Đặt câu với từ "loam"

1. Most of soil texture ranges from clay loam tO loam clay.

2. Most of the soil is loam, clay loam, sandy loam, and clay, which absorbs water at a moderate level.

3. Loam, what is this that is?

4. Plant the seeds in good loam.

5. Halfway along the Chambly Canal, the soil is more fine loam, coarse loam, fine clay and fine alluvium.

6. One occupies relatively dry sandy loam soils.

7. In soil and paddy soil, red loam - based.

8. The objective was to determine the heavy metal desorption rates for three heavily contaminated soils (clay loam, loam, and sandy clay loam), treated under optimum conditions with either citric acid, tartaric acid, or EDTA for comparison.

9. Loam is a mixture of sand, silt, and clay.

10. The creek trickles pleasantly, carving away at the pale loam.

11. The sandy soil was an Arenosol, the sandy-loam was a regosol, while the clay-loam was a phaeozem; typologies were based on previous research performed in the region

12. In the suburbs, the soil cover is largely alluvial and loam y.

13. Pot the tubers with their crowns exposed in a loam-free potting compost.

14. In the damaged quadrant three men raked stones from the freshly rolled loam.

15. We camped there, where the loam was trampled by countless herds of bison.

16. Aldicarb is very water soluble and highly mobile in sandy and loam soils

17. Use of polysulfate-free preparations as an additive for loam or clay-based construction materials

18. The soil should be of loam, a mixture of sand, silt, clay and organic material.

19. 29 Loam is a soil with roughly equal proportions of clay, sand and silt.

20. The results indicated that citric acid was a more consistent leaching agent compared to tartaric acid and EDTA, which were efficient mainly in treating the clay loam and the sandy clay loam, respectively.

21. 14 Loam is a soil with roughly equal proportions of clay, sand and silt.

22. 29 Pot the tubers with their crowns exposed in a loam-free potting compost.

23. Though not difficult to grow, they are greedy and prefer a rich, well-drained sandy loam.

24. Buckwheat grows well in most any type of soil; poor, fertile, peat, sand, clay or loam.

25. It grows in tall forests in more sheltered areas, on clay or loam soils, and alluvial sands.

26. Not quite strict to edaphic requirement, but with the loam with loose, fecund, good drainage had better.

27. Adsorption followed the Langmuir isotherm, with an adsorption capacity of 36 mg tannin and lignin/g silt loam.

28. The soil was a heavy loam clay with high humus content (2.8 %) and high acidity (low pH 4.9).

29. Bananas grow best in hot, damp climates and thrive in rich, sandy loam soil that has good drainage.

30. The gravel layer was created by erosion of the sand, loam and clay during the tertiary ice ages.

31. The gravel layer was created by erosion of the sand, loam and clay during the tertiary ice ages

32. It thrives on a muddy bottom, and therefore a base consisting of sand or loam should be provided.

33. To adjust the height of flashboard to control the liquid level and make the useful froth scraped by loam board.

34. Till-covered plain Derived from gneisses, sandstones and conglomerates the extensive glacial tills in Lewis have sandy loam textures.

35. The soil of the experimental site is acid moraine loam (pH 4.25-4.85) Eutri-Hypostagnic Albeluvisol (ABj-w-eu)

36. Two men pushed lawn mowers in Opposite directions. In the damaged quadrant three men raked stones from the freshly rolled loam.

37. 21 The sandy soil that upland lime calcium pledges earth and fluvial two sides reach alluvion , sandy loam 4 kinds big.

38. This species can be planted in pots with a loam and sand mixture which can then be embedded in the gravel.

39. The ruddy desert loam tilts toward ridges to the east and falls to the yellow-white valley bowl to the west.

40. Propagation is done by either dividing the rootstock with shoots or by planting seeds in a container of damp sand or loam.

41. The quantity of clay and loam and the fine particles suggests that the sand is a natural component, not an addition for tempering.

