Đặt câu với từ "livelihoods"

1. Changing names, changing livelihoods.

2. Their livelihoods depend on my success.

3. * Rural and coastal livelihoods are threatened.

4. He's created a cooperative to help people diversify their livelihoods.

5. The most important livelihoods are agriculture and small-scale industries.

6. Invasive evergreen Acutely reduces water resources in Ethiopia, costing rural livelihoods

7. Here, this spill has not just damaged livelihoods. It's upended whole communities.

8. 3 The cull is thought to have cost many farmers their livelihoods.

9. The discussions have focused on technical exchanges on accessibility and on sustainable livelihoods.

10. Source: “Infrastructure for Improved Rural Livelihoods”, En Breve, World Bank, September 2006.

11. 20 In a global free market livelihoods are permanently up for tender.

12. Specialties: At Abeles Construction, we've built our livelihoods on remodeling people's homes

13. Livelihoods are based on wet rice farming with supplementary rotational shifting cultivation.

14. Targeted hardcore poor families were provided cows as small Livelihoods support to families.

15. Such activities are fed by abject poverty and a lack of alternative livelihoods.

16. Conversely, we have clear evidence that environmental mismanagement undermines livelihoods, human security and sustainable development

17. Sustainable land management, alternative livelihoods, biofertility, agroecology, organic farming, modern irrigation techniques, water-harvesting techniques

18. Livelihood recovery efforts have focused on re-establishing prior economic activities and developing alternate livelihoods

19. Anterin's social mission is to improve people's livelihoods, with no deductions and suspends of driver accounts.

20. After all, a shift toward sustainability cannot come at the expense of farmers’ livelihoods.

21. Seepage into the local reservoir is already killing fish on which local livelihoods depend.

22. The communities are discussing alternative livelihoods in agriculture and animal husbandry to ensure food security.

23. Anterin's social mission is to improve people's livelihoods, with no deductions and suspends of driver accounts.

24. In addition, the threshing, milling, processing, market transport and cooking of rice helps support rural livelihoods.

25. Thus, environmental pressures are now hitting the bottom line – affecting incomes and livelihoods around the world.

26. PM will also distribute certificates/ cheques under Maharashtra State Rural Livelihoods Mission (MSRLM) to women SHGs.

27. But natural capital is not just an abstract concept; it supports lives, livelihoods, and societal wellbeing.

28. Future efforts should focus on law enforcement, alternative livelihoods, institution-building, demand reduction and regional cooperation

29. Hundreds of families protested the confiscation process and inadequate compensation for those who would lose their livelihoods.

30. But it also is threatening the livelihoods of many small business operators in San Diego and elsewhere.

31. Anterin's social mission is to improve people's livelihoods, with no deductions and suspends of driver accounts.

32. The advent of the marketplace also allowed many city dwellers to pursue livelihoods other than farming.

33. 30 Which Minister is the pits with the miners whose livelihoods now hang in the balance?

34. A large proportion of our huge population depends on climate-sensitive sectors like agriculture, forestry and fishery for livelihoods.

35. Communities that plan, own and understand ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation can benefit their livelihoods and the environment.

36. In particular, developing alternative livelihoods is essential to success, as stressed in the resolution we have just adopted.

37. There are mountain Bioregions with cliff sides and slot canyons for the livelihoods of large cats like the puma or the tiger

38. Through market-driven business approaches, Banyan Global improves livelihoods, builds markets, and promotes efficient resource allocation in developing and transitional economies.

39. 1 day ago · California Senate Republicans: Newsom’s ‘one-man rule’ Cripples California’s economy, businesses, and students’ livelihoods By: courtesy On: March 22, 2021

40. Sandbanks have appeared, navigation has slowed, fishermen complain of derisory catches, and the 60m people whose livelihoods directly or indirectly depend on the river are worried.

41. Customary land and livelihoods from a human rights perspective as they interacted with the various regulations that were put in place by governments to deal with the pandemic

42. Bangladeshi non-governmental organizations have been active in supporting livelihoods as far afield as Afghanistan and Kosovo, with the Grameen Bank approach to microfinance being replicated in # countries

43. They’re also developing alternative livelihoods that may cut down on illegal logging such as animal husbandry, agriculture, and handicrafts made from non-timber forest products.

44. MSRLM aims at social mobilization towards financial inclusion which help in ensuring farm and non-farm livelihoods opportunity through facilitation of door-step delivery of financial services.

45. During the Forum a number of substantive development issues which have a bearing on rural livelihoods were addressed and a road map for further analytical work was outlined.

46. In 2014, authorities tightened restrictions on nongovernmental organizations critical of big development projects that activists say will harm the health and livelihoods of affected populations as well as the environment.

47. With over 7,500 dams and reservoirs and 4 million hectares of irrigated area, irrigation brings livelihoods to half the workforce and their families, generating nearly one fifth of the nation’s income.

48. The report also discusses how the agricultural sector can bring about more economic value and better livelihoods for farmers and consumers, using less natural and human resources but without degrading the environment.

