of Efficiency, which is called pareto efficiency.

40. Profits are maximized when production is allocated such that marginal revenue (MR) is equated to marginal cost (MC).

41. This raises the marginal cost of abatement (carbon taxes).

42. In absolute terms, the extent of exclusion may appear marginal.

43. So preferences give us this, the marginal rate of substitution.

44. Absorption costing, Marginal costing, Opportunity costing

45. It cannot be something additional or marginal.

46. Costing systems: marginal contrasted with absorption costing

47. Just that they have diminishing marginal utility.

48. Can marginal revenue ever be negative ? Explain.

49. 20 Free market equilibrium will not equate marginal cost and marginal benefit and there will be scope for Pareto gains.

50. If the marginal contribution of different members in an organization is equal to the marginal revenue they receive from the organization, the organization achieves equilibrium.

51. This is a marginal improvement on October.

52. Efficiency and cost management discussion of the corporate efficiency ratio and administration expenses

53. Additional obstacles include a lack of labour flexibility, especially legal barriers to shedding labour.

54. Forced or compulsory labour is absolutely prohibited under article 5 of the Labour Code.

55. Other companies have had only marginal success.

56. 19 Free market equilibrium will not equate marginal cost and marginal benefit and there will be scope for Pareto gains.

57. Ratings of labour productivity and unit labour cost at the L level of aggregation Table K:

58. Efficiency of Airports & Runway Operations

59. 42 Efficiency and cost management Discussion of the corporate efficiency ratio and administration expenses

60. The story will only be of marginal interest to our readers.

61. One directly Arithmetizes the univariate marginal distributions; 2

62. the marginal interest rate/price/swap point accepted and the percentage of allotment at the marginal interest rate/price/swap point (in the case of variable rate tenders);

63. The Labour/Le Travail website offers bilingual abstracts of articles concerning labour issues in Canada.

64. Article # of Act No # of # anuary # containing the Labour Code, provides that: “Forced labour is absolutely prohibited

65. If the government can accurately gauge the social cost, the tax could equalize the marginal private cost and the marginal social cost.

66. 29 Equilibrium will be inefficient. 7 Distortions occur whenever free market equilibrium does not equate marginal social cost and marginal social benefit.

67. In lasting labour of his pilgrimage!

68. The process of abstraction of labour has progressively stripped labour time of every concrete and individual particularity. The atom of time of which Marx speaks is the minimal unit of productive labour.

69. Physiocratic economists categorized production into productive labour and unproductive labour.

70. The difference between absorption and marginal costing systems

71. Immigrant Italian speakers were a marginal language community.

72. The monopolist's marginal cost curve changes Considerablyover time

73. Beyond this marginal fringe no agriculture is possible.

74. The story of marginal change is not dissimilar in the health service.

75. • more efficient allocation of labour; and

76. Our tax lodestar has been low marginal rates.

77. The difference between the two estimates is marginal.

78. Aerodynamic Efficiency

79. Volumetric efficiency

80. Cubital The hyaline edge along the marginal band is narrow but widens to fill the end of the sub-marginal cell; the Cubital band is strongly united