42. The soil of this bottom is an Argillaceous or a silicious loam, according as clay or sand happens to predominate in its formation

43. The soil is a Clayey or a sandy loam, and very fertile except in the Usar tracts, where there is a saline efflorescence

44. 29 Leopard skin flower is not tall to edaphic requirement, general loam adds training ground nor sandy soil can, need not join overmuch humus.

45. Beaucoup soils formed in silty clay loam alluvial sediments and are commonly stratified in the lower part of the solum and in the C horizon

46. In addition, an Allium flower can flourish in different soil types - from clay to loam, even sand, just as long as the soil drains well.

47. These are mostly clay-loam soils which, after being worked to some depth, have a good capacity for absorbing water and air and a substantial soil nutrient sorption

48. These are mostly clay-loam soils which, after being worked to some depth, have a good capacity for absorbing water and air and a substantial soil nutrient sorption.

49. On gravel and sand, there are alluvial soils on a Holocene terrace and brown soils on a Pleistocene terrace, whereas on clay and loam there are brown pseudogleys and anthrosols.

50. The inner mould, known as the core, is built on a flat iron Bedplate and is made of loam formed over a hollow brick foundation, and shaped using the same moulding gauge

51. Soil analysis revealed about 1,900 times higher concentration of americium inside sandy soil particles than in the water present in the soil pores; an even higher ratio was measured in loam soils.

52. The houses of the Egyptians, just as the palaces of the kings, were constructed from air-dried loam bricks, as it was the easiest and cheapest construction material with which to work.

53. Of these fungi, 13 species were present in the original Clermont silt loam, 17 species in the Otokee fine sand, 18 in the aerobically digested sludge, and 12 in the anaerobically digested sludge.

54. In Estonia, the experiments were carried out on different (Fragi-Stagnic Albeluvisol, Endoeutri-Mollic Cambisol, Endoeutri-Haplic Luvisol, Endosceleti-Mollic Gleysol, Gleyc Albeluvisol and Mollic Gleysol) sandy loam soils during the periods 1995–1997 and 2012–2014.

55. By placing the seeds and seedlings into pots of loam surrounded by water of the same level in a 25 °C environment, eight began to flourish and mature within weeks and in November 2009, the waterlilies flowered for the first time.

56. ‘The form became clearer, it was a woman, whose blond hair was matted with Clumps of blood.’ ‘Basically, they are Clumps of deep fried dough covered with powdered sugar.’ ‘Through her long fingers fall Clumps of rich loam and tiny, glistening seeds.’

57. Hence, two-year field experiments were conducted on a sandy loam Alfisol at Owo, southwest Nigeria, to evaluate the effects of biochar produced from hardwood on soil physical and chemical characteristics, erosion potential, and cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott) yield.

58. To study the effects of bacterial lignin peroxidase ALip-P3 of Streptomyces viridosporus T7A on the rate of organic carbon turnover in soil, purified lignin peroxidase, with and without addition of H2O2, was added to sterile and nonsterile silt loam soil.

59. ‘The form became clearer, it was a woman, whose blond hair was matted with Clumps of blood.’ ‘Basically, they are Clumps of deep fried dough covered with powdered sugar.’ ‘Through her long fingers fall Clumps of rich loam and tiny, glistening seeds.’

60. S - Amatols All shorter English words within amatol : aa aal al ala alamo alma alt alto am ama at atma atom la lam lama lat lo loam lot lota ma malt mat mo moa moat mol mola molt mot oat om ta tala tam tamal tao to tola tom List all shorter English words in amatol.

61. Tell or tall (, tall, and , tel), meaning "hill" or "mound", is an archaeological site in the form of an earthen mound that results from the accumulation and subsequent erosion of material deposited by human occupation over long periods of time. A tell mostly consists of mudbrick or other architecture containing a high proportion of stone or loam as well as to a minor extent domestic refuse.

62. The gooseberry in the south of England will grow well in cool situations, and may be sometimes seen in gardens near London flourishing under the partial shade of apple trees; but in the north it needs full exposure to the sun to bring the fruit to perfection. It will succeed in almost any soil, but prefers a rich loam or black alluvium, and, though naturally a plant of rather dry places, will do well in moist land, if drained.