49. Agricultural extension (also known as Agricultural advisory services) plays a crucial role in boosting Agricultural productivity, increasing food security, improving rural livelihoods, and promoting agriculture as an engine of pro-poor economic growth

50. The letter states that the union's policy "is to Circularize all members of AGMA with the names of any singer who enables Steel's plans at the long term cost of jobs and livelihoods."

51. The “fields” his followers leave behind refer to the livelihoods that many, including missionaries, members of the Bethel family, international servants, and others, willingly give up in order to advance Kingdom interests in various lands.

52. One panellist, however, said that this was not necessarily the case, and argued that owner-operators of small vessels, unlike absentee owners, have a greater interest in conservation because their livelihoods are directly at stake.

53. Several representatives expressed support for the efforts of the Government of Afghanistan, UNODC and the international community aimed at the elimination of illicit opium poppy cultivation and the promotion of sustainable alternative livelihoods in Afghanistan

54. Israeli settlers had destroyed thousands of acres of rare forest, and uprooted fruit-bearing trees essential to the livelihoods of the inhabitants, while at the same time preventing farmers from getting their products to market.

55. It is becoming evident that in their singular focus on enhancing access to services for education, health and livelihoods, most developing countries have compromised on the quality of the services, greatly reducing the real value of those services.

56. Other benefits of afforestation and reforestation of degraded lands include: restoration of fragile ecosystems, reduction of the effects of drought, and production of wood and non-wood forest products which make a substantial contribution to local livelihoods.

57. These investments include interventions such as mangrove plantation, regeneration of coral reefs, cleaning up of beaches, sewerage and solid waste management, conservation of cultural heritage, and a number of activities aimed at enhancing the livelihoods of coastal communities.

58. Atman festival is a tribal gathering that stems from an international organization with the objective of developing a new musical dimension within the tropical paradise known as Sri Lanka, alongside focused efforts on charity aid and eco-sustainable projects that improve livelihoods.

59. Lee said the most important goals are to improve the people's livelihoods, build national consciousness, make a formal name change and draft a new constitution that reflects the present reality so that Taiwan can officially identify itself as a country.

60. One of India’s leading women’s self-help agencies, SEWA, is working with USAID and the Government of Afghanistan to offer "train-the-trainers” courses to Afghan women so that women can be empowered to earn livelihoods in their country.

61. Batwa and persons living with disabilities in Uganda are struggling to access quality education and healthcare, despite the government adopting laws and policies to improve the livelihoods of marginalized groups, a new study by Minority Rights Group International (MRG) has revealed

62. The M-Climes project will reach an estimated three million people in the country with lifesaving early warnings, and improve the monitoring, packaging and distribution of valuable climate information that can save lives, protect livelihoods, and inform decision-making on development plans.

63. Retirees Chanted slogans such as “ The result of the government’s work is plundering the people’s wealth,” “ Our country sits on treasures, but we are living in suffering,” and “Housing and livelihoods are our inalienable rights,” referring to the regime’s institutionalized corruption, which is the flip side of people’s poverty.

64. ‘he Bluffed his way onto an Antarctic supply vessel’ ‘However, it is entirely legal to try to mislead the opponents about your intentions by bluffing in the bidding, naming a contract completely different from the one you really want to play.’ ‘Both their livelihoods depend on the ability to bluff and sniff out fraud.’

65. Carped is an Indian Non profit organization located in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh for enhancing the ability to meet the diverse needs of communities Tribal issues, tribal development, rural development, road safety, child rights, quality education, RTI, social audits, pilot project, studies, action research, women empowerment, forest management, environment, Lambada health, livelihoods, child

66. To address these challenges, volunteer attorneys at the Center for Legal Assistance to Pollution Victims (Clapv) have: Filed lawsuits for victims whose lives and livelihoods have been damaged by the toxic byproducts of China's breakneck expansion; Created a hotline and a website with basic information about environmental laws and regulations to increase their reach and make their services more

67. The soft-lending arm of the WBG – the International Development Association – created for developing countries like India, has supported activities that have had a considerable impact on universalizing primary education; empowering rural communities through a series of rural livelihoods projects; revolutionizing agriculture through support of the Green and White (milk)Revolutions; and helping to combat polio, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS.

68. It's still heavy now, and it was heavy before that, but when you flipped open a newspaper, when you turned on the TV, it was about ice caps melting, wars going on around the world, earthquakes, hurricanes and an economy that was wobbling on the brink of collapse, and then eventually did collapse, and so many of us losing our homes, or our jobs, or our retirements, or our livelihoods.

69. Expressing their concern about continued deforestation and forest degradation, as well as the slow rate of afforestation and forest cover recovery and reforestation, and the resulting adverse impact on economies, the environment, including biological diversity, and the livelihoods of at least 1 billion people and their cultural heritage, and emphasizing the need for more effective implementation of sustainable forest management at all levels to address these critical challenges,