Đặt câu với từ "maimed"

1. 13 Tom maimed in the war.

2. 17 White was seriously maimed in the battle.

3. His characters are frequently maimed, physically or psychologically.

4. Tom was seriously maimed in the war.

5. The statues were immediately decapitated and maimed.

6. 14 The statues were immediately decapitated and maimed.

7. 2 He was seriously maimed in the war.

8. Careless lions may be maimed when hunting prey.

9. 20 He was maimed in an auto accident.

10. 16 John be seriously maimed in the battle.

11. 12 You have maimed Qualopec. You own brother.

12. The maimed or sick were Anointed with wine,

13. 18 He was seriously maimed in an accident.

14. 1 Tom was seriously maimed in the war.

15. 15 His leg was maimed by the car accident.

16. A vindictive, cruel policy of repression also maimed the economy.

17. 3 He was maimed in a First World War battle.

18. 6 His characters are frequently maimed,(www.Sentencedict.com) physically or psychologically.

19. 19 He becomes a maimed man with all one's life.

20. 7 A five-year-old girl was maimed in the bombing.

21. 11 A vindictive, cruel policy of repression also maimed the economy.

22. 5 Many children have been maimed for life by these bombs.

23. But I can't bend anything with my arms agonizingly maimed like this.

24. 8 Gary stepped on a Bouncing Betty. it maimed his left leg.

25. 4 Hundreds of people are killed or maimed in car accidents every week.

26. Clearly, such knowledge would considerably reduce the risk of your being maimed or killed.

27. These maimed dogs were bred together and used to catch rats, and hunt rabbits.

28. 30 People did not go to a hospital to be cured but to be killed or maimed.

29. 24 There were no walking wounded, no agonized hospital stays, no maimed pilots to mar the scene.

30. During the armed conflict in Sri Lanka, elephants were maimed or killed by land mines.

31. It is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands, to go into hell.

32. 23 She was incurably sentimental about wildlife and they were seldom without some maimed, deserted or starving creatures.

33. There were no walking wounded, no agonized hospital stays, no maimed pilots to mar the scene.

34. 27 Every 22 minutes a man, woman or child is killed or maimed by a land mine.

35. 25 Every 22 minutes a man, woman or child is killed or maimed by a land mine.

36. 9 That's how it begins but it ends in maimed bodies, chopped limbs, blood spurting like fountains.

37. Benjamin is just one of the 20,000 people a year who are killed or maimed by land mines.

38. The unholy triumvirate of developer, planner and architect had maimed it for ever in the sixties and seventies.

39. So many sickly and feverish people were wandering about, some of them half-maimed, some burned from explosions.

40. Consequence's] pages comprise an atrocity measured in maimed Muslim bodies and minds ― and the associated moral injuries to U.S

41. 16 The unholy triumvirate of developer, planner and architect had maimed it for ever in the sixties and seventies.

42. It is said that each month thousands are maimed or killed by land mines in more than 60 countries.

43. 26 The United Nations estimates that 800 people are killed by mines every month, and another 200 are maimed.

44. 29 The unholy triumvirate of developer, planner and architect had maimed it for ever in the sixties and seventies.

45. Since April 1991, when civil war broke out in Sierra Leone, thousands of people have been killed, injured, or maimed.

46. 10 His oh-so-careful slimy grin that lashed out and maimed as much as a punch or a kick.

47. 28 Where once he had been beautiful now he was hideous; where once he had been mighty, now he was maimed.

48. Several times he witnessed strokes which would have killed or maimed if they had been allowed to connect with flesh and bone.

49. 25 For hundreds of years after his death the sick and the maimed and the blind came for healing to his temples.

50. During the Second World War, Mitsui employed American prisoners of war as slave laborers, some of whom were maimed by Mitsui employees.

51. An Apothecary's role in battle is to recover the gene-seed from slain Astartes and to tend to the wounded and maimed.

52. 22 Several times he witnessed strokes which would have killed or maimed if they had been allowed to connect with flesh and bone.

53. 21 You may thank your lucky stars that you were just slightly hurt while the others were either killed or maimed for life in that accident.

54. (Rochester was blinded and maimed during the fire at Thornfield.) "I thought you would be revolted, Jane, when you saw my arm, and my Cicatrised

55. Have ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt, or maimed, or bleprous, or that are withered, or that are deaf, or that are afflicted in any manner?

56. Brutalized A term used when something or someone has been mangled, mauled, maimed, killed, hurt badly, damaged or just plain fucked up somehowbrutally The whore was Brutalized because she …

57. Have ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt, or maimed, or leprous, or that are withered, or that are deaf, or that are afflicted in any manner?

58. And Anne, you seem to think Arabs 'Abridge' the human rights of Jews, a month after Israel killed 1300 Palestinians, maimed thousands more, refuses to lift the blockade etc etc etc

59. You must then follow Jesus’ advice: “If ever your hand makes you stumble, cut it off; it is finer for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go off into Gehenna.”

60. On October 27, 2003, Cher anonymously called a C-SPAN phone-in program to recount a visit she made to maimed soldiers at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and criticized the lack of media coverage and government attention given to injured servicemen.

61. (Luke 9:43) In a very real sense Jesus restored the health of many sick, infirm and crippled people —the lame, the maimed and the blind (Matthew 15:30, 31), the epileptic, the paralytic (Matthew 4:24), the leprous (Luke 17:12-14), a hemorrhaging woman (Mark 5:25-29), one with a withered hand (Mark 3:3-5), a man with dropsy (Luke 14:2-4) and people sick with “various diseases.”